10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects


Even excellent movies like The Terminator, A Nightmare on Elm Street, RoboCop, and Tropic Thunder have some laughable practical effects.

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10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

Some of the great (and not-so-great) genre films have something in common: the use of practical special effects. It’s mostly a thing of the past, but many major movies utilized tangible materials to build the creations seen on screen.

Sometimes these practical effects don’t measure up to the quality of the film itself. Other times, they reach the low bar set by the rest of the film’s production. Either way, they briefly pull the viewer out of the movie in a way that provides a chuckle.

10 Oatmeal Stairs: A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

According to Rolling Stone’s interview with late director Wes Craven, A Nightmare on Elm Street’s sticky stairs effect was done by removing several treads and filling each with oatmeal. As seen in both the interview and Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy, the idea was producer Robert Shaye’s. Craven ultimately didn’t even have control of the scene. The oatmeal was essentially just a concession in the intensive process of tight-budget filmmaking.

The stairs bit is not the movie’s best moment of creepy dream logic. This is partially due to it being obvious there are holes filled with something that’s a shade off from the carpeting. It’s oatmeal, and it’s clear as day even before Nancy steps in it.

9 All Of Them: Troll 2 (1990)

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

Not many movies have an entire documentary devoted to how bad they are and Troll 2 may be the best (or the worst) of the lot. It’s a bizarre, difficult viewing experience filled with flubbed line readings, obvious sets, jaw-dropping dialogue, and hilarious-looking goblins.

For the bad movie uninitiated, Troll 2 does not feature trolls. It features goblins and takes place in a town called Nilbog. The level of depth put into that is put into the goblins’ appearances, which vary from bad to very funny. If the movie is a comedy as claimed, some of the goblins are slam dunks.

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8 Mac: Mac And Me (1988)

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

This fairly blatant E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial imitation features constant Coca-Cola ads and a dance sequence inside of a McDonald’s. Ronald even “won” a Golden Raspberry Award for his appearance.

E.T. was designed via a complex process including actors, prosthetic arms and hands, as well as a puppeteer-controlled face. MAC (“Mysterious Alien Creature”) is very clearly nothing more than a puppet. The adult MACs are worse, relegated to very simple costumes that only grow funnier when they’re walking by a human being. Odder still is how Mac and Me was a decently-budgeted film, according to AFI. At $13 million, it had a higher budget than E.T.’s $10.5 million from 1982 (The Numbers).

7 Tugg Speedman’s Prosthetic Arms: Tropic Thunder (2008)

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

After some hysterical faux previews, Tropic Thunder fakes the audience out again. It’s on the battlefield, and Ben Stiller’s character, Tugg Speedman, has been shot à la Willem Dafoe in Platoon.

It’s one of Tropic Thunder’s best movie references and its impact is bolstered by Speedman’s appearance. His scene with Robert Downey Jr.’s Kirk Lazarus goes south when the latter actor overemotes. Then, he vocalizes another complaint and raises his excessively bloody, awkwardly fastened arm stump prosthetics.

6 Eye Pop: Friday The 13th Part III (1982)

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

On top of the opening disco tune (far from being among the best horror movie theme songs), Friday the 13th Part III has equally cheesy special effects.

Most involve a yo-yo or obviously fake snake leaping towards the camera. The worst (and best) is the death of Rick. Chris Higgins is yelling for him from the entrance of her family cabin. The camera pans and reveals Rick is right around the corner, but he’s being held by Jason, who then proceeds to squeeze the man’s head. Before long, his eyeball pops out and heads directly towards the audience.

5 Rubber Arnold: Total Recall (1990)

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

In Total Recall, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Douglas Quaid needs to infiltrate the “Agency” of Mars’s air-restricting dictator, Vilos Cohaagen (Ronny Cox). First, he needs to get to Mars itself. In order to do so, he gets inside of an android in the shape of a tall woman with red hair.

After the machine breaks down, it begins to open section by section, revealing Quaid. While the woman’s face breaking away looks terrific, Arnold’s face doesn’t look like it was quite ready.

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4 Spooky Terminator Face: The Terminator (1984)

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

James Cameron’s The Terminator, one of the most sinister androids in horror movies, looks like a prosthetic construction in only one scene (then to a lesser degree throughout the third act until the Schwarzenneger skin is shed for the skeletal android).

When the T-800 first goes into the bathroom of its hotel room to make repairs, though, it has a really low-budget look (which the original Terminator was, especially in comparison to the sequels). Regardless, it still looks creepy, and Cameron’s film is still a classic.

3 Yoda: Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

George Lucas’s seemingly endless tampering with his Star Wars movies was well-publicized and removed a lot of the spirit from the original trilogy.

However, he made an excellent change to Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace by getting rid of puppet Yoda. It’s had to say what exactly makes Episode I’s tangible Yoda so much worse than Episode V and Episode VI, but the CGI replacement was a good move. The CGI Yoda even looks more like the original trilogy version than the prosthetic one.

2 The Shark — Jaws: The Revenge (1987)

10 Hilariously Unconvincing Movie Practical Effects

It wouldn’t be an unpopular opinion about the Jaws movies to say that the final installment, Jaws: The Revenge, is one of the worst movies of all time.

However, in a so-bad-it’s-good way, there’s merit to it. On top of the shark’s ability to roar (which sharks cannot do) and randomly explode after being impaled, it just looks cheap. The filmmakers also give the audience plenty of chances to see how fake it is, as the device used to pull the mechanical shark can be seen far more than once.

1 Dick Jones Takes A Tumble — RoboCop (1987)

Paul Verhoeven’s brilliant sci-fi action/political satire movie RoboCop is almost perfect. Its trio of villains (including Miguel Ferrer’s Bob Morton) are all incredibly memorable and get comparably memorable demise. However, like Verhoeven’s Total Recall, there’s a spot with unintentionally funny practical effects.

Clarence Boddicker (Kurtwood Smith, That 70s Show) is hired by Dick Jones (Ronny Cox) to murder his ambitious subordinate, Morton. This action is just one of several things that end up incriminating Jones, who is shot by RoboCop and falls to his death from the high-rise. With all that plotting, they apparently couldn’t do any better than a hollering Dick Jones dummy.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hilariously-unconvincing-movie-practical-effects/

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