Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill: 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work


If the worlds of Gilmore Girls and One Tree Hill were to collide, which couples would work wonders, and make for a great match?

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Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

For one reason or another, everyone should be familiar with the two shows One Tree Hill and Gilmore Girls. Because, even if viewers of the show were not fans of the content, they often find themselves compared to the various boyfriends and girlfriends on the two hit series.

Both of these long-running CW shows did not shy away from storylines centering around romance and love triangles and all the characters were sure to be someone’s ideal criteria for a mate. Since all these people are fictional, of course, no one has a chance at dating any of them. But since they are all made up anyway, why not have some fun and play matchmaker with all these crushworthy characters?

10 Rory & Lucas

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

These two wordsmiths would have plenty to lament about and due to Chad Michael Murray’s stint as Tristan on Gilmore Girls, fans already know the two actors have chemistry.

Lucas would be a great match for Rory as they both need someone that can keep up with their wit and ambitions and they would both enjoy having someone to give them great book recommendations. It’s easy to picture the two side by side writing their next novels, pushing each other to keep the pages coming.

9 Rory & Nathan

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

One thing the two brothers of Tree Hill never fought over was a girl unless you cont Lucas brother protection of Haley and Peyton’s trashcan fire of a relationship with Nathan before meeting Lucas. But besides that, they both never had the same interest in a girl, but if Rory was around maybe that all would have changed.

She has traits that would appeal to both of them and her similarities to Haley would mean that Nathan and her could definitely connect on some level. Hayley was the rock Nathan needed after his tough upbringing and Rory would be able to provide the same support she did and the same tutoring skills. But the two brothers might never find a way to reconcile if she were in the middle.

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8 Jess & Haley

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

Haley obviously has a thing for bad boys so it would surprise no one that she would be drawn to the enigma that is Jess. His blatant disregard for authority would get under her skin but that would add to the playful friction between the two.

Jess, like Nathan, would be able to open up to her in a way he can with most people because Haley has proven she just has that way with people. And the two would spend hours arguing over the motivation behind their favorite book characters

7 Dean & Peyton

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

Peyton was really put through a lot, and her ideal match is someone who could be a shoulder to lean on and someone to show her that not all people leave. The perfect person from Star’s Hollow to accomplish this would be the ever-dependable Dean.

He was there for Rory even when it was hard to be and it’s easy to imagine him doing the same for Peyton. She would also appreciate his passion for restoring old cars and whether he builds her a car or helps her fix up her Comet, the two would definitely be able to bond over their love of cars.

6 Logan & Brooke

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

Through her various relationships in One Tree Hill, Brooke proved she was a handful and needed a man who appreciated all of her strength and could understand when she was busy with her ambitions. Since Logan is often busy with his own business ventures, he would have no trouble giving her the space and support she needed to thrive.

A big part of why he and Rory didn’t work out was that he had trouble showing up when she needed him. And while Rory might find his actions unforgivable, Brooke would be less judgemental and understanding. If the two don’t let jealousy or envy get in the way, they could be a massively successful couple.

5 Paris & Mouth

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

Paris needs a man who can handle her bold tenacity and Mouth has already proven he can handle an opinionated woman like her with his dating history of Gigi, Millie, and his overbearing boss, Alice, after the time jump in season 5.

It might be an odd pairing on paper but the two would definitely hit it off as they both appreciate hard work and have had trouble completely being themselves in high school. The dynamic would be entertaining and would easily trump the relationship between Paris and Doyle.

4 Lane & Chris Keller

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

This couple might shock people at first but once they got to know them together they would see how perfect these two are for each other. Chris Keller is egotistical, often talking about himself in the third person and he glorifies all the negative traits of a musician. Zack’s character on Gilmore Girls suffered from some of those traits but to a much milder degree. Lane and he worked well but she deserved more.

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Deep down Keller really did have a good heart and he was really passionate about music. No one in Star’s Hollow ever really comes close to the passion Lane has for music, after all, she risked severe punishment just to hide records under her floorboards. Keller would appreciate her rebellion and passion for music, taking her to the next level as he did for Hayley.

3 Luke & Karen

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

Although she would have to get over the fact that he shares a name with her son, Karen and Luke would make a pretty great couple. Both of them are hardworking business owners who, although can be introverted most days, are not afraid to say what is on their mind.

Both of them would most likely opt for a night in over a night on the town and they both would bond over the grievances of raising teenagers. They are both pretty laid back which would make for a relationship with very little hiccups and drama, something they would both greatly appreciate.

2 Lorelai & Keith

Gilmore Girls Meets One Tree Hill 10 Crossover Couples That Would Work

Since Luke and Karen would make such a perfect couple it shouldn’t be surprising if their respective other halves were also perfect for one another. Lorelai and Keith both have a funny, playful side and like to be spontaneous.

It’s easy to picture the two of them enjoying a beer together at a concert. They both came from families that made them realize that money doesn’t buy everything, allowing them both to enjoy the little things together, like the smell of snow.

1 Miss Patty & Whitey

While no one could ever measure up to Camille, it was always bothersome that Coach Whitey Durham never found love again on One Tree Hill. A big reason for this could just be the lack of age-appropriate co-stars. But Star’s Hollow might be a better town to look in, as it has a few single women around town.

The best fit for the blunt and tough-loving couch is Miss Patty, the owner of the local dance studio. Both of them know a thing or two about bossing people around and it would be enjoyable to watch these two bicker and tease each other endearingly.

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