Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

Lord Of The Rings: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)


Lord of the Rings is almost universally acknowledged to be an incredible interpretation of the books – but not everyone agrees on the finer points.

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Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

Any fandom that lasts long enough will eventually find itself divided by opinions: Harry Potter fans will debate endlessly as to their personal feelings about Snape, while the mere mention of Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi can start a heated brawl in a Star Wars forum. Some opinions, on the other hand, are so out there that they can make an entire fandom come together in gleefully pointing out the flaws.

The Lord of the Rings is no stranger to “unpopular opinions”, as several bizarre takes referring to the renowned fantasy franchise can be found across Reddit — how many do you agree with?

10 Ralph Bakshi’s Version Is Better Than Peter Jackson’s

Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

u/FriendlyCommie prefaced their opinion that Ralph Bakshi’s version of The Lord of the Rings is “in some sense a better film than [Peter Jackson’s]” with a disclaimer that it “might be too unpopular even for an unpopular opinions thread.”

Indeed, though Bakshi has been lauded for multiple decades as a visionary in the field of animation, his disjointed adaptation of Tolkien’s books left many fans of the series wanting. Not only that, but it cut off in the middle of The Two Towers and a sequel was never produced.

9 Faramir Is Better In The Movies Than The Books

Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

A Reddit user who has since deleted their account says that they “[liked] the changes they made to Faramir’s character in the movies” because they “give him more of an arc and make his ultimate decision to release Frodo more meaningful.” Movie Faramir initially wants to take the ring from Frodo and use its power to help Gondor much like his brother Boromir, while Book Faramir immediately recognizes that the ring is evil and is wary of it.

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The replies to this particular comment were full of iterations of “upvoted because disagree”, so it certainly qualifies as an unpopular opinion.

8 Legolas And Gimli Are A Couple

Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

Another deleted user offered their opinion that “Legolas and Gimli are totally a couple”, a take that is slowly becoming less and less unpopular but is still somewhat overshadowed in the annals of non-canon Middle-Earth ships by pairings like Frodo and Sam.

Still, there’s some worthwhile debate to be had as to whether the odd couple would actually be a good couple.

7 Gimli Is Better In The Books Than The Movies

Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

Redditor u/Feline_Majesty shared a complaint about the way Peter Jackson handled Gimli’s character: they “didn’t like the fact that Gimli was the butt of every joke in the movies!” While Gimli does have a few moments in the movies that prove he’s a skilled fighter on par with the rest of the Fellowship, he often acts as a comic foil to keep the tension from building too much in action sequences (like when competing with Legolas to see who gets the highest kill count).

It’s true that this page-to-screen change might not have been necessary, but considering how beloved John Rhys-Davies’ portrayal of Gimli is among fans of the series, finding someone who dislikes it is at least fairly unusual.

6 Tom Bombadil Is A Bad Character

Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

For those unacquainted with the merry forest-dweller, Tom Bombadil is a character from Tolkien’s books who encounters the Hobbits near the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring. He’s a benevolent wanderer with unexplained powers who is more interested in discovering nature and tending to his wife Goldberry than occupying himself with the trials and tribulations of Middle-Earth. Unlike nearly every other major character, he is untempted by (and uninterested in) the ring.

He has a major following online with fans of the series, but u/Drexl25 argues “it would have been a terrible decision to include him in the films.” Oddly enough, Tolkien viewed Bombadil much the same way, calling him “not important … to the [story’s] narrative” in a 1954 letter.

5 Tolkien Was A Bad Writer

Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

Most Reddit threads for unpopular LOTR opinions feature a version of the claim that Tolkien’s writing was just not good. As u/Armaada_J puts it, “I certainly appreciate the world that Tolkien created, and his influence on the genre, I just am not a fan of his writing style.” (Another comment calls him “SO WORDY.”)

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Variant versions of the same opinion include “Tolkien’s books are good, but his poetry is bad” or “The Lord of the Rings is good, but The Silmarillion is bad.”

4 The Hobbit Movies Are Actually Good

Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

u/mackiger describes themselves as a “Hobbit film apologist”, saying that they can see “[the films] are flawed” but they still “loved almost every minute of them.”

The reception for the Hobbit films very closely parallels the reception for the Star Wars prequel trilogy: fans of the original series felt they were full of filler, had dated special effects, and failed to live up to the hype. At least the Star Wars prequel trilogy has experienced a sort of resurgence in recent years; the Hobbit trilogy — not so much.

3 Return Of The King Is Actually Bad

Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

u/chi0408’s unpopular LOTR opinion is that “the editing in [The Return of the King] is a mess and it’s the weakest of the three films” — the best, according to them, is The Fellowship of the Ring.

While it’s true that some people like The Return of the King less than others, the film itself was clearly the most successful entry in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, making more than $1 billion worldwide and receiving a record-breaking eleven Academy Awards.

2 Tauriel Is A Good Character

Lord Of The Rings 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

u/perdur offers another opinion in favor of the Hobbit films: “I love Tauriel.”

The spritely, bow-wielding elf was not included in the original book and only appears in the movie, but how important she actually was to the story’s progression is a contentious point. As u/scrambles57 opines: “I probably wouldn’t have minded her being in the film if it wasn’t just to add a terrible love triangle.”

1 Frodo Should Have Returned The Ring To Sauron

A now-deleted account offered by far the most head-scratching of Lord of the Rings opinions: “By law, Frodo should have returned the Ring to Sauron. The whole Quest is an elaborate attempt to destroy stolen property.”

They aren’t wrong about the second part, but the conclusion they draw from it is dubious, to say the least. The real question is: have we found Kirill Eskov’s alt account?

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/lord-of-the-rings-reddit-unpopular-opinions/

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