How MCUs Entire Power Structure Is Different After What If

How MCU’s Entire Power Structure Is Different After What If…?

After Marvel’s What If…?, the power structure of the MCU has changed, with some characters turning out to be stronger than originally thought.

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How MCUs Entire Power Structure Is Different After What If

Because of all the superhero match-ups that happened in Marvel’s What if…?, the MCU’s power structure is quite different compared to what it was before. Despite every episode being set in an alternate timeline, the Disney+ animated series was able to make some strong statements about the power levels of various MCU characters. This was made possible by the series offering a number of exciting showdowns between established Marvel heroes and villains that likely never would have happened in the movies or live-action shows.

Going into Marvel’s What If…? there were plenty of preestablished notions about where the heroes rank in terms of their capabilities. For example, it’s been understood for a while now that Thanos trumps the majority of the MCU’s heroes (including Thor and Hulk), and is outclassed only by Scarlet Witch and possibly Captain Marvel. That’s because Scarlet Witch is the most powerful hero in the entire MCU, with Captain Marvel being the only one who’s anywhere close to her. Everyone else is presumably below these two. But since most of these characters have never actually fought, many of the ideas that fans have about where they rank is based on how they’ve performed in battle and comments from Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige.

In Marvel’s What If…?, the MCU essentially threw out the old power structure and instituted a new one. One of the biggest changes it made was to Thanos, who no longer comes off as the all-powerful juggernaut that he once was. The villain that made short work of Hulk in Avengers: Infinity War struggled mightily against members of his own Black Order in episode 2, and was killed by Ultron’s Mind Stone blast in episode 8. What was shocking about that is the fact that Ultron pulled this off in Vision’s body. What it means is that despite all the struggles the Avengers endured trying to bring him down, they had a weapon that could kill him all along. Apparently, the MCU’s Vision was powerful enough to kill the Mad Titan. So not only did Marvel’s What If…? weaken Thanos with this one moment, but it also moved Vision much higher up on the charts.

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Another character whose place in the MCU’s power hierarchy received a positive shift was Thor, who engaged in a heated, one-on-one slugfest with Captain Marvel in What If…? Regardless of her reputation as a top MCU powerhouse, Thor did more than just hold his own and actually beat her by trapping her to the ground with Mjolnir. Captain Marvel later claimed that she was holding back, but even if she was being truthful, the same could apply to Thor. After all, he was having fun and not really fighting seriously. Either way, the gap between them has significantly diminished to a point where it’s not clear which character is stronger anymore.

While Captain Marvel’s power is now being rivaled by Thor, Scarlet Witch is still holding on to her spot at the top. However, the events of Marvel’s What If…? suggests that she too could be unseated in the near future. The character who could take her place is Doctor Strange, who proved that he at least has the potential to be the MCU’s most powerful hero. If the main timeline’s Sorcerer Supreme were to find less dangerous means to increase his abilities, he could overtake Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

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