Sam Wilsons Heroism Copies Hawkeye As Much As Steve Rogers

Sam Wilson’s Heroism Copies Hawkeye As Much As Steve Rogers

While much has been made about Sam Wilson’s parallels to Steve Rogers, his arc also bears similarity to Clint Barton’s in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

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Sam Wilsons Heroism Copies Hawkeye As Much As Steve Rogers

Sam Wilson’s arc in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier sees him step into the role of Captain America by embodying the heroism of Steve Rogers before him, but the show’s addition of his family lends him a similarity to Hawkeye. Clint Barton’s family is introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron as being a reason for why he fights, and Sam’s is similarly introduced in the Falcon’s most recent Disney+ series. Though the show goes through great lengths to demonstrate how Sam shows the same signs of peacemaking and altruism that Steve displayed as a scrawny kid pre-serum, his sister and nephews show that his reason for being an Avenger bears greater resemblance to Clint Barton’s.

In episode 1 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the audience is introduced to Sam Wilson’s family for the first time in the MCU. Sarah Wilson, Sam’s sister, has been holding down the family business in the wake of Sam’s enlistment in the Air Force and subsequent role in the Avengers. A widow, and without her late parents to run the fishing company, she also raises her two sons. The show explores the tension in the Wilson family, both as a result of encountering discrimination from the American socioeconomic system directed at Black families, and the strain Sam placed on his family by effectively leaving them to their own devices while he pursued his heroic career. But Sam’s intentions are good, as he makes clear in the show, demonstrating that a large part of his motivation for defending Earth is to defend them.

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This motivation is similarly central to Hawkeye’s as revealed in Ultron. When the Avengers need to get off the grid, Clint reveals to the team that he has a whole family of Bartons in a secluded location set up with the aid of Nick Fury: his wife, daughter, and two sons. In an emotionally poignant scene, downtempo when compared to the rest of the action-packed blockbuster, it becomes clear that while Hawkeye certainly cares about the Earth’s well-being, it’s these familial relations who make up the world he works to save. This is reflected in his playful competition with the Maximoffs, as Wanda’s world is destroyed when Ultron kills her brother. Sam’s world is his sister and nephews. In this way, he makes a strong comparison to Hawkeye.

Of course, the primary narrative work accomplished by The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is Sam’s transition from Falcon into Captain America. From the opening scene, Sam embodies Steve Rogers’ mannerisms and heroism, right down to his graceful exit from the helicopter in the first episode, itself a reference to an early scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Though his relationship with his family is a revelation to MCU audiences, it’s no secret that Sam’s principal struggle in the film is grappling with the consequences of taking up the Captain America mantle, and the racial, ethical, and power-related complications associated with that decision.

While Steve Rogers is the obvious comparison point for Sam Wilson’s character, and John Walker makes for an interesting foil to the Falcon’s heroic evolution, Clint Barton’s family backstory is directly reminiscent of the Wilsons’ dynamic. Though Sam is unmarried and without children of his own, his family is, like Clint’s, his world and reason for Avenging. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier only scratched the surface of his newly developed MCU backstory, but with Falcon shedding his wings in favor of the shield, it stands to reason Sarah and company will factor heavily into subsequent explorations of Sam Wilson’s onscreen character.

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