Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

Game of Thrones: Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes


Theon Greyjoy is one of Game of Thrones’ most conflicted personalities, and these quotes in particular stand out as exemplary of his character.

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Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

Game of Thrones was a TV revolution for many reasons, not least of which was the extra level of characterization that showed up the traditional clear cut good guys and bad guys audiences were used to. While this gave viewers some morally ambiguous characters, the show also gave them some characters that were villains out the gate, having committed unforgivable acts, but the show then serves as a redemption story for such characters (with a couple of notable exceptions).

Theon was one such character, who started unlikeable and ruthless, then went on to betray the much less morally ambiguous Robb Stark and murdering two innocent children in the process, turning him into a Joffrey level heel character. But there is a lot of political and personal baggage that comes with Theon and despite his actions, he always remained very human, and his redemption story is one of the most satisfying character arcs on the show.

10 Do You Know What It’s Like To Be Told How Lucky You Are To Be Someone’s Prisoner?

Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

Theon’s relationship with the Starks is a complicated one, and though it’s easy to hate him for resenting such a noble family, he was technically a prisoner within the walls of Winterfell. Having parents who are inherently good and fair doesn’t make youth and the urge to rebel and become your own man any easier. Despite his actions, later on, his frustration, confusion, and loneliness were understandable and rather heart-wrenching.

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9 You Hear That? That’s The Mating Call Of The Northmen. They Want To F**k Us. Well, I Haven’t Had A Good F**k In Weeks. I’m Ready For One.

Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

Strangely, Theon’s treacherous takeover of Winterfell contained one of the few instances in which Theon successfully endeared himself to the audience. After his return to the Iron Islands and a frosty reception from his own people he genuinely rises to the challenge and becomes a man. The problem, as stated later on, is that he measured his worth by Ironborn standards instead of those of the Starks.

8 You Gave Me Away Like I Was Some Dog You Didn’t Want Anymore, And Now You Curse Me Because I’ve Come Home.

Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

After years of confusion and loneliness, Theon finally gets a chance to return home only to find his relationship with his own family isn’t any better, and his own people show him less respect than the Starks did. He should be old enough to measure himself by his own standards but given his upbringing, it’s hard to blame him for becoming the man he did. Also, what was Robb thinking?

7 It Means You’re Not Stupid.

Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

Theon’s friendship with Robb may well have been the only thing that kept him going during his time in Winterfell, and in retrospect, he and Jon Snow went through very similar issues growing up, with both latching onto Robb, and each one of them both loving and resenting the man all at once.

Theon was a little bloodthirsty, but questioning whether Robb was afraid or not to make sure his head was on straight proved valuable and implied a relationship where Theon often had to bring the spoiled firstborn down to Earth.

6 My Sword Is Yours, In Victory And Defeat, From This Day Until My Last Day.

Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

Up until the ill-advised trip to the Iron Islands, there was no reason to believe Theon wouldn’t have followed Robb to the very ends of the Earth, and though the Iron Islands never really left him, he clearly had no intention of betraying Robb at first. Again, sending Theon to the Iron Islands alone to dredge up the trauma of being kidnapped by the Starks and watching them kill his brothers was a pretty terrible idea.

5 When I Was Ramsay’s Prisoner, Yara Tried To Save Me. She’s The Only One Who Tried To Save Me. She Needs Me Now.

Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

A lot of Theon’s actions were understandable, even if unforgivable, but confronting Euron single-handedly to save Yara would’ve been suicide for both of them, and it comes down to drawing a line between stupidity and bravery. He almost earns some empathy when he decides to save Yara until Jon Snow quite rightly tells him to shut up and get on with it.

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4 His Wasn’t Even Good.

Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

This underrated throwaway line was a response to Tyrion’s “Remember when we discussed dwarf jokes?” The relationship between Theon and Tyrion is an odd one based almost entirely on antagonism, with a mutual dislike but no grudges, and a deep enough understanding for some enjoyable banter.

While skeptical at first, Tyrion isn’t beyond accepting that Theon is a changed man, and with the Lannisters’ focus on brains over brawn, you have to wonder if Theon would’ve grown into a better and more successful man had he been raised in King’s Landing.

3 She Is A Reaver. She Is A Warrior. She Is Ironborn! We Will Find No Better Leader. This Is Our Queen.

Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

Theon’s championing of his sister is admirable to some extent, despite him not knowing her very well at all, and together they fuse the best qualities of the Starks and the Greyjoys and aim them at a new better world. Unfortunately “She is Ironborn” was trumped by Euron’s “What is dead may never die.” Not including this winning phrase in his endorsement was very clumsy.

2 I’m Not Fit To Rule.

Game of Thrones Top 10 Theon Greyjoy Quotes

This sentiment is admirable, though ironic, and maybe ill-advised since his championing of Yara is down to misplaced familial loyalty that his family did nothing to earn. Despite his past, these words coming from Theon Greyjoy’s mouth proved how far he’d come, and displayed selfless, level-headed, worldly qualities he certainly didn’t possess at the outset.

1 What Is Dead May Never Die.

Theon made the wrong choice, and as Jon Snow later points out, this choice wasn’t even necessary. Theon may have committed one of the worst atrocities on the show, but if anyone can claim the product-of-my-environment defense it’s Theon. As to whether the new-found self-loathing and extreme punishment inflicted on him by Ramsay redeemed him, the jury’s still out. As Stannis would say “A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad the good.” Theon is the study of humanity, and a great example of “the human heart in conflict with itself,” something George R.R. Martin believes is the only thing worth writing about.

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