How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

How I Met Your Mother: 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse


Barney Stinson is meant to be an exaggerated character in How I Met Your Mother… but over the series, he just gets worse and worse.

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How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

Barney Stinson may be a fan-favorite character on How I Met Your Mother (and he’s certainly hilarious), but as the show progresses, some parts of his personality just keep getting worse. Of course, it’s arguable that because the entire series is told from Ted’s perspective, and Ted and Barney are rivals for Robin’s affections in many ways, Barney is exaggerated by unreliable narrator Ted. Even with that in mind, though, there are more than a few issues with Barn-Door.

From season one to his eventual flash-forward marriage to (and divorce from) Robin, from every play to the birth of his daughter, these are the things that just kept getting worse about Barney Stinson.

10 Reveals He’s Not Just Creepy – He’s Childish

How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

Barney is meant to be the ultimate ladies’ man, but in many ways, he’s actually just an overgrown child – and this becomes more and more apparent as the show continues. Fans see him play ridiculous and elaborate (and occasionally dangerous) pranks at work, and refuses to take Marshall’s need to work seriously. His ‘challenges’ are funny at first, but increasingly childish, and he starts challenging himself, which is just silly. Then throw in the way he acts around his parents, and you’ve got one big baby.

9 His Money Gets Unbelievable

How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

Barney was never going to be the broke friend, but over the course of the show, his income became more and more of a joke. To a certain degree, this worked – especially with the running gag about no-one knowing what he did for a living. But some of the ways that this was eventually shown were truly ridiculous, like his diamond suit, or his Oprah moment at the bar. Instead of being a funny part of the PLEASE gag, it just became annoyingly unrealistic.

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8 His Womanizing Is Taken Too Far

How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

Yes, this is part of Barney’s schtick, but once again, it goes from being a funny (and exaggerated) part of the character to being so over the top that it is a little disturbing.

His playbook includes a whole lot of plays that definitely verge on unacceptable when it comes to fully obtaining informed consent, and at one point, he sends Robin in to his bedroom to ‘get rid of’ a woman… with a sword. This didn’t have to build up to such an extreme.

7 He Screws Over His Friends

How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

Barney, at the start of the show, is actually a pretty good friend to the gang – even if he’s constantly pressuring them to suit up and take risks to go on crazy adventures. He’s always there for them, and while he’s a bit out there, it’s easy to see why he would be their friend. As the show goes on, though, he becomes a bad friend – he picks Sven over Ted for a job, he gets them arrested, and then there’s the whole Robin thing…

6 Increasingly Petty And Dramatic

How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

Another reason to wonder how Barney even remains friends with the rest of the gang is seeing how increasingly petty and dramatic he becomes. When Lily wants him to support her by coming to a play, his response is to create a multi-hour one man ‘play’ designed specifically to annoy her… and this is just the start. By the end, his dramatic tendencies and petty grudges have become so extreme that he’s often barely believable.

5 Somehow Both Jealous AND Commitmenphobic

How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

At the start of the series, Barney is a confirmed commitment-phobe, refusing to even go on a second date with a woman. Then, as the early seasons progress, he starts to learn how a relationship might work for him.

Ideally, this could have led to more growth in his relationships, but instead, the show chose to keep him a commitment-phobe… and just throw some jealousy on top. First with Robin and Don (and Barney’s drunk screaming outside their apartment), and then with Quinn, Barney’s jealousy was something no one wanted to see.

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4 Suits Obsession Taken Too Far

How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

While ‘Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit’ was, undoubtedly, an incredible moment for the series, the rest of Barney’s suit obsession was taken far too far as a running joke. The man loves suits, but sobbing over a ripped suit and carrying its ashes around? Wearing ‘suitjamas’ made of silk? It was decisions like this that started to frustrate fans, as Barney became a caricature.

3 Never Really Grows

How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

While all of the other main characters in the series go through major personal growth, Barney really doesn’t, and it’s incredibly frustrating. Despite his relationships, he remains an overblown womanizer, he adds jealousy to his commitment issues, he never really realized that what he was doing with the playbook was wrong, he doesn’t learn to make better choices or treat his friends with more respect – and this just feels like a missed opportunity.

2 Clings To The Playbook

How I Met Your Mother 10 Ways Barney Got Worse & Worse

Along with not really growing, Barney’s obsession with the Playbook becomes an annoyingly large part of the show. At first, Barney is just a ‘player’, and it’s part of his character – however, the Playbook becomes bigger than the actual joke, and Barney can’t even give it up to propose. Admittedly, the final proposal was adorable… but only when you get past the fact that it involved months of lying and manipulation.

1 Couldn’t Support Strong Women

In the early seasons, it seemed that while Barney was still picking up ‘dumb blondes’, he actually did respect strong and capable women – and this even built to him thanking Robin for not being needy. However, all this then went downhill, as it became clear that he couldn’t cope with Quinn’s work (and tried to White Knight her out of it), and then couldn’t cope with Robin’s success after they married – a frustrating turn for the character to take.

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