Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

Harry Potter: 10 Hidden Details You Didn’t Realize About The Burrow


The Weasley home was a staple in the Harry Potter world. Here are ten things you missed about the Burrow, Harry’s safe place and Ron Weasley’s home!

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Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

The Burrow in the Harry Potter series was like a second home to Harry, after Hogwarts. In fact, Harry called it the “best house” he’s ever been in. He first visited the place, when his best friend Ron and the Weasley twins drove their flying car all the way to Privet Drive to rescue Harry from the Dursleys.

Since then, it became almost a tradition for Harry to spend his summer holidays and sometimes even Christmas at the Burrow. In the later books, after the Fidelius Charm on 12, Grimmauld Place was compromised, the Burrow became the new headquarters for the members of the Order of the Phoenix. Here are some hidden details about this magical place that you probably never noticed!

10 The Burrow Expanded In Size As More Children Were Born

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

Arthur and Molly Weasley built the Burrow together, presumably after graduating from Hogwarts. Initially, it wasn’t as large or roomy. But with the birth of a new child, the Weasleys added an extra room to their house. And by the time Ron and Ginny were born, The Burrow was at least five stories high, with an attic.

In fact, the Burrow probably started out as a stone pigpen. Moreover, the building had a very shaky and rundown appearance, and it was held together by magic.

9 The Lovegoods And The Weasleys Are Practically Neighbors

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

The Burrow was located outside the village of Ottery St Catchpole. However, that wasn’t the only magical house in that locality. Just some way off, lived Xenophilius Lovegood, the editor of the Quibbler, with his daughter Luna. Other wizarding families that lived nearby were the Diggorys and the Fawcetts.

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This little fact is mentioned in the fourth book when the Weasleys and the Diggorys meet to take a Portkey to the Quidditch World Cup together. But despite being practically neighbors, we never saw Luna Lovegood visiting the Burrow, even though she became a close friend of Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione after the fifth book.

8 It Has A Garage Filled With Muggle Artefacts And A Flying Car

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

Just like most modern households, The Burrow also had a garage. In it, stood Mr. Weasley’s enchanted Ford Anglia that could fly.

He also had a number of muggle artifacts that he tinkled with from time to time. In fact, Mr. Weasley was quite fond of Muggle appliances and his garage doubled up as a workshop where he could tinker with such things.

7 There’s A Rusty Old Cauldron And Some Wellington Boots Outside The Front Door

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

At the front door of the Burrow, stood a rusty old cauldron and a jumble of Wellington boots. While the boots make sense, we aren’t entirely sure why the Weasleys kept an old cauldron there. Maybe it doubled up as a trash can, or it was just placed there, and no one thought about moving it.

However, at the time of Bill and Fleur’s wedding, the entire house was cleaned and tidied up. Even the cauldron and the shoes were replaced by two Flutterby bushes, a magical sentient plant that produces flowers just once in a century.

6 The Garden Is Full Of Gnomes

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

The Burrow also opened to a garden that had a pond filled with frogs. A number of gnomes also infested it. The Weasleys had to regularly de-gnome their garden by throwing the gnomes over the hedge and Harry too joined them when he visited the Burrow for the first time.

However, the gnomes managed to sneak back in, making the practice of de-gnoming a regular process. It’s similar to de-weeding, one can suppose.

5 There’s An Orchard-Slash-Quidditch Pitch Behind The Garden

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

It’s not a surprise that Harry found the Burrow so comfortable and luxurious. Behind their garden was an orchard that sometimes doubled-up as a Quidditch pitch. During the holidays, the Weasley kids frequently played Quidditch at the orchard.

During the wedding of Bill and Fleur, a marquee was erected and the wedding ceremony took place there.

4 There Is A Ghoul In The Attic

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

The Burrow had five stories and an attic. However, the Weasleys did not frequent the attic much as it was inhabited by a ghoul. Although the ghoul did not cause any trouble, it sometimes banged pipes when the house was too silent.

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The ceiling of Ron’s room had a hatch that revealed a ladder one could climb up to access the attic. In the seventh book, when Ron and Hermione join Harry on the Horcrux hunt, Ron uses the ghoul as a pretext, in the sense that the ghoul is supposed to be Ron with a very bad case of spattergroit.

3 The Children Have Their Own Distinctive Rooms

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

Arthur and Molly Weasley seemed to allow their kids to have the creative freedom to decorate their rooms in any way they pleased. For instance, Ginny’s room had posters of the wizarding band the Weird Sisters and Gwenog Jones, the captain of the Holyhead Harpies, an all-witch Quidditch team.

Similarly, Ron’s room had comics and the walls were filled with posters of the Chudley Cannons, his favorite Quidditch team. Fred and George Weasley conducted all the experiments for their joke shop in their room, such that the room smelled of gunpowder even after they had moved out.

2 The Burrow Was Built Out Of Architectural Salvage

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Realize About The Burrow

Arthur and Molly Weasley did not build the Burrow out of scratch. A Tudor building with an attached pigpen stood in its place and after the building was presumably destroyed or demolished, the couple built their house on the pigpen.

Using whatever architectural salvage they found, they managed to construct a large and cozy house, fit for habitation. And with every new child they had, they added another room to it, till it was about five stories high.

1 The Burning Of The Burrow Did Not Happen In The Books

In the film version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, we witness the Death Eaters setting fire to the Burrow. They had planned to capture Harry for Voldemort on Christmas Day but were defeated by members of the Order of the Phoenix.

It apparently took the set designers over 24 weeks to construct the Burrow and it took just 6 minutes to destroy it. Later, it was presumably rebuilt because the characters visit the Burrow again in the next book. However, this event doesn’t take place in the books, where Harry, after spending a quiet Christmas, returns to Hogwarts on the Knight Bus.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-burrow-weasley-home-details-secrets/

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