Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts


The core characters on Friends had very distinct personalities. Here’s how they match up with characters from the world of Disney.

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Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

It’s true that Friends never had a glamorous, over the top storyline or a vast set like many other top television shows like Game Of Thrones or The Witcher. Instead, this series relied heavily on the characters, their personalities, and the connections and relationships that they made along the way to entertain audiences, and they certainly did.

The personalities of the Friends characters are very identifiable and easy to describe as they’re all over the top in the way they present themselves in order to get laughs. That’s very much the same technique Disney uses to bring its animated characters to life throughout the movies. But if the Friends characters were to transition across into Disney’s universe, who could be their counterparts?

10 Phoebe – The Genie

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

Phoebe Buffay is certainly a very out-there character who is incredibly unique and has an eccentric personality. She lives within her own bubble and that allows her to come out with some of the strangest, yet funniest moments within the series.

However, even though the group doesn’t understand some of the things she says or does, there’s no denying that she cares deeply about everyone. That is the same situation with The Genie, as he is certainly a unique character with a ton of personality, but no matter what he does, it’s all with others in mind.

9 Mike – Baloo

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

Mike was a real hit from the moment he joined Friends, with Paul Rudd bringing all of his usual charm and humor to the role. Mike’s a very smart character who knows what he is doing, showcasing a kind and caring heart, while also being happy to let loose and be as silly as possible.

That is very similar to Baloo, who doesn’t take himself too seriously at all. He’s happy to dance around and act silly with Mowgli, which is the exact same reason that Mike is able to be in a relationship with Phoebe, as they have a similar sense of humor.

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8 Chandler – Olaf

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

Two very funny characters who are brilliant at making others feel at ease and can always be relied upon to lighten the tension of a situation. Chandler is one of the funniest characters in Friends, often popping up with great one-liners, or questioning things in a way that brings humor.

That is exactly what Olaf does as well. He can come out with random comments at times, but he is also inquisitive, always wanting to know more about certain situations. Both of these characters are also all about making others feel better as well, always being there as a shoulder to cry on.

7 Janice – Wilbur

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

Janice is the character that everyone loves to hate in Friends. She’s an incredibly annoying character, but that is all done intentionally, as she is supposed to be that way. With her loud voice and infamous cackle, everyone knows when Janice enters a room.

The same can be said about Wilbur, who is also very loud and happy to make a scene whenever he’s around. Neither of these characters is nasty, and they don’t want to hurt other people, but there’s no doubt they can both be a little annoying.

6 Richard – Quasimodo

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

Richard, much like Quasimodo, doesn’t actually get the girl, but he certainly proves that he is incredibly kind and caring during his relationship with Monica. Richard is one of the supporting characters who made the biggest impact on the show, which is mainly down to how kind he was.

This is exactly why Quasimodo is so popular, because he is kind to absolutely everyone, despite the fact he is bullied and treated incredibly poorly by others. He can also come out with some funny one-liners when he gets comfortable as well, which is similar to Richard, who is a very funny character.

5 Monica – Snow White

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

Monica is a true princess, as one of the most popular characters within Friends. She is always caring for everyone else, making sure that they’re happy and satisfied in a very similar manner to how Snow White ends up looking after the dwarfs.

They’re both happy to have a good time when they can, but they also understand there is a lot to be done and they always want to be busy, sometimes to a fault.

4 Joey – Dopey

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

Speaking of the dwarfs, Dopey is the ideal counterpart to Joey. While he might not have the ladies man tendencies that Joey so famously has, Dopey is clumsy, forgetful, and overall, not the brightest member of the group, which is how Joey is portrayed in Friends.

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However, much like how Dopey was the firm favorite of Snow White’s, Joey was always one of the most popular characters within Friends due to how funny he was. They’re both very sensitive characters who want to help others as much as possible, which is why they’re both so nice.

3 Gunther – Toby

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

Neither Gunther nor Toby are main characters, but that doesn’t stop them from stealing scenes whenever they pop up. Gunther is an incredibly hardworking individual who is always on hand to deliver a coffee, but he is also incredibly shy, why he showcases through his inability to tell Rachel his true feelings.

Young Toby is exactly the same, being so shy that he pops into his shell whenever he is too worried. He has a young crush on Maid Marian, which he’s not willing to talk about. However, both of these characters are very nice, and certainly popular with fans.

2 Ross – George Darling

Friends Characters And Their Disney Counterparts

George Darling might not be one of the biggest Disney characters of all time, but he is the perfect counterpart to Ross Geller. George has serious anger problems, but never in an overly aggressive manner, but much like Ross, he just sees red very quickly.

George panics and has serious worry about certain situations, but even though that dominates his personality, he is very kind, caring, and full of love for his family. This is exactly how Ross behaves, often losing his cool or showing real worry about any little thing, but ultimately he

1 Rachel – Princess Jasmine

Rachel became the nation’s sweetheart throughout Friends because of how great she was. The decision to throw away a life of luxury and money to pursue a ‘normal’ life that brought work and responsibilities is one that made her very respectable, and that is why Princess Jasmine is one of the most popular Disney Princesses.

Princess Jasmine isn’t happy to just live comfortably behind the palace walls. She ventures out on her own, and while she struggles at first as Rachel does, she gets to live a more normal life when meeting Aladdin, being able to have adventures.

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