Hailee Steinfeld Shares Funny Hawkeye Scene Story About Florence Pugh

Hailee Steinfeld Shares Funny Hawkeye Scene Story About Florence Pugh

In a new interview, Hawkeye star Hailee Steinfeld shares a funny behind-the-scenes moment that happened during a scene with Florence Pugh.

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Hailee Steinfeld Shares Funny Hawkeye Scene Story About Florence Pugh

Hawkeye star Hailee Steinfeld shares a funny story about her series co-star, Florence Pugh. The upcoming Disney+ series sees Steinfeld take on the role of Kate Bishop, a young archer who becomes the protégé of former-Avenger Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner). Hawkeye takes place in the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame in New York City and involves Barton and Bishop teaming up to defeat enemies from his past.

The series is the fifth of its kind on the streaming service, after the success of WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, and What If…?, and will also include Pugh’s Black Widow character, Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanoff’s sister. The post-credits scene in Black Widow reveals that Belova is keen to avenge her sister’s death and sets her sights on Barton’s character, potentially setting up a big showdown at some point in the series. Ostensibly, however, the overall mission of Hawkeye is really to get the reluctant hero back to his family in time to celebrate Christmas.

In a new interview with Cosmopolitan, Steinfeld reveals that she got along really well with Pugh during filming, and that the two even had a funny moment on set together. As Steinfeld explains, during one particularly serious scene with Pugh, she started laughing so hard that people on set thought that she was crying and rushed in to see what was wrong. Check out Steinfeld’s full comment below regarding how well she got along with Pugh:

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Oh, one hundred percent. I honestly felt that right away. And I hope to god she’d say the same thing. Jeez. Now that I say it, I’m like, “I knew right from the start!” And what if she was like, “This girl?” No, I think we just had similar energy. We had a moment together where we were shooting and something went wrong. There was no recovering from it. I started laughing so hard that somebody thought I was crying—I don’t know what that says about my laugh—and I just remember a flood of people rushing in and being like, “Is everyone okay?” And I’m literally facedown on the ground, just hysterically laughing. Mind you, we were in a scene that was in no way, shape, or form meant to be at all funny. We really did have a wonderful time together.

While Steinfeld doesn’t go into detail about the scene in question that caused her extreme laughter, it can be assumed that, at some point, Bishop and Belova will have a showdown of some kind. With Belova out for blood – Barton’s blood, that is – and Steinfeld’s character aligned with Barton, it seems likely that the new Hawkeye and the new Black Widow will have to be enemies before they become allies. However tense things get on screen between the two characters, however, both Steinfeld and Pugh appear to have gotten along swimmingly behind the scenes.

With how Steinfeld describes her working relationship with Pugh, it will be interesting to see if this dynamic ever makes it to the screen. Barton and Romanoff always had great chemistry in the Avengers movies, but there was also a good dose of healthy competition between them. While Bishop and Belova will likely have to get some misunderstandings out of the way before any sort of friendship can form, hopefully, they can become a team with a similarly fun and competitive dynamic to the original Hawkeye and Black Widow. Audiences will have to wait until Hawkeye releases its first two episodes on Disney+ to get a better look at both Pugh and Steinfeld’s characters.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hawkeye-show-hailee-steinfeld-florence-pugh-scene-story/

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