Justice League Where the Other Heroes Are During Batmans Knightmare

Justice League: Where the Other Heroes Are During Batman’s Knightmare


The Justice League Snyder cut will continue the DCEU’s Knightmare future. Aside from Batman and Superman, however, where are the rest of the heroes?

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Justice League Where the Other Heroes Are During Batmans Knightmare

What becomes of the other Justice League heroes during the Snyder cut’s Knightmare future? Introduced in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, the DCEU’s Knightmare revealed a post-apocalyptic dystopia, complete with dusty barren landscapes, terraforming alien machinery, and a plucky resistance of leftover humans. The 2017 Justice League movie essentially pretended Knightmare never happened, hastily skipping over the storyline and keeping the action firmly in the present day. Fortunately, 2021’s Snyder cut Justice League miniseries will revisit the Knightmare concept and finally allow the time-twisting narrative to play out as the director originally intended.

Piecing together the few available breadcrumbs, the Knightmare begins when Darkseid (or Steppenwolf in the theatrical continuity) visits Earth on his quest to find the Anti-Life Equation. With the Justice League unable to halt his advance, the DC villain claims Earth as his own, and while Batman V Superman only shows a snapshot of the new world, the sheer scale of death and destruction is apparent. Due to the demise of Lois Lane, Superman has been corrupted, presiding over Earth with an iron Kryptonian fist, and even commanding his own army of snappily-dressed Super-Troopers. While Clark Kent turned heel, Bruce Wayne is still fighting the good fight. Seemingly dressed as Batman 24/7, a gun-toting Bruce leads a small band of resistance fighters against the tyranny of Superman and his powerful master.

The whereabouts of Batman and Superman in the Knightmare timeline have been confirmed, but what of the remaining Justice League members? Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman are all conspicuous by their absence, but Snyder has offered a sprinkling of clues as to the fate of the Justice League. Here’s where the other DC heroes are during Justice League’s Knightmare.

Flash & Cyborg Are Helping Batman

Justice League Where the Other Heroes Are During Batmans Knightmare

At least 2 Justice League members whose mothers aren’t named “Martha” are still alive in the Knightmare future – Flash and Cyborg. Barry Allen’s survival is confirmed via Ezra Miller’s Batman V Superman cameo. As Bruce attempts to shake off his disturbing, nightmarish vision, he’s visited by a time-traveling Barry, flopping out of a wormhole and wondering if he emerged “too soon.” Wearing a costume adapted specifically for breaking the space-time continuum, Barry shouts that Lois Lane is the “key.” This ties into evil Superman’s comments about losing the one he loved, and it appears that Barry has identified Lois’ death as the critical point of divergence where everything begins to go wrong in the DCEU. 2017’s Justice League pays off this warning when Bruce employs Lois to calm down the regenerated, rampaging Superman, but the Snyder cut goes into more depth. In the Knightmare future, Flash and Batman concoct a plan to go back in time and stop the apocalypse altogether by saving Lois Lane and, consequently, preventing Superman turning against them.

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And it’s not just Barry and Bruce flying the Justice League flag in Earth’s future – Victor Stone is still around too. Before the Snyder cut became a reality, the director confirmed Barry’s futuristic suit had been constructed and designed by Bruce Wayne, but it was Cyborg doing the calculations necessary to navigate the cosmic treadmill into the past. Snyder has also suggested that Victor could experience a Knightmare vision of his own after plugging into a Mother Box, and might even be afforded a redesigned Flash-style futuristic costume of his own. With Bruce Wayne’s engineering, Victor Stone’s mechanical mind, and Barry Allen’s super-speed, this power trio of remaining Justice League members are desperately trying to change the past.

Wonder Woman “Isn’t Around”

Justice League Where the Other Heroes Are During Batmans Knightmare

Of course, this leaves two members of the Justice League unaccounted for, including one of DC’s holy trinity – Wonder Woman. Discussing Wonder Woman’s role in the Knightmare future, Zack Snyder would only confirm that Diana “isn’t around,” leaving a huge cloud of ambiguity over her absence. Effectively, this means Diana either scooted back to Themyscira or was killed during the initial fight when Earth was first invaded. The Justice League Snyder cut trailer strongly suggests the latter, with Wonder Woman’s broken Amazonian shield spotted lying in the rubble of Justice League HQ. The image implies that the Justice League fought Darkseid when the invasion began and lost the fight, with Diana one of the casualties. When Darkseid came to Earth in the ancient past (while he was known as Uxas), it took the combined might of the Gods, the Amazonians, the Atlanteans, and more to repel him. It’s hardly surprising the a sextet of superheroes (one of whom throws sharp objects shaped like animals) couldn’t win at the first time of asking.

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Furthermore, it’s very hard to imagine that Diana would be beaten in battle, then run away leaving Earth to look after itself. Not only is she a brave warrior of the Amazonians, but Diana’s entire character arc is defined by her decision to defend mankind when her own people refused. If Diana “changed her mind” and ran back to Themyscira with her tail between her legs, she’d be ruined as a superhero forever. There’s a small chance that Wonder Woman is running an important errand in the Knightmare timeline, while Batman, Flash and Cyborg hold the fort, but it’s far more likely that she died in battle when Darkseid first arrived.

Aquaman Left His Trident Behind

The other major Justice League omission from the DCEU Knightmare (so far, at least) is Jason Momoa’s Aquaman. Recruited by Bruce Wayne prior to the events of his 2018 solo movie, Aquaman plays a key role in the final battle of Justice League, but there’s no sign of his fishy form in the Knightmare future. As with Diana, the Snyder cut trailer strongly hints that the Atlantean ruler died fighting Darkseid when the villain first appeared. Alongside Diana’s smashed-up shield in the Justice League HQ rubble stands Aquaman’s trident, protruding from a rock unclaimed. This is curious, as the weapon holds a far deeper significance for Arthur Curry than the Amazonian shield does for Wonder Woman. The pointy stick seen in the Snyder cut trailer is the fabled Trident of Atlan – a sacred relic of Aquaman’s people and a weapon Arthur had to prove he was worthy enough to wield. If Momoa’s character is still alive in the Knightmare, it’s strange that he would leave such an important treasure behind.

As with Wonder Woman and Themyscira, there’s a slim chance that Arthur returned to Atlantis to be with his people in Earth’s great time of need. As their king, Arthur has a legitimate reason to leave the Justice League – prioritizing his own kind over surface-dwellers. Having fought Darkseid and lost, Arthur perhaps realized mankind was doomed and barely escaped from the battlefield to get back to Atlantis, where he would’ve barricaded his people from the misery playing out above water. Nevertheless, it’s more likely that Aquaman died alongside Diana Prince defending the Earth as part of the Justice League. All shall be revealed in the Justice League Snyder cut.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/justice-league-wonder-where-woman-aquaman-knightmare/

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