League of Legends Sona Can Make Neutral Buffs Dance To Their Death

League of Legends’ Sona Can Make Neutral Buffs Dance To Their Death

Sona’s ultimate can now hit minions and monsters, and it creates an interesting interaction when combined with Blue Sentinel easter egg animations.

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One Sona player found that they could make the Blue Sentinel dance until it dies in League of Legends. The neutral monster gets hit by a wave of magical sound so enrapturing that dancing overpowers its every other instinct, eventually causing death by exhaustion. The recent changes to Sona’s ultimate, Crescendo, now allow her to deal out that expiration by forced revelry.

In the wake of a somewhat disappointing story finish to the Sentinels of Light event, Riot Games is refocusing on League’s next pre-season and reworks to champions, which included an update to Sona’s kit. Mana cost for her abilities was significantly lowered across the board, and her passive and ultimate were slightly modified. One of those modifications expanded on her ultimate by allowing it to hit creeps and other enemies on Summoner’s Rift. When Crescendo normally hits an opponent, they take damage and are forced to dance for a short period. Of note, in a previous update, the Blue Buff was given a dance animation easter egg that let it jam out with Popstar Ahri.

Reddit user poggersinthechatttt discovered that the League of Legends Easter egg had an enlivening interaction with the Maven of the Strings’ new ultimate. With the new patch, Sona’s harmonies are so mythical that large buffs can’t help but boogie. To add injury to insult, repetitive casts lock the Blue Sentinel in a hoedown while taking damage. The Blue Buff is serenaded so many times that it shakes its awkward rock body until it’s killed. It’s unlikely that the clip was recorded during a ranked match, though, because Sona’s ultimate typically has a cooldown that prevents it from being spammed. It’s more probable that poggersinthechatttt’s video was recorded in practice mode.

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Sona was originally released in 2010, but reworks like these help keep champions relevant in the shifting landscape of League’s meta. Some characters even get visual reworks to keep them fresh and flavorful. The previously announced Udyr rework will give the Spirit Walker’s beast stances a new look and feel, as well as update his lore with its release in 2022. Before Sona and Udyr, Dr. Mundo was also the subject of a recent rework, and more are sure to be announced as the game ages.

The concept of dancing to death is horrifying, but League of Legends players will nonetheless appreciate Sona’s greater applicability as a result of her rebalanced kit. And even though poggersinthechatttt’s clip couldn’t happen during a normal match, being able to see the Blue Buff shake it—even for an instant—makes League gameplay that much more riveting to watch.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/lol-sona-ultimate-blue-buff-dance/

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