Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

Iron Man: 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits


Tony Stark’s suits are the stuff of genius. But out of all the iterations we’ve seen, what are the major difference between the Iron Man suits?

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Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

Tony Stark’s Iron Man suits are the stuff of genius, and everyone from here to the moon would love the chance to strap into one, blow some stuff up, and break the sound barrier while dodging fighter jets! However, with great power comes great responsibility…or is that the other guy?

Either way, Stark has refined the Iron Man suit multiple times, with each one expanding on the capabilities of its predecessor. Here are 10 major differences between the Iron Man suits, focusing on killer apps that each upgrade brought to the Stark arsenal.

10 The Mark I

Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

Stark’s capture by the Ten Rings terrorist organization would set him on a life-changing path that would take him to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, and back again. It all began in a dank cave with some spare parts, careful planning, and a lot of ingenuity!

The Mark I was primitive by Iron Man standards, but it was the prototype for every model that would follow. Big and bulky, it relied more on physical strength, raw durability, and short-range flight. It also sported two flamethrowers and a collection of missiles attached to the arms. It was designed solely for one thing – to escape the Ten Rings and lay waste to their encampment.

9 The Mark II

Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

The Mark II was apples and oranges compared to the tank-like build of the Mark I. This second prototype silver-boy had full flight capabilities that allowed Stark to navigate with agility, speed, and precision (at least after a bit of practice).

However, it lacked weapons capabilities, as Stark essentially wanted to throw out the old build and begin with a new concept. The palm repulsors could be used as non-lethal weapons if required, however. This model would eventually face a severe icing problem at high altitudes, necessitating an upgrade.

8 The Mark III

Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

It wasn’t until Stark created the Mark III armor that the Iron Man project really took off. This was the first truly workable, fully functional and tested Iron Man suit, complete with advanced flight capabilities, an arsenal of powerful weapons, and a fully integrated J.A.R.V.I.S. AI.

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The Mark III used a gold titanium alloy to banish the high altitude icing problem, which came in handy during his fight with the Iron Monger. It also included the ability to channel Arc Reactor power into an Unibeam from the chest piece to deliver a crushing blast of energy.

7 The Mark V

Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

The Mark V armor was known as the “Suitcase Suit,” a portable Iron Man armor that the wearer could get in and out of easily. The suit was lighter than a full-fledged Iron Man armor, sporting a miniature plating system that was designed for maximum flexibility.

Due to the lighter nature of the armor, Stark was left more susceptible to damage that would normally be absorbed by his full armor sets. Still, it served as the perfect on-the-go solution to deal with threats in a hurry.

6 The Mark VII

Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

The Mark VII was designed just in the nick of time to deal with the Chitauri invasion of Earth, and it sported a culmination of all the best features from the previous builds up until that point. It had the portability of the Mark V, the durability of the Mark III, and a host of weapons and flight upgrades designed to leverage the two together.

The greatest feature of the Mark VII was its advanced weapons systems, including a gauntlet laser that could draw its power directly from Stark’s Arc Reactor. It was designed to be a mid-range armor that balanced toughness with dexterity and had enough firepower to take on a large army.

5 The Mark XLIII

Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

There was a long line of Iron Man derivatives between the events of Iron Man 3 and Avengers: Age Of Ultron. After destroying them all with the Clean Slate protocol, Stark began anew, taking his original design and expanding on its feature set to form the Mark XLIII.

While physically similar to past Iron Man armors, the XLIII featured upgraded Repulsors that could fire concussive shots, Smart Micro-Guns, technology to summon pieces of the armor at will, and improved missile technology. It also served as the Core Suit unit for powering the Hulkbuster armor.

4 The Mark XLIV Hulkbuster

Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

When Stark needed to bring in a heavyweight, he would summon the Hulkbuster, so named because it was one of the few things on Earth capable of standing toe-to-toe with the Hulk while standing a chance of winning. This mammoth armor was powered by inserting the Mark XLIII Core Suit into the XLIV, turning it into an extension of himself.

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It featured repulsor beams that were capable of temporarily subduing the Hulk, as well as a grappling hook, missiles, and Veronica, a system that could replace damaged parts on the fly to continue the battle. The XLIV would later get a 2.0 upgrade to the Mark XLVIII, allowing it to be controlled independently without the need for a primary Core Suit.

3 The Mark XLVI

Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

After Ultron’s forces were defeated in Sokovia, Tony Stark began embracing the idea of an oversight committee to keep the Avengers in check. To maintain his presence as a defender of Earth in the wake of a tragedy, Stark created the XLVI, which would be his most controversial to date.

The suit saw primary use in the civil war schism between two sets of Avenger groups. Rather than go after world threats, it was used to subdue former friends before Stark did battle with his close friend Captain America, where it sustained irreparable damage.

2 The Mark L

Iron Man 10 Major Differences Between The Iron Man Suits

When Thanos’ forces arrived on Earth, Stark unveiled his most powerful armor yet – the Mark L. This was a gigantic leap forward for the Iron Man project, allowing Stark to wear the suit via nanotechnology which completely negated the use for a loading station or remote-controlled suit-ups.

Mark L could repair damages on the fly to allow Stark to remain in battle longer while creating melee weapons for close-quarters combat. Its skin-tight aesthetic made mobility much easier in comparison to previous models. It was also the fastest Iron Man armor ever conceived up to that point, and every weapons system received a massive upgrade. The suit was so advanced that Stark was able to go toe-to-toe with Thanos and make him bleed – no small feat for a human!

1 The Mark LXXXV

Stark’s final Iron Man suit was also his most important one. It was the model used to reverse Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet finger-snap and bring back those who were snuffed out of existence. It is based on the same nanotech-fueled design of the Mark L but built with denser armor plating to sustain a fight with Thanos.

Other additions such as a Lighting Refocuser could be used to absorb energy-based attacks and reverse them against his attacker while defending himself and others with a projected energy shield. Without it, Thanos might well have achieved his ultimate goal, a second time in a row!

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