Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

Hamilton: 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)


Hamilton has more than just one hero. Here are 10 times either Alexander or Eliza are the heroes of the musical.

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Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

Hamilton is the hit Broadway musical that appealed to both critics and viewers alike. Making its way to the streaming service Disney+, Hamilton has been expanding its viewership far and wide. The story of the American Revolution and the history lesson through rap and hip-hop has become extremely popular now. While one automatically assumes that Hamilton is the story of Alexander Hamilton, it is safe to say that such a blanket statement is not fully true.

Depending on the perspective viewers watch it with, many heroes emerge in Hamilton. Eliza Hamilton is one such hero. Here are a few instances when Alexander is the hero, and a few when Eliza’s the hero.

10 Alexander: Hamilton Is A Biography

Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

From the very first song, “Alexander Hamilton,” what unfurls is a biography of sorts of this character. Viewers get to hear many details from his childhood to his death. Even if it is not all-encompassing, no other character’s entire life story is told this way.

Hamilton thus can be called a biography and a character sketch of Alexander Hamilton. Even when songs are sung from other perspectives, Hamilton is mainly focused on giving viewers an account of Alexander’s life, the underdog tale.

9 Eliza: She Is The One Who Tells His Story

Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

While it may be Alexander’s story which is getting told, Eliza is the one who gets to show the viewers the side to the story which may have otherwise been untold.

Eliza is the character who decides that Alexander’s story must be told and collects his writing and interviews the soldiers who fought with him and so on. Eliza goes to great lengths to ensure Alexander’s legacy is not forgotten.

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8 Alexander: His Achievements & Failures Are Highlighted

Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

Hamilton contains within it the highlights of Alexander’s life. His ability to write, to convince people, to play the game and make decisions are shown. Alexander’s financial system and credit system are his great achievements. His participation in the war is also shown.

But Hamilton also shows his failures. Alexander’s inability to stop for a second, his relentless drive, and the immoral affair that left his wife miserable, are also shown in the show. The ups as well as the downs are used to show Alexander as a multi-faceted three-dimensional character.

7 Eliza: She Is The Most Empathetic & Humane Character On The Show

Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

Alexander might be relentless but Eliza is the one who has the ability to step back to observe what they have achieved. Her compassion and empathy are responsible for their marriage lasting, and for turning Alexander into the man he is.

Eliza doesn’t hold Alexander back from anything, but simply emphasizes the need to pause and breathe. She is probably the most humane character on the show and isn’t constantly worried about how she is perceived as Alexander is. By not being so focused on being perceived as the hero, Eliza inevitably becomes the hero.

6 Alexander: His Story Is Intertwined In The Larger Politics Of The Time

Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

Hamilton intertwines the story of Alexander with the larger happenings of the time. His story is placed in the context of the American Revolution and the ensuing politics. By doing so, Hamilton inadvertently gives a lot of attention to Alexander.

In showing the history, Alexander’s role in it is highlighted in Hamilton. Thus, he becomes the hero in the story that already closely revolves around him. Hamilton places a lot of emphasis on politics, and so Alexander gets to be a part of the bigger chunk of the musical.

5 Eliza: She Has The Ability To Control Her Narrative

Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

Washington and Alexander know that history has its eyes on them, but it is Eliza who is able to use it effectively for herself. She recognizes the control she has over the narrative. She understands and uses her ability to manage the narrative to ensure she exits and re-enters as she wishes. Eliza is not someone who is willing to let others decide how history views her.

Eliza takes it upon herself and proves to be better than Alexander in ensuring control over how her legacy is perceived.

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4 Alexander: The Tragic Hero

Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

Alexander’s greatest pride is his writing. His ability to write his way out of his home, write his way into New York, and write his way into the Revolution. He becomes indispensable to Washington and is even able to make Eliza fall for him through his love letters.

When America becomes free, Alexander writes in the press and writes financial systems into existence. His pride at his ability to write himself out of anything is tested, and the incredible and inevitable fall from his high position is also shown. His writing is therefore shown as a hamartia of sorts, and he himself becomes a tragic hero in this way.

3 Eliza: The Tragic Hero

Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

Many tragedies befall Eliza. Her husband has an affair and announces it to the world, she loses her son and then loses her husband as well. Eliza however doesn’t spend her days in tears and transforms herself into the hero who continues to do the work that needs to be done.

Eliza is the unwilling tragic hero who becomes a hero because of her circumstances. When the viewers are first introduced to Eliza, she says that she’s not someone who likes to grab the spotlight. However, the life she leads takes her into the spotlight and makes her into a hero anyway.

2 Alexander: He Dies A Hero

Hamilton 5 Times Alexander Was The Hero (& 5 Times It Was Eliza)

Alexander is able to make himself into a martyr of sorts by choosing to end his life on his own terms. When he aims the pistol at the sky, he knows to some extent what he is choosing to do. He is a hero who understands what he has done, and who suddenly is weighed down by the relentless pursuits of his youth.

As Alexander is older and more mature, he understands his follies. So in aiming his pistol at the sky, he makes the ultimate decision to not shoot at Burr. He, therefore, dies a hero.

1 Eliza: The Show Ends With Her

While it may be Alexander’s biography that is shown, it is Eliza who is left standing at the end of the show. Alexander moves to the side to let Eliza take center-stage as she takes up the mantle.

Eliza goes on to conclusively become the hero of the story. It is her patience, compassion, and ability to move ahead despite the many tragedies in her life that transform her completely into the hero of Hamilton.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hamilton-alexander-eliza-times-hero/

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