Among Us Impostors Should You Have 3 2 or 1

Among Us Impostors: Should You Have 3, 2, or 1?


Among Us is a game of deduction and stealth, and setting up the correct number of Impostors to crewmates is the key in creating optimal gameplay.

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Among Us Impostors Should You Have 3 2 or 1

Choosing the correct settings when creating a game in Among Us is the key to an interesting and balanced game. A large part of that setup includes inviting the right number of players into the lobby, and knowing what the best Impostor-to-crewmate ratio is. Getting the division correct is the difference between crewmate antihalation and an interesting and strategic game. Thankfully, the correct number of Impostors can be deduced by looking at a few key elements of the game.

While setting up a match with one Impostor is an excellent challenge for whoever is doing the sabotaging, the reality of the situation is that in a large game setting, it is very easy to narrow down who it might be. With no other Impostors to act as distractions, setting up a crewmate’s death in Among Us while looking innocent can be almost impossible. While one Impostor might work well in a small group of players, it frequently ends with the game being over too quickly and leaves less room to enjoy determining who the trouble maker might be.

The solution for lacking chaos seems obvious. By adding more Impostors, it is harder to narrow down which players might be lurking in vents. However, at three Impostors things can become hectic. Instead of carefully calculated moves involving thought-out strategy, it can become a free-for-all murder spree as the crewmates struggle to narrow down and eject potential Impostors. Among Us promotes deduction in it’s gameplay, but when there are too many mischief makers about, strategy and teamwork turns into frantic guessing. Three Impostors also really only works in a large group setting, making it unenjoyable for a smaller group.

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Among Us’ Perfect Impostor Number Is 2

When looking at the various outcomes for the number of Among Us players divided into crewmates and Impostors, it appears that two is the perfect selection for turbulence. Two Impostors create just the right amount of chaos, allowing both Impostors to use the other as a decoy, while still leaving enough crewmates to search out the enemy. Among Us requires a level of balance, and in a medium-to-large game, pitting two Impostors against a large number of crewmates creates suspense while still leaving room for strategy and tactics on how to flush out and eject the Impostors causing mayhem on the ship.

Setting up a lobby in Among Us is a balancing act between good and evil. Choosing the correct number of Impostors can be the difference between destruction and deduction. When playing in a larger group, setting the number at two can offer the balance needed for an enjoyable round that doesn’t turn into a bloodbath. However, at the end of the day, there are many ways to set up and enjoy the game with friends. This ability to customize the game’s format is what makes Among Us exciting and fresh for fans, whether they want one Impostor or three.

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