Guardians Of The Galaxy Game Delivers On A Marvels SpiderMan Promise

Guardians Of The Galaxy Game Delivers On A Marvel’s Spider-Man Promise


Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy game lets players see reflections in puddles, recalling memories of the PS4 Spider-Man’s puddle controversy.

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Guardians Of The Galaxy Game Delivers On A Marvels SpiderMan Promise

Marvel’s latest video game, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, features some incredible graphics, with players even spotting the reflection of Star-Lord and other characters in its puddles. The reflective puddles in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy may make some players recall the controversy surrounding the supposed lack of them in 2018’s Marvel’s Spider-Man. Before its release, some players had accused Insomniac Games of downgrading Spider-Man following its E3 demo that year, using the puddles as ‘evidence’. While the controversy ultimately fizzled out, Crystal Dynamics’ new Marvel game unwittingly delivers on the promised reflective puddles from Marvel’s Spider-Man, allowing players to see Star-Lord’s reflection in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Spider-Man was released in September 2018, and it saw players web-slinging across New York City. Here, players aided New York by stopping heists, apprehending criminal organizations and supervillains like Doctor Octopus and Vulture, and growing into their powers while developing relationships with other characters. However, the game also caused a minor controversy. Certain fans expected to be able to see characters’ reflections in puddles following the reveal of a screenshot, and many took to the internet to claim the game had been downgraded. This is because the game’s puddles supposedly looked different (and better) in pre-release footage.

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While not a deliberate Easter egg, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy’s reflective puddles harken back to the ones missing from Marvel’s Spider-Man. At the time of the initial puddle-gate controversy, Insomniac’s developers explained that the change in puddles from pre-release footage to release quality hinged on aesthetic purposes and that reflective interactivity hadn’t been changed. Leading the complaints was one screenshot comparison of a spot in New York City where the puddles were bigger and glossier in pre-release footage. On this, Insomniac’s community director James Stevenson took to Twitter to say, “I am telling you I talked to the technical and engineering and art staff, and looked at the live code of this from the final build. There was NO DOWNGRADE.”

GotG’s Puddles Illustrate Graphical Advancements

Marvel’s GoTG included many Marvel heroes, but obviously just as important is the presence of interactive puddles. Marvel’s Spider-Man may have only released a few years ago, but the clear difference in puddle quality between it and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy humorously illustrates the advancements made in graphics between the two console generations. Marvel’s Spider-Man is still a great-looking game, but with the full power of the PlayStation 5 now at Insomniac’s disposal, the potential for fans to enjoy more detailed graphics – and better puddle content – is real.

Experiencing a controversy over video game puddles in silly, but of everything new in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, this feature stands out to those who were present for Spider-Man’s goof; it’s a wild moment of the zeitgeist that likely won’t be forgotten any time soon. In Marvel’s GotG, Rocket Raccoon has a fear of water that he must overcome in the story, and the Guardians also get trapped in a foggy, water-filled cave at one point. They even have to manipulate a waterfall to progress onward. Water becomes central to the exploration of the game as the Guardians are in the wilderness, while Spider-Man was in an urban setting.

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Ultimately, puddles aren’t the end-all or be-all of successful game development, but here they may illustrate a small advancement. Marvel’s Spider-Man is by no means a bad game, and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy isn’t better than its predecessor solely because of puddles. They provide a tiny bit of extra immersion, and in the most recent Marvel game’s case, make alien worlds feel closer to home than people might normally think.

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