Halloween Baking Championship What To Know About Damiano Carrara

Halloween Baking Championship: What To Know About Damiano Carrara

Damiano Carrara served as a judge on season two of Halloween Baking Championship. He has become a face for native-born Italian bakers.

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Damiano Carrara served as a judge on season two of Halloween Baking Championship. He has become a face for native-born Italian bakers, rivaling Buddy Valastro of Cake Boss fame, with the Food Network publicity boosting his sibling partnership. Carrara and his brother, Massimiliano, opened Carrara Pastries in a strip mall, winning people over with traditional Italian baked goods.

Carrara first appeared on season one of Spring Baking Championship, where he finished strong with a limoncello cake that wowed the judges. Even though he didn’t win the grand prize, owing to another competitor using a three-type vanilla cake, people took notice. Carrara made a cameo in the next season, where he assisted another contestant as part of their advantage. But then, one of the biggest epic fails ensued. Carrara sweetened an Earl Grey tea ice-cream and perfected the base so it wouldn’t be too bitter. He then let the ice cream curdle in the machine, forcing him to start anew. He got eliminated because the judges said the second batch was too bitter. Lesson learned: If you’re going to make ice-cream during a timed competition, make sure you are watching the machine. As a judge on Halloween Baking Championship, Carrara was nothing but kind, if a bit particular, about flavors. He admitted he’s not a fan of gingerbread right when the final three contestants had to make homemade gingerbread houses. Nevertheless, one house had him complimenting its quality.

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According to RicettaSprint, Carrara’s many appearances on TV boosted the business he and his brother run. They opened a second pastry shop in Agoura Hills and published a cookbook with family recipes. Dishes now include savory items, such as sandwiches and pasta. The brothers are also planning to move the original bakery to a new location. Carrara is now the host of CakeStar, and served as a judge on Bake Off Italia. He is posting more on social media to boost his brand, much to fans’ delight. Posts include hints for new shows and other teasers for his fans. Take a look at one post from this Italian chef below:

Che bello cucinare insieme al mio braccio destro e migliore amico @viti_federico85! Oggi abbiamo realizzato insieme una cheesecake con base di biscotti @oreo_italia, mousse al formaggio e fragole fresche. Semplice e buona. Se volete scoprire tutte le ricette che potete realizzare con questi biscottini andate sul loro sito www.oreoitalia.it! E mi raccomando provate a fare le ricette e taggatemi, inserendo #TeamDamiano, vediamo cosa sapete fare. #ad #Oreo #OreoItalia #LiberaIlTuoStileOreoInCucina

A post shared by Chef Damiano Carrara (@chefdamianocarrara) on Oct 23, 2020 at 12:42am PDT

Halloween Baking Championship puts Carrara on the other side of the judges’ table. He gets to taste the desserts and evaluate their quality while being allowed to ham it up on camera wearing various outfits. Carrara has a lot of fun with the costumes and provides critical feedback and praise. The eternal question will remain why he only appeared for season two, since he practically stole the show. Then again, maybe that’s the reason why, plus the fact that he’s not a fan of gingerbread. Carrara became a Food Network star for two simple reasons: he is charming and knows his baking experience. Screen tests on YouTube revealed that he was a hit with ladies for being modest yet confident and demonstrating knowledge of how ingredients work. Carrara always learned from his mistakes in Spring Baking Championship and made an effort to listen to the judges when they found flaws in his desserts.

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In any case, Carrara has a bright future ahead of him. One can hope that he will return to the Halloween Baking Championship as a guest judge, or perhaps even as an extra set of hands in the kitchen.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/halloween-baking-championship-damiano-carrara-season-two-update/

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