IT Tilda Swinton Was Actually Considered for Pennywise

IT: Tilda Swinton Was Actually Considered for Pennywise


IT director Andrés Muschietti reveals that Oscar-winning actor Tilda Swinton was actually considered for the role of Pennywise.

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IT Tilda Swinton Was Actually Considered for Pennywise

Oscar-winning actor Tilda Swinton was actually considered for the role of Pennywise the Dancing Clown in the upcoming theatrical adaptation of IT. Directed by Andrés Muschietti and based on the beloved novel of the same name by American novelist Stephen King, the new movie version of the classic horror story will star Bill Skarsgård as the terrifying killer clown Pennywise.

Following the release of the second theatrical trailer – in addition to San Diego Comic Con 2017 poster for IT – the final wave of marketing is underway for Muschietti’s Stephe King adaptation, ahead of its release in September. The embargo has been lifted on reports for the press visit to the IT set too, meaning we now have proper confirmation from Muschietti that Skarsgård wasn’t the only actor who was seriously considered to tackle the role of Pennywise in the film.

Related: Watch the Official IT Trailer

As revealed by JoBlo’s own IT set visit report, Muschietti did in fact consider Swinton as a possibility to bring the monstrous Pennywise to life. Many moviegoers no doubt know Swinton for her uncanny ability to inhabit vastly different kinds of characters on the big screen – with her latest chameleon-like performance put on display in the Netflix original movie Okja. Among Swinton’s many fans is none other than IT director Muschietti, who said of his pursuit of Swinton for the role of Pennywise:

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“She wasn’t available. No, no I swear to god. She was not. We had a slot to shoot the movie and she wasn’t available so she didn’t even audition. But of course, we all thought about it.”

The idea of Swinton taking on such an iconic role certainly leaves a lot of room for the imagination to run wild with the potential possibilities. Pennywise has thus far served as the central selling point in terms of marketing IT to potential audiences, though the monster’s appearence would have undoubtedly taken on an entirely different shape and tone had Swinton been the one to bring the character to life.

Tim Curry previously immortalized the character of Pennywise in the two-part, made-for-TV IT movie in 1990, but with any luck Skarsgård will offer a wholly original take on the menacing movie monster for 21st century audiences to enjoy in Muschietti’s IT. Stephen King fans are likely looking forward to the latest version of the original novel with bated breathe – even if it could have been even more exciting to have seen Swinton as Pennywise, instead of Skarsgård.

Source: JoBlo

English Major, Film Buff, and Citizen of the World, Sean K. Cureton is a born and raised Jersey Boy. Having received a B.A. in English from Rutgers University, Sean is proud to call the Garden State his home, equidistant from both the steps that made Sylvester Stallone a household name, and the park where Harry was cordially introduced to Sally, even if he’d prefer to a stay in state due to a certain fondness for a convenience store located in Leonardo, NJ. When he’s not in the multiplex, you can follow him on Twitter, @seankcureton.

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