Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

Friends: 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)


Plenty of the friends grew over the course of ten years, but Chandler and Rachel had two of the biggest developments.

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Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

Chandler Bing was the funny, unlucky-in-love member of the group. Chandler tended to bounce between fear of never finding love, fear of commitment, and having a problem with any woman he dated. His job was the butt of several jokes, as not only was Chandler bored of it, but no one could ever recall what it was. Many of Chandler’s relationships were riddled with problems as he struggled to connect. Chandler even faces difficulty embracing his feelings, usually passing genuine emotion and serious thought as a joke. However, Chandler also undergoes some of the biggest character development of any of the characters.

Meanwhile, Rachel Green was a frantic bundle of nerves when she arrived in Central Perk. Having just run from her wedding, Rachel had to start her life again after choosing to stay in New York City with Monica. Without a previous job and no relevant life experience, Rachel had to start at the beginning, getting a job as a waitress while picking up the pieces of the aftermath of leaving Barry. As Rachel becomes more comfortable with the group and gains confidence, she changes over the years, becoming a different person in the series finale than she had been at the beginning.

10 Chandler: Janice

Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

Janice was Chandler’s on again-off again girlfriend. Their first storyline together followed Chandler desperately trying to break up with her. Although Chandler may not treat Janice well, their relationship is an amusing part of Chandler’s storyline.

Chandler always thought of himself as being bad with women, and before he fell for Monica, Chandler, for a time, believed that Janice was the answer to his relationship woes. Although they don’t end up together, she is an integral part of Chandler wanting to be in a real relationship.

9 Rachel: Central Perk Job

Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

Rachel has no life experience when she appears in Central Perk searching for Monica. Rachel had grown up having everything handed to her, so Rachel is left floundering after running out on her wedding. However, she can not just hang out in Monica’s apartment all-day-everyday, so Rachel goes out to look for a job.

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Luckily, she is hired to be a waitress at Central Perk. At that point in her life, Rachel doesn’t seem to know what she wants to do with her life, so it’s a solid start. Rachel keeps that job for over two seasons before starting to work in fashion.

8 Chandler: Career Change

Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

Chandler hated his job. It didn’t help that none of his friends understood what he did. Usually used as a joke, Chandler’s job tended to be more comedic as a joke than as something serious Chandler did. However, after quitting, Chandler takes a massive step forward in choosing to change his life.

Instead of applying to more jobs in the same field, Chandler decides to go for something that will make him happy. The career change to advertising lets Chandler grow in an environment he is not used to, as he is placed as a low-level intern, fighting for a job amongst others far younger.

7 Rachel: Relationships After Barry

Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

While details about Rachel’s love life in high school change throughout the series, there is one thing that stayed consistent. Rachel’s relationship with Barry was horrible. Neither of them was happy, Barry was cheating on Rachel, and Rachel didn’t love him.

With later relationships, Rachel is more decisive about who she wants to be with and is willing to take a chance. At the happiest points in some of Rachel’s most significant relationships, she appears far happier than she does whenever she was with Barry, in the central universe, or in “The One That Could Have Been.”

6 Chandler: Friendship With Joey

Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

Chandler’s most significant friendship is with Joey. As close as Chandler may be to the other members of the group, some of Chandler’s most emotionally charged friendship moments come from his relationship with Joey. Chandler helped Joey with money, ran lines, helped calm him down, and even agreed to have Joey officiate his and Monica’s wedding.

Chandler and Joey have their problems too. While their friendship is not always perfect, they always forgive each other.

5 Rachel: Emma

Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

The first time Rachel held Ben, she was very overwhelmed. Rachel had no practice with children, so her interactions with Ben could be filled with nerves. When Ross references how they would have other children and move to the suburbs, the idea of having her life planned out so specifically was frightening as that was exactly what Rachel wished to avoid.

A few years later, Rachel and Ross found themselves unexpectedly with a baby on the way. Even as she was about to give birth, Rachel was terrified of taking care of the child. However, having Emma was actually a great point of growth for Rachel.

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4 Chandler: Having Children

Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

For years, the idea of commitment was terrifying to Chandler, so children were not on the table for a long time either. But, when the moment came to try for children, Chandler and Monica were heartbroken to learn they could not conceive a baby. Friends took that as an opportunity to explore different ways of starting a family, including adoption, the path Monica and Chandler decide to take. But, it isn’t just Chandler becoming a father that marks this as an essential part of his arc. It is how he convinces Erica to give him and Monica a chance.

After Erica discovers Chandler and Monica had lied, she is not interested in giving them her baby. Still, Chandler telling Erica how much he wanted to give Monica a baby and that he and Monica could be good parents is the speech that turns Erica around.

3 Rachel: Career

Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

Rachel could barely handle being a waitress at a coffee house at first. However, she gains a desire to become more than a waitress and eventually joins a fashion company. But, Rachel doesn’t stop once she gets hired. Rachel climbs the ladder, becoming more deeply invested in her job and within the company.

Rachel works at Bloomingdale’s and Ralph Lauren, gaining experience in different fields of fashion. In the final episodes, Rachel is offered a Paris position, and Rachel says that she has gone as high up as she could in New York City.

2 Chandler: Relationship With Monica

Friends 5 Ways Chandler Had The Best Character Arc (& 5 It Was Rachel)

Chandler’s relationship with Monica may not have always been smooth sailing, but once he and Monica started dating, that was it. Monica pulled Chandler out of his bad habits in a relationship, showing him that one argument doesn’t mean a break-up. With Monica, Chandler understood his role, even if things weren’t perfect.

Chandler gets over his fear of commitment when he marries Monica. In the finale, Monica and Chandler take the twins home and prepare to move to their new house, ready to start the next phase of their life.

1 Rachel: Coming Into Her Own

Once Rachel joins Monica, she has the chance to discover who she is and what she wants. Rachel is a transformed person in the series finale, filled with far more life experience than she had in the premiere.

With ten years of jobs, relationships, and a stronger hold on what she wants for her life, Rachel has become her own person. She separated from the friends she had previous to joining Monica and put her energy into these friendships and the new life she wanted to build.

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