GTA 6 What Lazlows Departure Means For Grand Theft Auto

GTA 6: What Lazlow’s Departure Means For Grand Theft Auto


The Grand Theft Auto franchise is likely due for some major changes, thanks to the recent news that Lazlow Jones has left Rockstar Games.

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GTA 6 What Lazlows Departure Means For Grand Theft Auto

Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto series won’t be the same following the departure of radio host and writer “Lazlow” Jones. Coupled by the fact that other big talent has left Rockstar Games recently, the highly anticipated next installment in the GTA series, Grand Theft Auto 6, promises to be wildly different than its predecessors.

After almost twenty years with the company, it’s been confirmed that Jones has not been working at Rockstar since April 2020. Although Rockstar has not released an official statement as to why they’ve parted ways with Jones, it was uncovered through social media that Jones is caring for his ailing sister, who is suffering from cancer.

Jones isn’t the only big name to leave Rockstar recently. Only a month ago, the news broke that Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar Games and a writer who has also been heavily involved in the GTA franchise, was leaving the company. His brother, Sam Houser, remains on board as the President of Rockstar. However, the departure of two huge influences in the series will surely be felt when GTA 6 inevitably hits shelves, even though Rockstar has yet to officially announce the title.

GTA 6 Will Be Different Without Lazlow

Jones was heavily involved in the sound and audio side of Grand Theft Auto. Almost every piece of audio players can hear — from dialogue to the music to the audio effects — was influenced by Jones in some capacity. Players will recognize Jones’ voice as the Chatterbox FM Radio host, and not only did he lend his voice to the games, but Jones also was responsible for much of the dialogue said through the radio stations.

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This means players can expect a change in how the radio stations operate in future installments of Grand Theft Auto. While there may be the same variety of stations to choose from, Jones’ iconic voice won’t be spearheading the DJ segments or thinking up the advertisements. But even more importantly, there will likely be a shift in humor. Jones wrote much of the content for the radio stations, along with Sam and Dan Houser. With Jones and one-half of the Houser brothers missing from Rockstar Games, it’s bound to impact the quality of humor brought to the table. Even if Rockstar finds equally funny writers to replace Jones and Houser with, their missing presence will still be largely felt, as players have come to expect a certain type of humor from GTA games that newcomers likely won’t be able to nail, at least not perfectly.

Perhaps even more worrisome, however, is that this could signal other big names parting ways with Rockstar. The company has lost two of their biggest talents in the past few months, and though it could be a coincidence, it may also be a sign that there’s internal conflict in the company. If this is the case, it may not be long before there are more shifts in the company’s employment structure. Should other talents walk away from the Grand Theft Auto franchise like Jones and Houser, then players can expect even more changes to future installments.

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