Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelais Relationship Timeline Season By Season

Gilmore Girls: Luke and Lorelai’s Relationship Timeline, Season By Season


Luke and Lorelai always had chemistry on Gilmore Girls, but it took the two Stars Hollow residents a long time to act on their love for each other.

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Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelais Relationship Timeline Season By Season

Fans of Gilmore Girls have a lot of favorite things about the series, from movie nights to sweet Stars Hollow. The relationship between Lorelai Gilmore and Luke Danes is another beloved element. These characters start off as a coffee addict and a diner owner who see each other every day and slowly become close friends who realize that they have strong feelings for each other. It’s funny and wonderful to witness their journey.

When examining how these characters go from pals to more, it’s fascinating to look at their romance season by season. From the pilot to the final episode of A Year In A Life, Luke and Lorelai are totally meant to be, and many fans love watching them together. After countless jokes about coffee and watching each other date other people, they finally go on a charming first date, and their love story is full of realistic ups and downs.

8 Season 1: Flirty Banter And Good Friends

Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelais Relationship Timeline Season By Season

The first season of Gilmore Girls involves a lot of huge moments, from Rory and Dean’s first movie night to Rory and Lorelai getting to know Emily and Richard.

It’s also a big season for Luke and Lorelai. They slowly become more than just diner owner and customer and it’s clear that they’ve got a nice friendship. As the season progresses, they begin flirting more and more, and Lorelai starts looking at Luke differently and thinking that he’s attractive. At Rory’s 16th birthday party, Emily comments on the sparks flying between these characters, and when Richard has a heart attack, Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital and stays to offer support. While Lorelai falls for Max, when Luke’s ex-girlfriend Rachel comes to town, she can tell that Luke loves Lorelai. Fans can tell that these two will eventually confess their love. Luke also gives Lorelai advice about not worrying so much about Rory and Dean’s relationship, and she leans on him all the time.

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7 Season 2: A Tense Relationship

Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelais Relationship Timeline Season By Season

After Luke’s nephew Jess moves in with him, Luke and Lorelai’s friendship becomes full of conflict.

Lorelai thinks that Jess is trouble and Luke doesn’t want to hear it, leading to several arguments. This is sad to see because after Lorelai breaks off her engagement with Max, fans can see that Luke is happy, and it seems like the perfect time for these two to finally start dating. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen just yet, and the two struggle to get along for quite a few episodes.

6 Season 3: Luke Starts Dating Nicole

Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelais Relationship Timeline Season By Season

The third season of Gilmore Girls sees Luke and Lorelai as good friends who seem to have moved beyond their tension over Jess. It’s a surprise when Luke marries Nicole, as it happens fast, and Nicole cheats on Luke, breaking his heart.

Viewers can tell that Lorelai doesn’t love that Luke is with Nicole, just like he hated when she was engaged to Max, but she focuses on Rory’s last year of high school and her plans to open up the Dragonfly Inn someday.

5 Season 4: Luke Realizes He’s In Love With Lorelai

Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelais Relationship Timeline Season By Season

In the season 4 episode “Last Week Fights, This Week Tights,” Luke and Lorelai dance together, and Luke realizes that he’s totally in love. He knows that Lorelai is the one for him and that he doesn’t have to be scared anymore. He asks her to go out with him and fans definitely swoon remembering this sweet moment.

It’s relatable that Luke feels strongly about Lorelai for a long time, and it’s really nice to see him finally working up the courage to ask her out. This is the moment that everyone has been waiting for and it seems like nothing can get in their way.

4 Season 5: A Magical First Date And Finally In A Relationship

Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelais Relationship Timeline Season By Season

In the fifth season of Gilmore Girls, Luke and Lorelai share a magical first date at a restaurant where Luke reveals that he kept the horoscope Lorelai wrote him when they met. Luke tells Lorelai “I’m all in” and she can tell that their flirty friendship is finally becoming something more.

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After this date, the two beloved characters are finally in a relationship, and their banter continues, which is great to see. Luke has watched Lorelai come into the diner thrilled about many love interests, and it’s satisfying that these two soulmates have found their way to each other.

3 Season 6: Engaged But Dealing With Many Problems

Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelais Relationship Timeline Season By Season

The sixth season of the show is a tough one for this popular pair.

After learning that he has a daughter named April, Luke wants to put his wedding to Lorelai on hold. She agrees but knows that he doesn’t seem interested in getting married at all, as he keeps making excuses. While everyone always wanted Lorelai to marry the cute and grumpy diner owner in Stars Hollow, it seems less likely to actually happen, and fans have a bad feeling about their wedding day. Things get even worse as Rory and Lorelai have a terrible fight at the end of season 5 and stop talking for several months, pushing the wedding back even more.

2 Season 7: Broken Up… And Back Together

Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelais Relationship Timeline Season By Season

The seventh season is a sad one for Luke and Lorelai. After realizing that Lorelai and Christopher still have unfinished business, Luke is totally heartbroken and he doesn’t think that his and Lorelai’s romance can withstand it.

Gilmore Girls fans just want this couple to stay together, as Luke’s cynicism and Lorelai’s zest for life work so well, and they are truly a perfect match. Luke helps calm Lorelai down and she helps him become more optimistic and social. In the season 7 finale, they finally talk to each other again, and after a romantic kiss, viewers can be certain that they won’t be apart again.

1 A Year In The Life: Finally Getting Married

In the revival A Year In The Life, Luke and Lorelai are having trouble as they have started talking about why they didn’t have a child. This is a topic that they both felt strongly about and yet they just pushed it aside.

Gilmore Girls fans are really glad to see the couple finally get married, and it’s been a really long journey to get here. They come to terms with the choices and mistakes they have made, and they know that it’s time to make this commitment to each other.

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