Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

Gilmore Girls: Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene


The Gilmore Girls is a classic show, and each character has a perfectly memorable scene within the show.

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Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

While some shows serve as guilty pleasures and aren’t super memorable, the same thing can’t be said of Gilmore Girls. Fans have seen each episode so many times that they can quote much of it, and they love all of the main characters and major storylines.

While each Stars Hollow (or Hartford) resident feels like a good friend and has many famous moments, each Gilmore Girls character has a memorable scene that fans will always associate them with. These scenes help explain each person’s motivations and personality, and in the case of the mother/daughter duo at the heart of the show, they signal huge life changes that have important consequences.

10 Logan Huntzberger: When He Said He Would Be Rory’s Boyfriend

Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

Not everyone loves Logan and Rory together, but no one can argue with how romantic it was in season 5 when Logan said he would be Rory’s boyfriend.

This came as a surprise, as Rory was sure that Logan was only going to date casually, and she didn’t believe that he would commit to her. Logan has many other big moments on the show, from showing up when Richard had his second heart attack to proposing to Rory after she graduated from Yale, but this one stands out the most. Rory was thrilled and relieved that she had seen something good in Logan and he could clearly handle being her boyfriend.

9 Dean Forester: When He Kissed Rory In Doose’s Market

Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

R0ry and Dean met and liked each other right away in season 1. After chatting with each other at Stars Hollow High, they also saw each other pretty often at Doose’s Market since that’s where Dean had an after-school job.

Dean’s most memorable moment on the show is when he kissed Rory at the market. He surprised her and she is famous for saying “thank you” and taking some cornstarch before running outside. Rory was appalled at her behavior and was too nervous to even tell her mom about what had happened. This was an adorable way for these two characters to start their relationship and it signaled that Rory was out of her depth as she hadn’t dated before. But she knew that Dean was kind and the right person for her first romance.

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8 Jess Mariano: When He Told Rory He Was Shocked By Her Life Choices

Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

When Jess moved to Stars Hollow, he and Rory could tell that they had much in common. They were intelligent, perceptive, and huge readers. But it was clear to everyone that Rory was ambitious and Jess had a lot to learn about growing up, becoming more mature, and future planning.

When Jess and Rory saw each other in season 6, he was totally confused about what was going on in Rory’s life. He found out that instead of attending Yale and being on her usual path, she had dropped out after stealing a yacht, and she had to perform community service. Jess told Rory he didn’t think that this seemed like her, and this was his most iconic scene, as he clearly cared about her well-being.

7 Sookie St. James: When She Was A Klutz In The Kitchen

Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

One of the most beloved parts of Gilmore Girls thanks to her friendship with Lorelai and culinary prowess, Sookie had many iconic scenes on the show. Fans laughed when she was obsessed with a critic’s bad review of “the magic risotto” and she got really nervous about all of her milestones with Jackson.

Sookie’s most famous scene, however, has to be in the pilot. She was flinging pots and pans around in the kitchen of the Independence Inn, lost in her own world of cooking, and a total klutz. It was adorable, charming, and hilarious, and her staff tried their best to put out fires.

6 Lane Kim: When She Thought Her Mom Gave Her A One-Way Ticket

Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

In season 2, Lane’s mom wanted her to go to Korea to visit family, and Lane was confused as it was a one-way ticket. She wasn’t sure if her mom was sending her there forever, and she was nervous.

This was a hard moment for Lane, and it was also her most iconic one, as fans realized that she and Mrs. Kim had a difficult relationship. They had trouble understanding one another and they didn’t talk much. Lane really wanted to stay in Stars Hollow and keep living her life, as she loved hanging out with Rory and pursuing her music dreams.

5 Luke Danes: When He Saved Lorelai’s Horoscope

Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

Lorelai and Luke’s love story is romantic and for many fans, their best moment took place during their first date.

When they met, Lorelai wrote a fake horoscope saying that Luke would meet someone who wanted coffee. Luke actually kept that horoscope and he was able to show it to Lorelai on this date. The season 5 episode’s episode title, “Written In The Stars,” couldn’t be more perfect, as fans felt that these two characters were meant to be together, and this moment couldn’t have possibly unfolded better.

4 Richard Gilmore: When He Told Emily She Could Pass Away First

Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

Richard had a heart attack in season 1 and Lorelai rushed to the hospital, where she was also supported by Luke, who proved that he cared about her and they had more than just a diner owner/customer relationship.

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When Richard was recovering in his hospital room, Emily was devastated at having almost lost her husband. She told him that she demanded that she pass away before him so she wouldn’t have to live without him. He knew that this was a terrible thing to think about, but he also knew that it was important to her, and he said, “Yes, Emily. You may go first.” This was Richard’s most iconic scene as he showed his feelings for one of the first times.

3 Emily Gilmore: When She Realized She Barely Knew Lorelai

Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

The season 1 episode “Rory’s Birthday Parties” had many big moments for the Gilmore family. Rory got two different birthday celebrations and she even yelled at her grandmother, showing that she was having a hard time adjusting to having her grandparents in her life for the first time.

Emily also had her most iconic scene and one that fans associate with her, as it explained the conflict between her and Lorelai. When walking around Lorelai’s room, Emily learned that Lorelai broke her leg, and because she never told Emily about it, Emily knew that she and Lorelai were essentially strangers. This was a tough moment, as Emily was trying to make up for lost time with the planned Friday Night Dinners, but she knew that it wasn’t enough.

2 Rory Gilmore: When She Stole The Yacht

Gilmore Girls Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

Viewers loved watching Rory during her Chilton days as she was intelligent, studious, and serious about her future. Things definitely changed once she got settled at Yale as she decided to put all of those plans on hold.

Fans can never understand why Rory stole a yacht and then took time off from her studies, and this will always be her most iconic scene. It’s such an important moment in Rory’s life, as she veered away from the path she had always been on, and no one, not even her mom, knew why. Viewers were upset that she listened to Logan’s father about not being good enough to go into journalism.

1 Lorelai Gilmore: When She Revealed Her Inappropriate Outfit In Headmaster Charleston’s Office

Chilton seems like an interesting place to attend, and Lorelai and Rory found out immediately that it was much stricter than Stars Hollow High.

In season 1, when Lorelai took Rory to the school for her first day, a dry cleaning mishap meant that she couldn’t wear the suit she had planned on. She wore the outfit that is famous to Gilmore Girls fans (a pink tie-dye t-shirt, jean shorts, and boots), and when she took her coat off in Headmaster Charleston’s office, Charleston, Rory, and Emily were totally horrified. Lorelai felt so guilty as she wanted to make a good impression, and this scene also fit with her personality: Lorelai often tried her best, but was quirky, silly, and sometimes made mistakes.

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