James Bond How Pierce Brosnan Almost Played 007 Before GoldenEye

James Bond: How Pierce Brosnan Almost Played 007 Before GoldenEye


Years before beginning a lengthy tenure as James Bond with GoldenEye, actor Pierce Brosnan nearly played the character in a much earlier film.

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James Bond How Pierce Brosnan Almost Played 007 Before GoldenEye

Years before beginning a lengthy tenure as James Bond with GoldenEye, actor Pierce Brosnan nearly played the character in a much earlier film. For nearly 60 years, the James Bond franchise has been churning out mostly blockbuster hits, all while establishing the titular superspy as one of the greatest action heroes in cinema history. In that time, seven different actors have played 007, starting with Sean Connery and leading up to current Bond actor Daniel Craig. The last person to play Bond before Craig was Brosnan, beginning with 1995’s GoldenEye.

Brosnan would go on to play James Bond in three more films over the course of seven years, finishing out his tenure with 2002’s Die Another Day, unfortunately not one of the more well-remembered entries in the franchise. Still, Brosnan’s time as Bond tends to be looked back on fondly overall, with the Irish actor providing the dashing good looks, ever-present charm, and no-nonsense willingness to use Bond’s license to kill that was necessary for the role.

It turns out though that Brosnan almost took over as James Bond nearly a decade before he landed the role. Here’s why he didn’t end up getting the part, despite very much wanting it.

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James Bond: Pierce Brosnan Almost Played 007 Before GoldenEye

After the critical and commercial flop that was 1985’s A View to a Kill, James Bond actor Roger Moore either quit or was fired, depending on who one believes. This led to lots of actors being looked at to replace Moore for 1987’s The Living Daylights, with the three front runners all being notable: future Jurassic Park star Sam Neill, Pierce Brosnan, and eventual pick Timothy Dalton. Producers first wanted Dalton for the role, but he had a scheduling conflict, so the role was then offered to Brosnan. There was one problem, Brosnan was still under contract to NBC for the TV series Remington Steele. However, NBC canceled the series after season 4, leaving him free to suit up as 007.

That was until, ironically, Brosnan being cast as Bond caused a rise in interest in Remington Steele, leading NBC to decide not to cancel it, as they had a 60-day window to change their mind. NBC had become quite keen on having one of their network’s stars be James Bond though, and offered to do whatever necessary to make it possible for Brosnan to do both projects. That didn’t work for Bond franchise producer Albert Broccoli though, who wasn’t interested in having his character associated with a network TV series. Thus, Brosnan was let go from The Living Daylights, and amusingly, the interim period had allowed Dalton to become available for the film. Sadly for Brosnan, NBC again canceled Remington Steele after an abbreviated six-episode fifth season, but of course, things worked out for him eventually.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/james-bond-pierce-brosnan-007-cast-living-daylights/

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