Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

Harry Potter: How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look


Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint were great in the Harry Potter movies but how was each Gryffindor meant to look according to the books?

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Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

The first Harry Potter movie was released nearly two decades ago which means, there’s a generation of fans who grew up with Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint imprinted on their minds even when they were first introduced to Harry, Ron, and Hermione in J.K. Rowling’s original novels.

For early readers, they had to create the characters in their minds and could work from the descriptions on the page and, a bit, from the art of Mary GrandPre. How did the casting directors do when picking their Gryffindors? Let’s see.

10 Harry Potter

Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

Daniel Radcliffe certainly sported the dark hair of J.K. Rowling’s boy wizard, he was small, skinny, and of course, wore the round spectacles, but he wasn’t perfect. Except for the third Harry Potter film, Harry’s hair is never as messy as it is originally described.

Dan also lacked the green eyes of Harry and Lily Potter (though green contact lenses were attempted before being discarded). He wasn’t as undernourished as the “thin-faced” Harry of the books, but that was a good choice by his parents. See a green-eyed messy-haired Harry in Loft-Lafeyson interpretation.

9 Hermione Granger

Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

It’s hard to separate Hermione and Emma Watson these days, the actress is brilliant and a crusader for women’s rights, a real-life Hermione if there ever was one, but she doesn’t match the original description of her character perfectly. Her hair was curly but never quite as frizzy and untamable as it is in the novels (it’s closest in the first film).

Emma and Hermione both had brown eyes, but Hermione had protruding front teeth which, again were tested on Watson before being discarded like Daniel’s contact lenses. See frizzy hair and protruding teeth in Vondellswain’s version.

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8 Ron Weasley

Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

Rupert Grint did, in fact, have the natural red hair of the Weasley family, but aside from that, he looked very little like the Ron originally described by Rowling. In fact, it was Rupert’s on-screen brothers, Fred and George Weasley, who looked more like the Ron described on the page.

Ron is supposed to be tall and gangly, he should have more freckles, as well as a long nose (which UptheHill includes in their interpretation), with large hands and feet.

7 Fred and George Weasley

Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

Fred and George, played by the tall and lanky James and Oliver Phelps twins, were supposed to be shorter and stockier than their brother Ron. See Gothgirl3249 drawing.

They were also supposed to have more freckles than we see on any of the Weasley’s on-screen. James and Oliver also had to have their hair died red to match the Weasley family look.

6 Ginny Weasley

Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

Bonnie Wright was cast as Ginny Weasley at only ten years of age. Her hair, in Sorcerer’s Stone, was shorter than the “long mane of red hair” described on the page. She often has a determined look that makes her look very related to both Fred and George.

Bonnie, like her onscreen brothers, also lacked the tell-tale Weasley freckles on her face. LaGelian’s picture includes the freckles, though.

5 Neville Longbottom

Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

Neville was described as a “round-faced” boy and a young Matthew Lewis certainly fit that description. In later years a few more details about Neville’s looks were revealed. He was described as a short plump as well as blond, according to JKR. (See Viria13 interpretation above.)

He doesn’t have quite the “glow up” that Matthew Lewis did on-screen, but Neville does grow into himself as the books go on.

4 Seamus Finnigan

Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

Seamus, one of the five Gryffindor boys in Harry’s year at Hogwarts was described in the books as having sandy colored hair and being Irish. Devon Murray certainly had the Irish accent to go with Seamus’ background, but he lacked the proper hair coloring specified by J.K. Rowling in book one. (See the sandy hair in kiwikewte work, above.)

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Seamus would go on to divide his fellow Gryffindors in the fifth movie by believing the lies in the Daily Prophet.

3 Dean Thomas

Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

Dean Thomas, the last of the five Gryffindor boys in Harry’s year at Hogwarts to make it onto this list was played by Alfie Enoch in all of the Harry Potter films.

Dean lacked much of a description in the first Harry Potter novel when it was released in Britain, however, he was described as a black Londoner in the American edition published by Scholastic in 1998. Dean had a much larger description and backstory that was later cut from the novels. See Dean showing off his own art skills in Hollisketch’s work.

2 Lavender Brown

Harry Potter How Each Gryffindor Is Supposed To Look

There were five boys in Harry’s year who were also Gryffindors. There were three Gryffindor girls, including Hermione. Lavender Brown was only said to be a pure-blood witch in the books. This left her look open to almost any actress when it came time to film the movies.

Brown was portrayed by Jennifer Smith, Kathleen Cauley and Jessie Cave on-screen. This means that Lavender has been portrayed as both a black student as well as a white one, leading to some controversy in the Harry Potter fandom. Jenimal adds her own interpretation, above.

1 Parvati Patil

The last of the Gryffindors in the same year as Harry Potter, Parvati has a twin sister, Padma, who, in the books, is in Ravenclaw. They are described as being identical, with long dark hair worn in a plait. They were supposedly the prettiest girls in the year.

In the movies, both Patil twins are in Gryffindor, and they are not identical. They are portrayed by Shefali Chowdhury and Afshan Azad. See the identical twins described in the book drawn above by Edwardian Taylor.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-each-gryffindor-supposed-look/

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