Guardians of the Galaxys Darkest Moment Redefined Draxs Name

Guardians of the Galaxy’s Darkest Moment Redefined Drax’s Name

One of the darkest moments in Guardians of the Galaxy history redefined Drax the Destroyer’s name forever, removing any pride from the title.

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Guardians of the Galaxys Darkest Moment Redefined Draxs Name

The darkest moment in Drax the Destroyer’s life redefined his name forever and changed his whole demeanor as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Drax has famously had one goal: to kill Thanos at all costs. Because of the pride Drax takes in carrying out this seemingly endless mission, hunting a tyrant as despicable as Thanos, he has worn the title of ‘Destroyer’ with great pride all his life. After one dark event in his life, however, Drax views his once prideful title with shame, even giving up fighting altogether for a time because of it.

Drax the Destroyer made his first appearance in The Invincible Iron Man #55 by Jim Starlin and Mike Friedrich. In the issue, it is revealed that Drax was created for the sole purpose of killing Thanos, being risen from the soil of Titan by the god Kronos to end Thanos’ evil ways for good. Since his first appearance, Drax has often put hunting Thanos on the back burner, especially while teaming up with the other Guardians of the Galaxy, to fend off other forms of evil across the cosmos. In one tragic event, however, Drax becomes an embodiment of the evil he has fought his entire life.

In All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #7 by Gerry Duggan and Greg Smallwood, Drax is shown as a pacifist, meditating with Gamora on the Guardians’ ship. When asked why he so drastically changed his ways, Drax tells Gamora of how he unwittingly slaughtered a whole planet of innocent people. In the not-too-ancient past, Drax took a hunting trip on a planet he was familiar with when he discovered the animals had been completely wiped out by poachers. Drax then discovered the poachers were also slavers and decided to kill them all. Throughout the battle, a group of slaves begged Drax to stop killing, but viewing their cries for mercy as weakness, Drax continued on with his slaughter. The Destroyer finally killed the leader of the cruel aliens, only to find out that the slaver’s life was connected to the slaves and his death meant theirs as well. Drax the Destroyer wiped out countless innocents with a single slash of his blade, adding a haunting new meaning to his name.

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Once the slavers were dead and the slaves began dying, one of them, who had continuously begged for the mercy of their masters, approached Drax and with his dying breath called him, “Destroyer.” While the impact of that title would normally be lessened as it is his name, this time it was laced with shame as Drax didn’t tell anyone in that world his true name. When approached by the slavers, Drax said his name was Peter Quill as to not instill too much fear in their hearts before the fight. So, unprovoked by namesake, the dying slave referred to the being who just murdered everyone he had ever known or loved as a Destroyer, forever removing the glory that title once held.

Drax immediately had an identity crisis after inadvertently killing all those innocent people, seeing himself only as a senseless, mindless destroyer of lives. After the event, Drax became a pacifist for some time, abandoning the mission for which he was created to carry out. While Drax has since come to terms with what he did and made amends, the death of those innocent people left a lasting mark on him and showed that the Guardians of the Galaxy’s darkest moment redefined Drax the Destroyer’s name forever.

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