Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia: The Main Characters, Ranked By Likability


Most of the characters in It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia are appalling nightmares, but who is the least or most likable of the bunch?

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Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Unlike most shows, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia seems to pride itself on its unlikeable characters. Certainly, the main gang at Paddy’s Pub are not presented in the most flattering of light and they only get worse as the series progresses. This is often true of the side characters as well, who seem to get sucked into the gang’s spiral into awfulness.

However, even after all the terrible things these characters have done, some have redeeming qualities. Even more importantly, their flaws end up being so funny that it is hard no to like them at least a little bit.

10 Bill Ponderosa

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Bill Ponderosa is introduced as someone Dennis and Dee went to high school with. While he used to be the most popular kid in school, his life has gone downhill ever since. Within the first episode of his introduction, Bill has an affair with Dee, and that’s only the beginning of his terrible behavior.

Each time he shows up in the series, he seems to have become even more reckless, obnoxious, and disgusting. He goes on wild drug-fueled rampages and even drugged an entire wedding with bath salts.

9 Uncle Jack

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Uncle Jack started as a very small side character in the show and has grown over the course of several seasons. Now he often finds himself mixed up in the gang’s shenanigans with his failed law career.

Jack has a lot of strange quirks about him that make him a pretty funny character, including his obsession with how small he thinks his hands are. It would be easy to have sympathy for Jack but he is also quite a creep and there is an uncomfortable feeling whenever he is around.

8 Artemis

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Artemis is one of Dee’s friends who she meets through her acting class. She is a very dramatic person with a big personality which can sometimes be entertaining and sometimes becomes annoying.

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Like many of the other side characters in the show, Artemis has found unexpected ways of staying connected to the group. Most disturbing of all, she begins a romantic relationship with Frank which ends up being completely revolting. When she is given the right material, she can be a fun, outlandish character, but she often just feels like a distraction.

7 Cricket

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

The gang at Paddy’s Pub has been responsible for ruining the lives of a lot of people, but no one has suffered more at their hands than Cricket. When he is first introduced in the show, Cricket was a priest but because of the gang, he ended up homeless with one eye and a severe drug addiction.

During his first few appearances, it’s impossible not to feel sorry for Cricket, as he lost everything. However, as he becomes a more depraved and disgusting character, it’s easy to forget all his misfortunes and just see him as a mess of a human being.

6 The Waitress

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Despite now having a real name to be referred to as, the Waitress has been a part of the series from the very beginning. She has long been the object of Charlie’s affections while she herself is in love with Dennis despite him treating her terribly.

In the beginning, it is easy to like her, as she was just an ordinary person caught up in the gang’s mayhem, pointing out how awful the gang at Paddy’s Pub really is. However, over time, she shows herself to be quite a selfish person and a bit of a train wreck as well. Unfortunately, she’s just not as fun as the main gang.

5 Dennis

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

It’s safe to say that Dennis is probably the worst person on the show. He is a completely self-centered man who treats women terribly and is possibly a legitimately evil man. Yet he is also incredibly entertaining to watch.

While he began the show as a sort of “ladies’ man”, Dennis gradually becomes less suave and more of a creep as the show goes on. The more the audience is able to laugh at Dennis and his erratic behavior, the more he becomes such a compelling character.

4 Frank

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Though he didn’t join the gang until the show’s second season, Frank Reynolds quickly becomes one of the most memorable characters on the show. He is yet another character who started out from a relatively normal place as a successful businessman only to be corrupted by the gang at Paddy’s Pub.

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Frank is the character in the show who will do absolutely anything. He has no shame and no filter which makes him wildly entertaining. It can sometimes be quite unpleasant to see some of the depths he sinks to, but it is always so much fun.

3 Dee

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

At the beginning of the series, Dee was often the voice of reason in the group. She was the more responsible one who was appalled by some of the terrible things the guys did. But over time, she proved herself to be just as immoral and destructive as the rest of them.

Allowing the character to be as unleashed as the rest of them helped to make Dee a hilarious character. And despite all the terrible things she does throughout the series, she is also somewhat of a tragic character who puts up with so much nastiness from the people closest to her.

2 Mac

Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Mac can often be a temperamental character, which is off-putting to those around him but makes him a very fun character. He is someone who has a very inflated sense of his own importance, seeing himself as a tough guy and a fitness fanatic despite all evidence to the contrary.

The way the show embraces the pathetic aspects of Mac’s personality, including the fact that the gang secretly hates him, makes him more likable. Also, his desire to be accepted as a gay man by his father is probably the most relatable character moment in the series.

1 Charlie

It’s true that Charlie participates in the terrible things as the rest of the gang, but there is also a strange innocence to him. Charlie is like an adult child who has a very naïve yet sort of sweet view of the world.

He is not as mean-spirited as his friends and really just follows things that interest him. He is a more loyal friend than the rest of the gang and his relationship with Frank, while very odd, is somewhat heartwarming.

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