How AntMan Would’ve Been Different If It Kept Its Original Villain

How Ant-Man Would’ve Been Different If It Kept Its Original Villain

The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Ant-Man introduced Darren Cross’s evil Yellowjacket, but the movie originally included a different villain.

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How AntMan Would’ve Been Different If It Kept Its Original Villain

The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Ant-Man introduced Yellowjacket as the main villain; however, the movie could’ve been different with its original antagonist. In Ant-Man, Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang falls back into crime soon after his release from prison. Thinking he could get an easy score, Lang breaks into Hank Pym’s (Michael Douglas) house to steal valuables from a large safe. However, all he finds is an old suit. Of course, Pym planned this all along, and the suit contains size-changing technology. According to Pym, his former protégé, Darren Cross (Corey Stoll), is trying to sell size-changing tech to the highest bidder, and the consequences could be dire. To stop Cross/Yellowjacket, Pym sets up Lang to become the new Ant-Man, hoping he can stop the size-changing suits from falling into the wrong hands.

Loki recently gave Yellowjacket an update. The Ant-Man villain essentially has the same skill set as Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang, making him one of the MCU’s more forgettable foes. However, Loki episode 5 changes things. A giant Yellowjacket helmet appears in the background in a void at the end of time, which instantly makes the character more interesting. Apparently, there was a timeline where Yellowjacket could grow into a giant, which is a skill Ant-Man doesn’t display in the first film in the franchise. Also, the moment raises questions of how Yellowjacket wound up in the Void in the first place.

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Ant-Man’s original villain could’ve brought drastic changes to the movie. Edgar Wright developed Ant-Man for years before Peyton Reed took over the film. Though Reed and Marvel kept several elements from Wright’s Ant-Man, there were also significant changes. For example, in Wright’s original script, the villain was called the Nano Warrior, which would’ve been a new MCU character. Though Marvel ultimately changed the villain to Yellowjacket, Nano Warrior could’ve provided Ant-Man with some fundamental changes.

As a new character, Nano Warrior could’ve been free of fan expectations. Marvel constantly remixes its comic book characters into slightly altered versions for the MCU, inevitably bringing criticism. Fans become enraged about slight changes to the comic book characters and begin angry social media campaigns over choices they deem wrong. Marvel recently experienced this with the much-maligned fan reaction to the MCU’s new take on Taskmaster in Black Widow. However, creating a new character provides the MCU with endless possibilities, freeing the villain from character names that could create problems with fans.

A different character could’ve also mitigated the villain issues in Ant-Man. Yellowjacket is one of Hank Pym’s aliases in Marvel’s comics, which initially confused fans. Additionally, Marvel often gets criticized for having villains that are simply mirrors of the hero, which is one of the problems keeping Yellowjacket from standing out. While Nano Warrior would’ve also been a villain with an updated Ant-Man suit, the character isn’t tethered to Marvel’s comic book past, so the sky was the limit for the antagonist’s abilities. Additionally, Wright’s visual style could’ve helped Nano Warrior stand out more than Yellowjacket. Thus, even as a small villain, Nano Warrior could’ve made a big impression.

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