It’s Too Late For Bill Nighy To Return As POTC’s Davy Jones

It’s Too Late For Bill Nighy To Return As POTC’s Davy Jones


Bill Nighy made the role of Pirates of the Caribbean franchise villain Davy Jones unforgettable, but it’s too late for the character to return.

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It’s Too Late For Bill Nighy To Return As POTC’s Davy Jones

Davy Jones might be the most iconic of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise’s many villains, but it is already too late for star Billy Nighy to return to the role. The Pirates of the Caribbean series has featured many memorable antagonists, but one of its most enduringly popular fan-favorite villains is the Flying Dutchman captain Davy Jones. Voiced by Bill Nighy, Davy Jones first appeared in 2006’s Pirates of the Caribbean sequel Dead Man’s Chest before showing up in both the third movie, At World’s End, and cameo-ing the fifth installment of the franchise, 2017’s Dead Men Tell No Tales.

With his sneery voice, grotesque partially human appearance, and impressive powers, Davy Jones was one of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise’s most dangerous figures. His vendetta against Jack Sparrow let the villain briefly kill Johnny Depp’s lovable antihero at the end of Dead Man’s Chest, although the unstoppable character was revived at the beginning of the next movie. However, the infamous villain can’t return in any upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean 6, as Nighy’s role in the franchise has been too long forgotten by the series.

Screen star Nighy was already in his later years when he made his debut in the role back in 2006, but CGI meant the role was an easy ask for the veteran thespian. However, since Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow is likely to be replaced in Pirates of the Caribbean 6, bringing back Davy Jones would not work for the series despite the villain’s popularity. As his original trilogy plot proves, Jones worked best as a villain who pitted Jack, Elizabeth Swann, and Will Turner against each other, and with those characters no longer providing the franchise with a narrative anchor, Jones would be lost in the wash. A reboot that replaces the original Pirates of the Caribbean heroes would need to completely reintroduce Davy Jones, while one that brings back Will and Elizabeth without Jack would likely be tonally awkward.

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Davy Jones’ Original Trilogy Story Explained

It’s Too Late For Bill Nighy To Return As POTC’s Davy Jones

Introduced in Dead Man’s Chest, Jones was the primary antagonist of the first Pirates of the Caribbean sequel and one of the (many) main villains of At World’s End. He is well-remembered thanks to some slimy character design and Nighy’s creepy vocals, but never really lived up to his villainous potential due to the overstuffed plotting of the series. For much of the original trilogy’s action, Jones’ villainy is limited by the fact that he is working for the East India Trading Company and therefore must answer to Cutler Beckett. This allows the trilogy to contextualize the death of piracy with some real-world history, but also means that the full monstrous potential of Jones is reined in by the pencil-pushing bureaucrat Beckett.

Beckett even makes Jones kill his Kraken to prove his loyalty to the East India Trading Company, an action that works in the context of the original trilogy but derails his character for future installments. For Davy Jones to work as the ruthless, unstoppable villain of a potential Pirates of the Caribbean 6, viewers would need to forget that he was once kowtowed into killing his own pet by a company man. By the time the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy ends, Jones has been both bought off and defeated, so his return is not as threatening a prospect as it could have been if he were scarier in the original series.

Why Pirates 6 Shouldn’t Feature Davy Jones

It’s Too Late For Bill Nighy To Return As POTC’s Davy Jones

Although he is a fan-favorite, Jones’ relevance to the Pirates of the Caribbean series hinges on not only Captain Jack, but also original trilogy stars Elizabeth and Will. Their shared Dead Men Tell No Tales cameo was ultimately overhyped, and it is unlikely that another sequel or reboot would make another return from them any more engaging. While the duo could come back even if Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow does not return, this would result in the trio’s chemistry being awkwardly altered and Depp’s replacement trying to fill some very famous shoes. The Pirates of the Caribbean sequels that lacked Will and Elizabeth were badly reviewed even though Depp was almost every viewer’s favorite character, meaning sequels that featured the duo and not Depp’s antihero would likely be reviled.

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Since it is unlikely that Depp’s Jack Sparrow will return for Pirates of the Caribbean 6, it is looking more likely than ever that the next movie will be a series reboot that offers a clean break from the earlier outings. In contrast, bringing back the beloved villain Davy Jones would necessitate bringing back Elizabeth and Will, which in turn would mean that the series would essentially be trying to continue its existing story without Jack — the antithesis of a clean break. This idea would almost definitely not work since Jack is the soul of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and the central figure most fans are interested in the adventures of, meaning Jones’ presence would mean little in the absence of Sparrow.

Pirates 6’s Reboot Problem Explained

As proven by Jack Sparrow’s cut origin story, there is a lot of unexplored stories that the Pirates of the Caribbean series could return to in a sixth movie. If the entire original trilogy cast were to return, seeing Davy Jones come back as a major villain would be a welcome surprise and the character could be used more effectively than he was in the overly convoluted original Pirates of the Caribbean movies. However, if Depp’s character will not be seen in Pirates of the Caribbean 6, then the knock-on effect that this absence has on the series means the movie can only hope to succeed as a total reboot.

Bringing back some of Depp’s co-stars but not the lead himself will likely only disappoint and annoy audiences, and even bringing back Jones would not make up for the fact that the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise’s most notable figure is gone. Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow provided a lighter comedic presence for Nighy’s dour, murderous Jones to play off against and was a necessary corrective to the villain’s creepy presence. As a result, Pirates of the Caribbean 6 can’t bring back Davy Jones without Jack Sparrow. Since the series is unlikely to bring back Jack, this means it is most likely already too late for Pirates of the Caribbean’s Davy Jones to return to the big screen.

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