How to Fight Kormash in Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood DLC

How to Fight Kormash in Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood DLC


Kormash is the first boss sized obstacle set before the Vault Hunters in Bounty of Blood. Here’s how to take him out and chase after Rose.

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How to Fight Kormash in Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood DLC

The Devil Riders in Borderlands 3 are celebrating their victory over the sheriff with fireworks and merriment, so the Vault Hunter has to crash the party. In Ashfall Peaks players will take on the DLC’s first boss Kormash, in a bath-house brawl to the death. Kormash is the first on a shortlist of Devil Rider leaders that have got to go down before putting Rose the Butcher on the business end of a gun barrel.

Bounty of Blood is Borderlands 3 third DLC, with some new crew challenges, weapons, and characters never before soon in the franchise. The Vault Hunters are on a bounty hunt for the entirety of the Devil Riders gang, and won’t leave Gehenna until the score is settled and their pockets are full.

How to Defeat Kormash in Borderlands 3

Kormash is the first boos players will encounter after coming to realize Rose isn’t quite the friend she presented herself to be. After arriving in Ashfall peaks and journeying to the bath-house to chase after Rose and the enormous “rock” she stole from the city of Vestige, Kormash will be waiting at the very end in a large washroom called the “Bloodbath” with blood on the floors and walls, 4 coresploder crystals on a large raised platform, and two breezers on the lower floor. Kormash doesn’t have any phases or odd gimmicks aside from him using the coresploders to assail players every 10 or so seconds and his grenades. Kormash will hover around the large crystals so players can jump up toward the smaller ones closer to the front, and smash them as soon as the large ones respawn next to Kormash. By causing the larger one to explode, Kormash will take damage from both crystals and attempt to hit nothing but air when he tries to smash them in the direction of the player. Players can use the breezers to move side to side quickly to dodge the on-coming coresploders as well.

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Kormash has no shields and no armor so Incendiary or cryo damage is sufficient enough to take him out quickly. There are a handful of obstacles to hide behind, or the elevated platform walls themselves whenever Kormash attempts to smash a coresploder. The damage from those can be pretty devastating especially in Mayhem Mode where any level past level 2 can result in a one-hit down. Kormash will sometimes voluntarily leave the higher platform as he tends always be near a coresploder so players usually have to take the fight to him.

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