James Spaders Pretty In Pink Bully Earned Him The Nickname Mr Sneer

James Spader’s Pretty In Pink Bully Earned Him The Nickname “Mr Sneer”

Pretty In Pink kicked off several bully roles for James Spader in the 1980s, which earned him the moniker “Mr. Sneer” in the press.

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James Spaders Pretty In Pink Bully Earned Him The Nickname Mr Sneer

James Spader’s Pretty In Pink bully Steff kicked off a series of sleazy roles for the young actor, which earned him the nickname of “Mr. Sneer.” The late, great John Hughes left behind a staggering array of classics as both screenwriter and director. He penned movies like National Lampoon’s Vacation and Home Alone, and as a filmmaker helmed The Breakfast Club, Planes, Trains And Automobiles, before stepping away from directing following 1991’s Curly Sue. He also penned the 1986 cult classic Pretty In Pink, starring Molly Ringwald and Jon Cryer.

This sees Ringwald’s Andie, a teenager from a working-class background, being pursued by Cryer’s Duckie – who’s been in love with her since childhood – or Andrew McCartney’s rich kid Blane. Pretty In Pink didn’t receive the warmest of reviews upon release but was a solid hit, and still has many fans to this day. Hughes wasn’t happy with the film’s re-shot ending where Andie ends up with Blane, however, which the studio demanded after poor test screening results when she and Duckie got together instead. Cryer himself was also surprised audiences disliked this outcome, as he felt the movie was building towards the two ending up together. The Pretty In Pink soundtrack is also considered one of the best movie soundtracks of all time.

Pretty In Pink cast James Spader as bully Steff, and the movie marked the beginning of a surprise trilogy between McCarthy and Spader, who both appeared together the following year in Mannequin and Less Than Zero. Pretty In Pink was a big breakthrough for Spader, with Steff being Blane’s best friend who wants him to drop Andie as she’s from a working-class background – but it really comes from the fact Andie rejected Steff and his ego couldn’t take it. Spader steals the movie, and came to embody the role of slimy, spoiled characters so well he soon earned the media nickname of “Mr. Sneer.”

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He played similiar roles in Less Than Zero, Baby Boom and Wall Street. James Spader excels at villainous roles – in fact, he pursued the role of Pretty In Pink’s Steff over Blane because it seemed more fun – but his leading man good lucks saw him jump between traditional leading man roles too. In between more mainstream fare like Stargate or Supernova he appeared in the likes of David Cronenberg’s Crash or 2002’s Secretary.

He also seemed to be having much more fun in the latter kind of projects too, and more recent James Spader movies and TV shows include Avengers: Age Of Ultron – reuniting him with Less Than Zero co-star Robert Downey Jr in VERY different roles – and The Blacklist. While the latter’s Red and Pretty In Pink’s Steff are ultimately quite different characters, the term “Mr. Sneer” could easily apply to both.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pretty-pink-movie-james-spader-mr-sneer/

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