Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

Harry Potter: The Most Powerful Families, Ranked


From the Weasleys to the Malfoys, here are some of the most formidable families in the Harry Potter world.

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Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

The magical world crafted by J.K. Rowling has given us some of the most beloved characters in entertainment history. Harry Potter was The Chosen One, Hermione Granger was the brightest witch of her age, Lord Voldemort was the most powerful evil wizard in history, and Albus Dumbledore was the greatest wizard ever to live.

J.K. Rowling has expanded this universe to go back decades, giving the prominent magical families lengthy, rich backstories. Some of these lineages have produced great witches and wizards throughout history. We’ve looked at those family trees to choose which ones are the most powerful.

Updated on January 24th, 2021 by Saim Cheeda: With the expansion of Harry Potter lore into spin-off movies, video games, and other media, fans are given additional reasons to keep in touch with the Wizarding world. Sites like Pottermore have provided so much background information about these characters that their ancestries have also been listed out. Due to this, there has been an inflow of information about the Wizarding families that had made appearances in the series. These come down to power, influence, and people of importance in the family tree. With this in mind, this list has been updated with further names that had a significant position in the Wizarding world.

15 Lupin Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

The most notable member of the Lupin family is Remus. He’s a werewolf, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and a former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Remus had a penchant for the Patronus charm and is one of the bravest characters we were introduced to during the series.

Not a ton was revealed about the rest of his family, but what we know is positive. His father Lyall worked at the Ministry of Magic and banished the Screaming Bogey of Strathtully. Remus married Nymphadora Tonks, a Metamorphmagus member of the Order of the Phoenix. Their child Teddy went on to be Head Boy at Hogwarts, showing he possessed strong skills of his own.

14 Nott Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

The Nott family seemed to have the same kind of social standing as the Malfoys, seeing as they partook in the same Death Eater clan and were safe when the Muggle-Born Registration Commission was in effect. Proof of their strong ancestry comes from Cantankerus Nott.

This wizard was the one who was the author of the Pure-blood Directory published in the 1930s. Nott singled out the Pure-blood families and wrote a biased account that placed the twenty-eight families listed as higher in status compared to the rest.

13 Macmillan Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

Ernie MacMillan was always shown as a very pompous boy who made it known how strong his roots were. He said exactly this in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, where he blurted out how his ancestor line was filled with witches and warlocks centuries in the past.

Ernie was largely exempt from the extremism shown during the war due to his family, which is enough proof that his blood status protected him. The Macmillan’s also had connections to the Black family, as Sirius Black’s paternal grandmother was a MacMillan by birth.

12 Olivander Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

While Garrick Ollivander didn’t seem to have any power in social status, the fact remains that the Ollivander family has been responsible for handing out wands to the British Wizarding world for millennia by this point.

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The first Ollivander to set up the wand-making business was from the year 382 BCE, meaning the entire British Wizarding world was reliant on this family. Due to this, the Ollivanders certainly had the power to influence the future of the Wizarding world.

11 Parkinson Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

Pansy Parkinson was always brash about her status, along the lines of how Malfoy behaved. Her reason to be so full of herself was due to the Parkinson family having had one of their ancestors as the Minister of Magic.

Perseus Parkinson was the head of the magical government from 1726 to 1733, during which he attempted to pass a law that marrying Muggles was illegal. Even two-and-a-half centuries later, Pansy benefitted from this heritage as her family remained upper-class.

10 Bones Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

This may seem like an odd choice because none of the members of the Bones family were central characters in the series. However, a deeper dig shows how formidable they were. Hagrid once told Harry Potter that they were among the greatest wizards in history. Alastor Moody also praised the Bones family.

Edgar Bones was in the Order of the Phoenix and fought bravely in the First Wizarding War. Seraphina Bones was famous enough for a portrait at Hogwarts. Amelia was the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Susan was part of Dumbledore’s Army and survived the Second Wizarding War.

9 Dumbledore Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

Honestly, Albus Dumbledore is powerful enough to put his family on this list by himself. There’s a reason he’s considered by many to be the greatest wizard of all time. He defeated Gellert Grindelwald, led the Order of the Phoenix, helped discover all the uses of dragon’s blood, and became Headmaster at Hogwarts.

Albus’s parents, Percival and Kendra, were a wizard and witch who didn’t seem to be anything special. However, his brother Abeforth is part of the Order of the Phoenix and he fought during the Battle of Hogwarts. His sister Ariana suffered an attack when she was young and though she had trouble with her magic after it, she was strong enough to kill her mother when she lost control one night unintentionally.

8 Selwyn Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

Although the Selwyns were barely mentioned, their claim as a top family was confirmed when Dolores Umbridge pretended that she was related to them. That’s because she was the head of the department that convicted Half-Bloods and Muggle-Borns, meaning her excuse of this relation had to be extremely strong.

Selwyn was also the name of a Death Eater in Voldemort’s ranks, who was the one that killed Hedwig and was in charge of the Death Eaters who tried to capture Harry in the Hogwarts Express. Suffice to say, this family certainly had a lot of pull simply through the use of their name.

7 Black Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black gets a lot of attention starting in the fifth installment, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Their family tree is on display in their home at 12 Grimmauld Place. They weren’t the friendliest bunch, disowning any member who showed support or love for muggles, but those who stuck around were usually impressive wizards and witches.

Their key family members included Sirius Black who was part of the Order of the Phoenix and Regulus Black, who was brave enough to hunt down Voldemort’s Horcruxes before his death. Strong women like Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange were also part of the family and they are distant relatives to most pure-blood lines, including the Weasleys and Lupins.

6 Lestrange Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

The Lestrange family is another one of the ancient pure-blood lines in the franchise. Our first real introduction to them is through Bellatrix, a high-ranking member of the Death Eaters who was responsible for taking down the Longbottoms and murdering Sirius Black.

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The Fantastic Beasts series has expanded on this family by giving us more knowledge on Leta Lestrange. She proved herself reliable through a handful of experiments that got her into trouble while in school. As an adult, she was an essential member of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. This line also produced a Minster of Magic and eventually the powerful daughter of Voldemort.

5 Scamander Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

The Scamander family is another case of a family that gets a lot of light shed onto them in Fantastic Beasts. It is Newt Scamander who literally writes the book about the magical creatures that can be found all over the world. Though Newt gets expelled from Hogwarts, he is trusted by Albus Dumbledore against Gellert Grindelwald.

Newt wasn’t alone in terms of talented wizards and witches in his family line. His mother bred hippogriffs, which helped inspire his life’s work. Newt’s brother Theseus worked as an Auror for the British Ministry of Magic and was considered a war hero for his efforts in the First Wizarding War.

4 Longbottom Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

It was a wild revelation when we found out that Neville Longbottom could have been the “chosen one” instead of Harry Potter. When digging deeper into his family history, it makes some sense. Neville’s parents, Frank and Alice, were both respected Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Their story is a tragic one. Frank and Alice were tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange and refused to give up information. The torture drove them to insanity. Neville was a late bloomer but went on to be a key member of Dumbledore’s Army and he gave the killing blow to Voldemort’s snake, Nagini, rendering Voldemort mortal again. His grandmother was known as a powerful witch in her own right.

3 Malfoy Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

A description of the Malfoy family said they would never be at the scene of a crime, but their fingerprints would be all over it. That’s not a ringing endorsement, but it is fitting. The Malfoys are powerful enough to be involved in a lot of pivotal moments throughout the history of the series.

Narcissa and Lucius are more followers than they are leaders, but that doesn’t make them any less potent. Meanwhile, their son Draco was a formidable foe for Harry Potter and the two ultimately share a respect for one another. His son Scorpius played a considerable role in a time-traveling adventure during his time at Hogwarts.

2 Weasley Family

Harry Potter The Most Powerful Families Ranked

In terms of sheer volume, the Weasley family probably has enough members to take over the wizarding world. They may not have a lot of money, but they have an impressive array of wizards and witches at their disposal. For starters, most of them were members of the Order of the Phoenix and fought bravely against Voldemort.

Arthur held a position in the Ministry of Magic and Molly defeated Bellatrix Lestrange. Their children include a dragonologist, Head of the Department of Magical Transportation, Auror, and Quidditch star to name a few. The entire family played vital roles during the Second Wizarding War. They’re as tough as they are plentiful.

1 Potter Family

It really couldn’t be any other family. The Potters are the focal point of the series for a good reason. A lot of the Potter ancestors were powerful. They include Aurors, inventors, and Wizengamot members. And that’s all before we get to James and Lily Potter, who were both brave members of the Order of the Phoenix who battled Voldemort to protect their son, Harry.

Despite what Severus Snape said about him, Harry Potter proved himself to be a powerful wizard. He was able to go toe to toe with Voldemort on several occasions and was the one to ultimately defeat him. Harry went on to lead the Auror Office and become Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. His children have all shown tons of potential at Hogwarts.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-families-ranked-strongest-most-powerful/

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