Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes


Luna Lovegood is a well-loved character from the Harry Potter series. This Ravenclaw is truly a free spirit, and here are her strangest quotes.

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Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

Luna Lovegood is a well-loved character from the Harry Potter series. This Ravenclaw is a free spirit, who dances to the tunes in her own head, but is also a loyal friend and an excellent witch. Luna is there for Harry when he needs friends and she always seems to turn up at exactly the right moment to add her unusual wit to a situation. While she might not be Hermione’s favorite witch, there’s no denying, her strangeness is infectious.

Here are some of her absolutely strange, but equally awesome, lines from the series.

10 All my shoes have mysteriously disappeared. I suspect the Nargles are behind it.

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

Luna’s matter of factness as she talks about things that seem quite crazy, even in the wizarding world, is a real part of her charm. Even though it seems unlikely that Nargles were actually behind the disappearance of Luna’s shoes her earnestness does make it seem as though it might be so…

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After all, at some point, Harry would said wizards, broomsticks, and potions were all a product of insanity, so perhaps Luna’s strangeness is not as wild as it appears.

9 I think they think I’m a bit odd, you know. Some people call me ‘Loony’ Lovegood, actually.

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

The strangeness is here is not that Luna acknowledges her weirdness, but the serenity with which she does so. Luna is able to remain precisely herself regardless of the obstacles others put in her way, which makes her the incredible character she is.

Still, of all the things she says, her willingness to peacefully acknowledge how mean others are to her is one of the strangest, but that’s Luna.

8 I sleepwalk, you see. That’s why I wear shoes to bed.

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

There’s a delightful wackiness to this quote that Luna fans just have to admire. It’s true, if one sleepwalks, they ought to wear shoes to bed, and yet to do so is considered very strange indeed.

This doesn’t bother Luna, nor does pointing it out. While it’s a bizarre thing to say by some standards, it also is absolutely a wise thing to do.

7 You can laugh! But people used to believe there were no such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack!

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

Well, of course they did! And how wrong they were! Or were they? Luna has a habit of pulling from her own version of reality, but it’s hard to say who is wrong and who is right.

Still, hearing the names of these creatures, which seem made up, even to wizards is a bit of an oddity. Luna, however, does not care who laughs.

6 The Aurors are part of the Rotfang Conspiracy, I thought everyone knew that. They’re working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a mixture of dark magic and gum disease

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

The ministry of magic is so corrupt, it honestly seems incredibly plausible that Aurors would try to attempt exactly this kind of tomfoolery. Still the way Luna presents it does make it seem quite odd.

Dark magic and gum disease does sound like a deadly combination, but likely not a very realistic one. Still, it’s something for Lord Voldemort to consider.

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5 A Wrackspurt . . . They’re invisible. They float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy.

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

Fuzzy brains are the last things the characters at Hogwarts want to contend with, so they’d better watch out for the Wrackspurts.

This line is iconic Luna, pulling in her love for imagined creatures and the consequences of ignoring them. One can never be too careful when wrackspurts are about.

4 We should close his eyes, don’t you think? There. Now he could be sleeping.

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

This line is strange but beautiful, as Luna joins Harry to mourn Dobby the house elf. One of the “Strangest” things about Luna is her compassion for all living things and that is on full display with this quote.

While Luna’s thoughts might not follow the same progression that other people’s would, they have a strange elegance to them. An odd charm all their own, and a deep humanity.

3 Oh, I’ve interrupted a deep thought, haven’t I? I can see it growing smaller in your eyes.

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

While it’s true that thoughts can show on people’s faces sometimes, coming from Luna, it does feel like she might literally be able to see a thought and watch it grow little.

Luna has a way of reframing a normal sentiment and offering it in a way equally sincere and odd. A true part of her quirky magic.

2 You’re just as sane as I am.

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood’s 10 Strangest Quotes

It’s hard to know what Luna means by this exactly. Does she know she’s not often deemed sane? Does she believe herself to be sane? And what does that mean for Harry?

Still Luna has a way of being able to know and see things that others do not. It’s an odd skill, but a crucial one.

1 Is that why you dyed your eyebrow, for the party? Should I do mine too?

Another one of Luna’s skills, meant or not, is to calmly draw attention to an oddity but make it seem perfectly reasonable. Others might ask why one’s brows are different colors, but Luna serenely accepts it as part of a narrative only she can read.

Only Luna would want to dye her eyebrows for a party, but actually that’s a great thing.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-luna-lovegood-strangest-quotes-ravenclaw-hogwarts/

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