How Powerful Darkseid Is By The End Of Zack Snyders Justice League

How Powerful Darkseid Is By The End Of Zack Snyder’s Justice League


Darkseid is a force to be reckoned with in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, and he would have been even stronger in the cancelled sequels.

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How Powerful Darkseid Is By The End Of Zack Snyders Justice League

Darkseid is a force to be reckoned with in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, and he would have been even stronger in the canceled sequels. Snyder’s long-term DCEU plan saw the ruler of Apokolips stepping onto the battlefield himself to face off against the Justice League, in a battle that would have ended in the desolate Knightmare future. That story will likely never be told in its entirety, but Snyder’s Darkseid is still a terrifyingly powerful foe.

Though he is the force behind the events of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, Darkseid remains a shadowy background figure throughout the film. His uncle and general Steppenwolf leads the attack on Earth, as he apparently has on numerous worlds during Darkseid’s quest for the Anti-Life Equation. Darkseid’s defeat at the hand’s of Earth’s ancient warriors prompted him to take a less frontline role in his galactic conquest, but after discovering the Anti-Life Equation on Earth and seeing Steppenwolf defeated by the Justice League, he decides to bring the full army of Apokolips to Earth and take it himself.

A few different versions of Darkseid are glimpsed throughout Zack Snyder’s Justice League, spanning thousands of years. Each is a bit different, and as such carries a different level of strength. Here’s how powerful Darkseid is at each stage through the Snyder Cut story, and how strong he could have been in the canceled Justice League sequels.

How Powerful Uxas Is In Zack Snyder’s Justice League

How Powerful Darkseid Is By The End Of Zack Snyders Justice League

Darkseid, originally called Uxas, was born a prince of the dark alien world of Apokolips. In the comics, Uxas betrayed and murdered his older brother Drax, the first in line to the throne, and claimed the Omega Force for himself – an ancient energy source that granted him incredible powers of destruction. Channeling the Omega Force allows Uxas to use his signature power, the Omega Beams, which are incredibly quick and nearly unavoidable vaporization lasers fired from his eyes. After taking the throne of Apokolips, Uxas rechristened himself as Darkseid, and made it his mission to bring the universe under his control.

This younger, conquest-obsessed version of Darkseid is the earliest version seen in the Snyder Cut. In the extended flashback scene narrated by Wonder Woman, Darkseid is seen bringing the Apokolips armada to Earth in order to claim the Anti-Life Equation – a mathematical formula that allows for the complete removal of free will in those it’s used against. Darkseid shows an impressive display of power in the scene, killing a veteran Green Lantern with seemingly relative ease and easily eradicating humans, Atlanteans and Amazons alike.

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Where Uxas easily vanquishes these lesser foes, however, he struggles against Earth’s strongest champions – the Old Gods. Zeus, Ares and Artemis all fight in the battle against him, with Ares managing to grievously wound Darkseid and force his hasty retreat. Due to an extended recovery time and (presumably) the limitations of Apokoliptian technology, the location of Earth and the Anti-Life Equation is lost. Darkseid is subsequently cursed to search the galaxy for millennia hunting for them, laying waste to other worlds as he goes.

So how powerful is this early version of Darkseid? Simply put, incredibly so. Ares was the strongest fighter on Earth at the time – proved later when he successfully killed all the other Old Gods single-handedly – and he was only able to defeat Darkseid with the help of all the other Gods, a Green Lantern, and the combined forces of Earth. And even then, Darkseid still survived. It seems safe to say that in single combat, Uxas could have defeated any of Earth’s warriors, even Ares or Zeus. That puts him a bit beyond the power of Wonder Woman at least, and likely very close – if not on par with – Superman. The Omega Beams alone are possibly the deadliest weapon in the DCEU.

How Powerful Darkseid Is At The End Of The Snyder Cut

How Powerful Darkseid Is By The End Of Zack Snyders Justice League

When Darkseid appears in the modern era in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, he is older, more reserved, and even more hardened by time. The only thing that convinces him to leave Apokolips at the end of the film is the discovery of the Anti-Life Equation – the thing he’s searched for his entire life. But after being bested by Ares, and after so much time has passed, is the veteran Uxas stronger than his younger self, or weaker?

If Snyder is to be believed, and if Steppenwolf’s utter fear of Darkseid is any indication, the answer is stronger, and notably so. Darkseid did not become some grizzled old man in the years since his first journey to Earth. Rather, he gained experience, trained, harnessed his power, and grew to become an even fiercer version of himself. However, it seems that even that isn’t enough to defeat Superman.

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The Snyder Cut epilogue shows a glimpse at the Knightmare future, a timeline where Darkseid acquires the Anti-Life Equation, kills Lois Lane, and brings Superman under his thrall. The actual battle leading up that point isn’t shown, but the end result reveals a few key details. First, Darkseid wasn’t quite strong enough to kill Superman himself, it would seem. However, the reverse is likely also true. Uxas could have certainly taken the other members of the Justice League one-on-one, but going against all of them with Superman in the lead would have been a step too far. That’s likely why he goes after Lois Lane, breaking Superman’s will in the process and turning him to his side. With Superman defeated and the Anti-Life claimed, Darkseid enters his most powerful state.

How Powerful Darkseid Could Become In Justice League 2 & 3

Put simply, the Anti-Life Equation allows its possessor to control people completely, effectively removing their free will. Superman’s heightened strength and will likely protected him from that control at first, which is why it would have taken a traumatic experience like the death of Lois to make him vulnerable. With Anti-Life at his command, Darkseid could presumably bring the entire universe under his control. There are, however, still a few mysteries about what that would have looked like in Justice League 2 & 3.

Snyder has said that Justice League 2 would be set almost entirely in the Knightmare, after Darkseid defeats Superman, claims Anti-Life, and effectively conquers the Earth. However, a whole rebel faction led by Batman still exists in that future. The natural question is, how do Bruce Wayne, Cyborg, Flash, and the rest of the Insurgency manage to resist the Anti-Life Equation? One explanation is that Darkseid needs to meet with his would-be victims in person to use the power, though that would make it far less dangerous than it’s made out to be. It’s also possible that Darkseid hasn’t completely unraveled the Equation by the time he takes control of Superman.

In the scenario where the Flash successfully turns back time and undoes the Knightmare, the Justice League would still have to defeat a pre-Anti-Life Darkseid. If Lois Lane survived, even with all of Darkseid’s power, the heroes would have certainly stood a chance. Uxas remains one of the most powerful beings in all of the DCEU, but given his defeat at the hands of Ares and Zeus, it’s safe to say that a full-powered Superman with the Justice League behind him would have at least had a good shot at victory.

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