How Birds Of Prey Fits Into The Suicide Squads Timeline

How Birds Of Prey Fits Into The Suicide Squad’s Timeline

Harley Quinn is back on Task Force X in The Suicide Squad. Here’s how Birds of Prey fits into the timeline of the Suicide Squad movies.

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How Birds Of Prey Fits Into The Suicide Squads Timeline

Warning: Minor SPOILERS for The Suicide Squad ahead.

Harley Quinn, the clown princess of crime, is back on Task Force X for The Suicide Squad – but where does her previous team-up movie, Birds of Prey, fit into the timeline?

The exact nature of The Suicide Squad was confusing for some time. It was described as a “total reboot” rather than a sequel to 2016’s Suicide Squad, yet had returning characters like Rick Flag and Amanda Waller being played by the same actors. With The Suicide Squad now out in theaters, it’s clear that it does take place in the same continuity as Suicide Squad, with Rick, Harley and Captain Boomerang greeting each other like old friends as they embark on a new mission.

Birds of Prey is set between the events of Suicide Squad and The Suicide Squad, and enough time has passed that Harley has been able to grow out her post-breakup DIY haircut. When Harley joins Task Force X’s “B” team at the start of The Suicide Squad, Captain Boomerang asks how she ended up back behind bars. Harley replies casually that she got “road rage… in a bank.” She doesn’t seem particularly bothered about being in Amanda Waller’s clutches again; Harley being Harley, it wouldn’t be surprising if she simply got bored of life on the outside and wanted to go on another adventure with her old Suicide Squad pals. It’s worth noting that Harley was driving a car when she was last seen at the end of Birds of Prey, so it’s entirely possible that her “road rage” incident took place immediately after the credits rolled.

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The Suicide Squad doesn’t explicitly reference the events of Birds of Prey, but it does implicitly reference them when Harley finds herself once again falling into an ill-advised relationship with a very bad man. After a whirlwind romance with Corto Maltese’s President General Silvio Luna, Harley demonstrates her personal growth by recognizing major red flags (for example, announcing his intention to murder children), and emphatically breaks things off with her new beau. During their “break-up” scene, Harley admits that she has a tendency to fall for the wrong guy, but it’s something that she’s working on.

Harley Quinn fans who were dissatisfied with her portrayal in Suicide Squad will be pleased to find that her journey towards being more empowered and independent in Birds of Prey isn’t ignored in The Suicide Squad (even if she does suffer a brief relapse). It’s as-yet unconfirmed when Dr. Harleen Quinzel will next appear in the DC Extended Universe, but whether she reunites with the Birds of Prey, embarks on another mission with Task Force X, or strikes out on her own, at least she’ll be armed with her new, enlightened outlook. And if that fails, she has a javelin.

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