Halloween One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Halloween: One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality


John Carpenter’s classic Halloween is a movie full of terrific quotes. Every character gets an iconic line, except the always-silent Michael Myers.

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Halloween One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality

John Carpenter’s Halloween is a classic with unlimited watchability. The town of Haddonfield, Illinois feels as real as its citizens (a trait carried into Halloween Kills). This is due at least in part to how well the script is written.

The characters in Halloween speak like smalltown citizens, but never to the point of it being unrealistic. This realism makes it especially tough on the viewer when one of them dies because it feels as though a friend has been lost. Whether they live to the end of the movie or not, it’s Halloween, and every character is entitled to one good line.

Marion Chambers – “Since when do they just let them walk around?”

Halloween One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Marion Chambers sings a different tune in Halloween II, but here she’s skeptical of Dr. Loomis’ treatment of Michael Myers. It’s a natural position for her to take; she’s not aware of what Myers is. Ostensibly, she just sees a doctor who refers to his patient callously.

She soon learns why he acts this way as they arrive at Smith’s Grove. Her asking “Since when do they just let them walk around” is scary already; it’s indicative of the fact that something has gone wrong. But when it’s immediately followed by the resurgence of the theme music and an eerie shot of men stumbling through a fog, it becomes one of the scariest lines of the movie. It’s also a moment referenced in Halloween Kills.

Sheriff Leigh Brackett – “It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.”

Halloween One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Sheriff Brackett’s iconic line is partially thanks to Charles Cyphers’ excellent and organic delivery. Brackett seems like a genuinely nice man who deserves his authoritative, protective presence. The character’s return in Halloween Kills was very welcome.

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What makes Brackett’s line one of the best is its horrifying prescience. It foreshadows the horrors that will occur over the next few hours. Brackett used the words as a way of laughing off Laurie bumping into him, which is utterly innocuous (and gives the viewer a small-town vibe). In reality, he was far more right than he knew, because his own daughter would be one of Michael’s first victims.

Lynda Van Der Klok – “Totally!”

Halloween One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Lynda is easily the film’s funniest character. She’s enthused about life and seems to enjoy every second. However, she’s not much of a conversationalist.

Whenever she, Annie, and Laurie engage in conversation her contribution is typically limited to “Totally!” It’s perfectly in line with her character and is a piece of 1960s/70s vernacular that’s used to this day. Lynda doesn’t need to say much, her energy does the talking, which makes it more devastating when Michael removes that energy from the equation entirely.

Annie Brackett – “Hey, jerk! Speed kills!”

Halloween One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality

The trio of friends central to Halloween’s narrative are all very distinct. Lynda is bubbly and flirtatious while Laurie is reserved and observant; the two couldn’t be any more different.

Annie Brackett (the Sheriff’s daughter) falls somewhere in the middle. Like Lynda, she’s confident, and she has Laurie’s obvious intelligence. However, unlike both of them, Annie is somewhat brash. The most obvious example is also her best line. When she yells at the car to slow down, it screeches to a halt. It was a result she didn’t expect in Haddonfield, but she also wasn’t expecting Michael Myers.

Dr. Samuel Loomis – “Sheriff, death has come to your little town.”

Halloween One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Halloween (1978) has inspired other movies for any number of reasons. One primary factor is the cat and mouse game not just between Myers and Strode, but also between Myers and Dr. Loomis. Thanks to Donald Pleasence’s enthusiastic performance, he’s also the most memorable stressed-out doctor in a horror film.

This leads Loomis to speak either in platitudes or extremes. The situation will be obviously dangerous only for him to comment on it further (thusly increasing the stress of peers like Sheriff Brackett). For instance, when Loomis says “Death has come to your little town, Sheriff. You can either ignore it or you can help me stop it.”

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Tommy Doyle – “You can’t kill the boogeyman”

Halloween One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Laurie has evaded Michael through the house, going so far as to jam a knitting needle into his neck. Having done this, she believes that she’s killed the man.

But Michael’s not a man, a fact which Tommy Doyle relays to Laurie after she claims to have killed him. Simply stating, “you can’t kill the boogeyman,” Tommy looks over her shoulder. This is when the “Bum…Bumum” piano keys gear up again, as Michael is revealed to already be mere feet away from them.

Laurie Strode – “Go do as I say!”

Halloween One Quote From Each Character That Sums Up Their Personality

“It was the boogeyman” is Jamie Lee Curtis’ most famous line as Laurie Strode. But the character delivered another line during the climax of Halloween that is more indicative of her personality.

After she’s stabbed Michael Myers with the coat hanger, Strode approaches Tommy Doyle and Lindsey Wallace. In a hushed tone, he says “Come here; now you listen to me. I want you to go down the stairs and out the front door. I want you to go down the street to the Mackenzies’ house. I want you to tell them to call the police and tell them to send them over here. Now, do you understand me? Go do as I say!” This is Strode as an authoritative figure even in the face of extreme stress. It’s also emblematic of her caring, protective instincts.

Nothing – Michael Myers

Outside of Rob Zombie’s reboot, Michael Myers does not speak in the Halloween franchise. Just about any fan of the series will immediately jump at the chance to say it should stay that way.

Myers is a void of a character. He’s just as much a stand-in for the human race’s cruel potential as he is a flesh and blood member of it himself. That precisely is what has made him iconic (almost entirely due to the original). He doesn’t approach anyone without the intention to kill, yet he has no motive. For him to talk he would at least somewhat allow the audience into his mind. Whether the words convey anger, pleasure, or nothing at all is irrelevant; Knowing nothing is far scarier than having even a hint.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/halloween-each-character-one-perfect-quote-personality/

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