Green Lanterns Torch Has Officially Passed to New Hero Jo Mullein

Green Lantern’s Torch Has Officially Passed to New Hero Jo Mullein

Jo Mullein’s adventures in Far Sector might have just ended, but that hasn’t stopped her from officially becoming the Green Lanterns’ newest hero.

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Green Lanterns Torch Has Officially Passed to New Hero Jo Mullein

Warning: contains spoilers for Far Sector #12!

With their power battery shattered and their home world leveled to the ground, the Green Lantern Corps is in ruins, and now Far Sector’s Jo Mullein has officially become their newest hero and their only hope of survival. Suffice it to say, Green Lantern Hal Jordan must be extremely jealous at the moment.

Seen at the tail end of the explosive finale to the 12-issue limited series, Far Sector by N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell, Green Lantern Jo Mullein has had her hands full since the very beginning of her cosmic journey. Doing her best to solve a murder mystery deep on the outskirts of space as well as quell the unrest in a city that’s on the brink of violent revolution, Jo has successfully handled a situation that not many would have been able to deal with alone.

Sent unofficially and secretly to carryout her mission complete with a unique, self-charging power ring to help her along, Jo has been able to not only get to the bottom of her predicament in record time, but has found a place for herself amongst the stars in the process. Unfortunately for her, the Green Lantern Corps proper has just suffered one of their worst defeats in their multi-millennia long history, leaving Jo to pick up the pieces of a shattered group of space cops that have no idea how their downfall even came to be.

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Finally reciting the iconic Green Lantern oath on the very last page of the issue, Jo has symbolically been handed the Green Lantern torch and is tasked with carrying it on her shoulders for the entire Corps now that most of them are scattered to the stars and unable to save themselves. Arriving on what is now the ruined remains of Oa shortly after the events depicted in this issue of Far Sector, Jo is immediately thrust into the thick of things and is given an even bigger responsibility than before. Brandishing a ring that has luckily been unaffected by the Corps’ power battery tragedy, Jo is now the one Lantern everyone is looking to for answers and hope at a time that they need it most.

Much like the last time the Green Lantern Corps was shattered beyond all recognition when the fan-favorite Green Lantern of Kyle Rayner was tasked with a similar mission, Jo is the last remaining Green Lantern with the abilities to help rebuild Oa, find her missing and endangered colleagues spread out across the abyss of space and most importantly, use her detective skills to figure out exactly what happened to her beloved Corps. Seen to still be going strong as a member of the Corps in the recent Future State timeline, this is the moment where Jo takes her first steps in becoming that confident and respected hero, as she is now DC Comics’ one true Green Lantern: not of a mysterious future yet to pass, but of the here and now.

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Jo Mullein might still be a bit new to the idea of being a Lantern, but she’s clearly not missed a step in translating her previous heroics to a level that not many could fathom let alone pull off on their own. The Green Lantern torch has officially been passed and it couldn’t have been given to a better candidate.

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