Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

Game of Thrones: 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys


House Tully is a prominent family from the Riverlands in Game of Thrones, but not everything about them makes total sense.

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Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

Along with Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, and Targaryen, House Tully is one of the more prominent houses to make an appearance on Game of Thrones. In large part, this is because several of its members, mostly notably Cately Tully, occupy a large part of the narrative (at least for the several seasons). They are a powerful house, ruling over the region known as the Riverlands.

While they’ve produced several notable characters, there are still more than a few things about this noble clan that either doesn’t make sense, either narratively or in terms of the world that the series has created.

10 One Word: Edmure

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

Edmure Tully is one of the most frustrating characters in the series. Despite the fact that he’s the heir to a powerful lordship, he seems to have absolutely no idea what to do with it and, just as importantly, he seems to be totally lacking in self-awareness. How else to explain the fact that he has the audacity to, in all seriousness, offer himself as a potential King of the Seven Kingdoms at the end of the series? It truly is bizarre how this man could ever be deemed fit to lead a Great House.

9 Everyone Seems To Want Harrenhall Now- Why Didn’t The Tullys Take It After They Were Made Lords Paramount Of The Riverlands

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

Harrenhall is one of those formidable locations in Westeros that seems to loom large in the collective imagination. It’s not hard to see why. Its imposing bulk is a terrible reminder of the power of dragonfire. It also seems to be one of those places that everyone wants.

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That being the case, and considering that it is located in the Riverlands, it’s a rather strange fact that House Tully wouldn’t have tried to seize it and keep it for themselves.

8 Why They Didn’t Do More To Keep House Frey In Check

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

As rulers of the Riverlands, the Tullys have a great deal of political power, and they also have many other houses that owe them fealty. One of them is, of course, the infamous House Frey. Its leader, Walder, is one of the nastiest people in Westeros (which is really saying something), and he makes it very clear that he has almost nothing but contempt for the Tullys and their rule. This being the case, one can’t help but wonder why the Tullys didn’t do a little more to keep him in check and to curb his worst impulses.

7 Why Is Lysa Like She Is

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

Lysa Tully is one of the series more tragic and pitiable characters. She’s clearly quite mad, as can be seen from the first times that the audience sees her. However, the show never quite makes it clear what led her into the state of delusion that becomes her dominant frame of mind. Was it being married to Jon Arryn, a man many years her senior? Was it never getting to be with her love Petyr Baelish? The audience is never really allowed to know.

6 Why All Of Hoster’s Children Make Really Bad Decisions

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

From all that the audience learns, it seems like Hoster Tully was a fairly shrewd politician. This was a man, after all, who managed to stay in power despite the many wars that raged during Westeros in his lifetime. That being the case, it doesn’t make a lot of sense that literally none of his children-not Catelyn, not Edmure, and certainly not Lysa-would have the sort of good sense and political acumen that allowed their father to survive.

5 Why Do They Always Fight Against Their Liege Lords And How Have They Kept Power?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

The Tullys are the sort of house that always has their eye toward the main chance (even more than the rest of the nobility). Time and again, they’ve shown a willingness to side with invaders. That being the case, it does strain credulity a bit to think that the lords of Westeros, particularly the Targaryens, would allow them to maintain their power. Why not just crush them and give their power to someone who could be trusted with it?

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4 Why Didn’t It Occur To Anyone To Just Give Leadership Of The House To Brydnen After Hoster’s Death?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

While Edmure is a bit of a dud when it comes to the art of ruling, his uncle Brynden (known as the Blackfish) has shown time and again that he has what it takes to be a good leader of men. It’s hard not to think that, had the Tullys just given Brynden the reins of power rather than Edmure, that things would have gone a lot differently (even though doing so would have broken the rules of primogeniture).

3 Why The Blackfish Seemed Like The Only Tully Who Was Capable Of Doing Anything Right

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

There are many great generals in Westeros, but even among the great there is a special place for Brynden the Blackfish.

He’s one of those men who seems to have been blessed with an innate sense of what makes a good leader and general of men. If Brynden is so competent, why is it that so many other members of this illustrious family seem so inept at doing, well, pretty much anything of substance?

2 If The House Relies Mostly On Marriages Because The Riverlands Isn’t A Great Location, Why Do They Have Such A Large And Well-equipped Army?

Game of Thrones 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Tullys

There are several regions of Westeros, and all of them have their own strengths. The Riverlands, it’s made clear, isn’t great in terms of its natural resources, so the Tullys frequently have to rely on marriage to give them the power and wealth they need. This being the case, it doesn’t make a lot of sense that they also have one of the most formidable armies in the realm (at one point it’s even compared to that of the Reach). Then again, there’s a lot about the armies of Westeros that doesn’t make a lot of sense.

1 If The Blackfish Was Disgraced Because He Wouldn’t Marry Who Hoster Wanted Him To, Why Was He Still Around?

Brynden might be the most competent Tully, but he’s not always the most obedient (even if he does many services for his house). Several years before the story begins, he refused to marry the woman that his elder brother Hoster had chosen for him, leading to his disgrace. Given this fact, it makes one wonder why, exactly, he was welcomed back into his brother’s good graces (since, apparently, he never gave in to his brother’s demands).

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