Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

Friends: 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over


From classic romantic moments to some of the funniest scenes in the show, these Friends moments are always a pleasure to rewatch.

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Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

Friends defined ’90s sitcoms, and still has an incredible impact today – as proven by the hugely successful Reunion Special, which tapped into the incredible nostalgia that still exists for the show, nearly twenty years after it ended. And while not everything about the series has aged well (and it has been rightfully criticized for problematic ‘jokes’ and a lack of diversity), some scenes hold up decades later.

These are the scenes that are truly iconic and immediately recognizable, whether they are major moments for the plot, or jokes that only appeared for a single episode.

10 Ross & Rachel’s First Kiss

Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

Ross and Rachel’s on-again, off-again relationship was at the heart of the show from the pilot episode to the finale, and while they have a huge number of big moments, this has to be one of the biggest. When Ross breaks up with Julie, and comes to see Rachel at Central Perk, their first kiss manages to be everything – it’s intense, and passionate, and romantic, and emotional. And what may make it even better is that it is realistic, as Rachel doesn’t get all of the locks on the door open on the first try. It perfectly sets up the balance of emotion and humor that the show is known for.

9 Ross’s Leather Pants

Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

As well as a brilliant mix of comedy and heart, Friends is a great example of physical comedy done right – and that is summed up beautifully in the episode about Ross’s leather pants. From the decision to wear leather pants in the hope of turning his life around, to the realization that leather pants get sweaty, to a date that just gets worse and worse as Ross realizes he can’t pull them back up, it’s comedy gold. It’s surprisingly relatable, too.

Not everyone has ended up walking home in their underwear and a paste of lotion and talcum powder, of course, but everyone has tried to do something to make life better, and had it go horribly wrong.

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8 The Quiz For The Apartment

Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

One of the many scenes recreated in the Reunion Special, the quiz for the apartment is when Monica, Rachel, Chandler, and Joey compete for their apartments, and to see who knows each other better. What makes this so brilliant to rewatch is that it shows the characters up perfectly – Monica’s over-competitiveness, Ross’s geeky nature (as he made the quiz), Chandler’s enthusiasm, etc. It also helps fans get to know them better, thanks to the questions. And of course, it is both hilarious in the moment, and a decent-sized plot point, as the women lose and end up having to move. The only thing missing, of course, is Phoebe.

7 The Holiday Armadillo

Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

While Ross’s son, Ben, seems to be phased out over the course of the show, he’s a much bigger part of the series in the early seasons, and often appears for holiday episodes even later on. This one became famous for Ross’s hilarious attempts at giving Ben the Christmas that he wanted, and also celebrating Hannukah, while being unable to find a Santa costume at short notice. It’s an episode that shows everyone in a great light, as Ross struggles to be the best father he can be, and his friends all come through to try and help.

6 Pivot!

Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

What could have been a single-episode joke that didn’t stand the test of time became one of the most iconic quotes of the entire show: Pivot! Again, Friends comes through with the physical comedy as Ross attempts to get his new couch up the stairs of his building with only his friends to help (because he refuses to pay the delivery fee). The whole scene involves little dialogue beyond Ross shouting ‘Pivot’, and it’s a testament to the actors that they were able to make that truly unforgettable. No matter how many times it is rewatched, it is still hilarious.

5 Phoebe Seducing Chandler

Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

The entire farce of everyone slowly finding out about Monica and Chandler was brilliant in part for its length – the couple keeping their secret, and all the lies they had to tell, was phenomenal writing. However, the fan-favorite moment is when everyone (except Ross) knows, but “they don’t know that we know they know”.

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Watching Phoebe’s hilarious ‘seduction’ of Chandler as they try to play chicken with each other is perfect – and of course, it ends with Chandler telling Monica he loves her. It’s a perfectly rewatchable blend of humor and emotion.

4 Monica Proposing To Chandler

Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

Monica and Chandler have another moment that never loses impact on a rewatch is the proposal between Monica and Chandler. Even though fans know that Monica is eventually setting Chandler up for her own surprise proposal, his fear and anxiety thinking that he has lost her is palpable every time. And of course, the moment that they propose together, in a candle-lit room, is one of the most incredibly romantic in the show.

3 When He Was Her Lobster

Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

Rachel and Ross get their second ‘big’ kiss after they watch an old prom video of them as teens – and Phoebe describe them as ‘lobsters’. It was a line that could have simply been Phoebe being her quirky self (and she has lots of those), but combined with the chemistry of Ross and Rachel, it became part of the cultural vocabulary. And every time that the two got back together again, fans knew, it was because he is her lobster.

2 The Last One

Friends 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Watch Over & Over

The Friends finale is near perfect, with everyone moving on, growing up, and getting their happy ending – and no matter how many times fans watch and re-watch, it’s sure to make anyone well up. From Rachel getting off the plane, and the final resolution of their relationship, to Monica and Chandler bringing their babies home, it’s incredible to see how far everyone has come – and to bid farewell to favorites.

1 Welcome To The Real World

Perhaps even better for rewatching than the finale is the pilot – an episode that perfectly sets the show up, includes plenty of hints of what’s to come, has some brilliant comedic moments, and of course, allows fans to marvel at how young the characters all look! Perhaps the best moment of the pilot, though, is the end, where the gang encourage Rachel to cut up the credit cards that her father pays for and start to take care of herself – and where Monica delivers a line that resonated with everyone watching: Welcome to the real world! It sucks, you’re going to love it.

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