5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)


Some fans of Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park think Jurassic World is a knock-off of the original trilogy, while others think it expands the world.

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5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

The Jurassic Park franchise saw an explosion of activity with the release of Jurassic World in 2015, the first new film since the original trilogy ended in 2001. And while it looks to close out its own trilogy with Jurassic World: Dominion in 2021, fans can’t help but compare its successes and failures to that of its predecessor. There’s no doubt Jurassic World improved the worldbuilding with more action, special effects, and bigger dinosaurs, but it didn’t pioneer anything that Jurassic Park hadn’t done before it.

Jurassic Park blew audiences away in the summer of 1993, and changed the landscape of cinema by combining all the best elements of science fiction, horror, and even family drama. To some fans, Jurassic World has forsaken the spirit of the franchise, while others believe it’s revived it.


5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

There’s no denying that the CGI employed in the Jurassic World films is some of the most state-of-the-art Hollywood has to offer. The sequences involving the Gyrosphere in the first film and the destruction of the island in the second remain stunning examples of what modern CGI is capable of.

For being released in the early ’90s and incorporating some of the first competent CGI in a blockbuster outside of Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Jurassic Park wasn’t so bad. Its sequels managed to have diminishing returns, encumbered by their releases at a time when animatronics were being phased out and CGI phased in.


5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

The original Jurassic Park trilogy introduced characters that audiences grew to love, hate, and root for over the course of the films. Where applicable, they had believable story arcs that allowed them to grow and change as the movies progressed.

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Characters weren’t flat, one-dimensional, or ancillary. They also didn’t look like movie stars — they looked like paleontologists, park rangers, philanthropists, and regular people. Even Dr. Ian Malcolm, the eccentric chaos theorist who dared to rock leather in a Costa Rican climate.


5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

By all accounts, Jurassic World is an action film, foregoing any character development in favor of a brisk pace and an adrenaline rush. Once it starts the momentum, it doesn’t break its stride for a pulse-pounding two hours.

The park’s raptor warden, Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), also happens to be a former military operative, and is more of an action hero than even big game hunter Muldoon from Jurassic Park, and certainly more than Dr. Grant and Dr. Malcolm.


5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

The score for Jurassic Park has been hailed as one of the greatest cinematic soundtrack ever recorded, thanks in no small part to the rousing themes developed by John Williams. As is his wont, he created specific thematic cues and melodies for every aspect of the films he scored, and they play over the action and melodrama like an opera.

Williams’ score is what elevates Jurassic Park from a generic genre piece, wedged somewhere between a horror film and a summer blockbuster. It provides meaning and impact to everything about the film, making the entire experience all the more visceral.


5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

While there certainly are appealingly comedic moments in the original Jurassic Park trilogy, mostly concerning Hammond’s grandchildren, there isn’t a large amount of jocularity in it. Jurassic World, on the other hand, depends on its jokes partly because its main protagonist is known for his humor.

With Chris Pratt as the lead, audiences want him to deliver the same lovable rogue performance he did in Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s also expected he’ll punctuate every serious or tense moment will a little comic relief.


5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

Because the original trilogy dared to slow down its pace, there were many meaningful moments interwoven among the peril that allowed audiences to connect to it. Viewers watching Dr. Grant, Malcolm, and Sattler see dinosaurs for the first time on Isla Nublar was as touching for viewers as it was for the characters onscreen.

The saddest moment in the Jurassic World films came when audiences watched Isla Nublar become engulfed in lava from a volcano. It was only possible because of their connection to the dinosaurs they first witnessed in Jurassic Park.

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5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

The plots for Jurassic World and its sequel, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,may not constitute unique storytelling to some, but the films move the Jurassic Park narrative forward. By realizing John Hammond’s dream and opening the theme park, there are a lot more opportunities to expand the plot.

Now that Isla Nublar has been destroyed and Dr. Wu and his experimental dinosaurs have escaped, the ensuing films will no longer strictly focus on the theme park plot, and all of humanity is now at risk of extinction.


5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

In the hands of accomplished filmmaker Steven Spielberg, Jurassic Park was a harrowing experience, not simply because of the inherent menace of its subject matter, but because of how he conveyed it.

By shooting scenes from human height, Spielberg maximized the suspense and terror of victims’ predicaments, and made dinosaurs look like the titans of a bygone age. By contrast, Jurassic World’s drone shots, while impressive looking, dwarf the dinosaurs who should always look as though they tower of their prey.


5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Ways Jurassic Park Is Superior)

Jurassic World wasn’t afraid to go big or go home. The film knew it had a great responsibility to a beloved franchise and it not only aimed to improve upon its foundation, but take a few risks with its source material.

Not all of those risks may have paid off, but by focusing on a plot of splicing dino-DNA together and creating creatures like the Indominus rex, and placing them alongside real creatures like the Mosasaurus, it found a fitting amalgamation. It also wasn’t afraid to introduce dinosaurs like Blue, who bonded with humans.


History was made during the filming of Jurassic Park, when life size T-Rex animatronics were developed, and moving robotic raptors with hydraulics looked eerily like the real thing. They weren’t merely crude practical effects, but had the means to be timeless.

Though not all of the CGI in the original trilogy held up, the animatronics used make repeated rewatches possible. The top-notch special effects make the entire film feel like a real event, especially considering the effects team made the T-Rex’s eyes dilate.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/jurassic-world-better-original-trilogy-steven-spielberg-jurassic-park-superior/

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