Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

Harry Potter: Hermione’s 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)


Hermione was one of the most sensible characters in Harry Potter. She often gave good advice, but that does not mean it was always great.

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Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

Hermione Granger is one of the brightest witches that ever lived. Her astuteness is not only limited to her classes at Hogwarts but also permits her to have a great understanding of life in general.

She is full of knowledge and advice, and never shies away from offering her opinion in any given situation. However, sometimes her advice is not the soundest either. Here are five times Hermione Granger had the best advice to give, and five times her guidance just went the wrong way.

10 Best: “Books! And cleverness! There are more important things – friendship and bravery.”

Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

For Hermione Granger to regard anything above books and cleverness definitely came as a surprise to fans in Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone. However, it was one of the best pieces of advice she ever gave Harry throughout the series.

As the obstacles add up in the latter movies, we see Harry overcome all hardships and tackle any situation by using the spells he learns at school, by relying on the support of his friends, and by being brave in any given situation. Friendship and bravery turn out to be the cornerstones of the entire series, making this one of the best pieces of advice given by anyone in the magic realm.

9 Worst: “Well, if you two are going to chicken out, fine, I don’t want to break rules, you know. I think threatening Muggle-borns is far worse than brewing up a difficult potion.”

Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

In Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Harry, Ron, and Hermione conceive a plan to use a Polyjuice potion in order to get into the Slytherin common room and investigate Malfoy. However, when Hermione explains just what this plan entails, Ron and Harry seem nervous to continue.

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This is when Hermione acts a little out of character for herself and goes as far as to claim that breaking the rules is fine as long as they are able to stop whatever is threatening Muggle-borns at Hogwarts. Sure, the basilisk was a real threat and had to be stopped. However, advising Ron and Harry to break rules and steal ingredients from a teacher’s closet was not the best advice to give.

8 Best: “It’s Leviosa not Leviosar.”

Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

Any true Harry Potter fan would remember this small, yet impactful bit of advice Hermione gives to Ron in the very first movie. Even though it only seems to annoy Ron, it’s a genuinely sound piece of advice that is frankly quite useful.

By telling him how a simple pronunciation mistake might be causing his spell to fail, she not only corrects his mistake but also leaves him with information that could definitely help level up his spells skills.

7 Worst: “If you ask me, Divination’s a woolly discipline.”

Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

It’s no secret that Hermione despised Divination throughout her third year at Hogwarts. We can see how it would be hard for someone like her, who is so focused on pure logic, to take a subject like Divination seriously. However, her advice to not believe in its accuracy is just not good.

For one, if it wasn’t for the art of Divination, Professor Trelawny would have never predicted Harry and Neville’s attempted murder, a prophecy that proves to be of impeccable importance in Harry Potter And The Order Of Phoenix.

6 Best: “Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.”

Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

Along with Harry, Hermione was one of the only characters in the entire series who did not fear saying the Dark Lord’s name out loud. While everyone else in the magic community referred to him as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Hermione never shied away from saying Voldemort.

When Lucious Malfoy remarks that Harry is indeed very brave for being able to take Voldemort’s name out loud, Hermione in reply to Malfoy, advises everyone around her that fearing one’s name will only cause you to be even more scared of them, an extremely important piece of advice that would benefit everyone in the magical world.

5 Worst: “Awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time.”

Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

In Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, after using the time turner, Harry wants to confront Pettrigrew for betraying his parents. However, Hermione stops him and advocates how messing with time can prove to be disastrous.

This may actually be a sound piece of advice. However, coming from Hermione, it does not seem to make much sense because she has been doing exactly that for the entire movie, just to make sure she can attend as many classes as possible. Being a hypocrite is not usually the best way of giving someone advice.

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4 Best: “Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.”

Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

In Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Ron informs Harry and Hermione that even though it is now proven that his dad was right about Voldemort returning, his older brother Percy still is not speaking to his parents. Hermione comforts Ron by giving him a great piece of advice, explaining to him that perhaps Percy finds it harder to forgive his parents because he might be feeling the guilt of knowing they were right all along.

3 Worst: “Oh for heaven’s sake! Listen to me, all of you! You’ve got just as much right as wizards to be unhappy! You’ve got the right to wages and holidays and proper clothes, you don’t have to do everything you’re told — look at Dobby!”

Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

This moment is solely shown within the books. In Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Hermione makes it her mission to free all house-elves from their owners, finds the organization S.P.E.W and even begins to leave knitted clothes around the Gryffindor common room so that whichever elf picks it, becomes involuntarily free.

However not every elf wants to be freed. What she says here may be true from a humanitarian point of view, but does not settle well with all the elves. Therefore, Hermione’s constant persuasion of them changing everything they have been taught in life isn’t the best advice. She comes off as pushy and is not appreciated by most house elves.

2 Best: “I mean, you could claim that anything’s real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody’s proved it doesn’t exist!”

Harry Potter Hermiones 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, when Hermione questions the existence of the resurrection stone, Xenophilius asks her to prove it does not exist. This leaves Hermione frantic and leads her to supply us with one of her greatest bits of advice. Showcasing her ever flawless logic, she explains that you cannot believe something is real simply because there is no palpable proof of it not existing.

1 Worst: “I just think it’s very irresponsible to start performing spells when you don’t even know what they’re for.”

In Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince, Harry finds Snape’s Potions book which helps him excel at Potions class that year. This leads Hermione to feel a pang of jealousy and act out as she is not able to handle coming in second in class for once.

This leads her bestowing some bad advice, and convincing Harry to stop using his Potion’s book even though it’s helping him do really great in school. This advice, spawned purely out of jealousy, is definitely not one of her best moments.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-hermiones-best-worst-advice/

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