Scream 2022 Theory The Killer Is The Secret Child Of Randy

Scream 2022 Theory: The Killer Is The Secret Child Of Randy


The Scream movies have always loved to surprise the audience, and making the killer Randy’s child would be a great way to do just that.

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Scream 2022 Theory The Killer Is The Secret Child Of Randy

Jamie Kennedy’s Randy is long dead, but his child would make a great surprise killer for Scream 5. Over a decade after Scream 4 saw legendary horror director Wes Craven helm his final entry into the franchise he helped create, 2022 will kick off its blockbuster horror offerings with a fifth Scream movie. Confusingly titled simply Scream, much to the chagrin of many fans, Scream 2022 still seems like it’s in good hands, those of co-directors Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, makers of 2019’s excellent Ready or Not.

A movie just as sly and witty as it was gory and tense, Ready or Not showed off the kind of skills that should prove vital to capturing the Scream tone Craven repeatedly created. The Scream franchise has always been as much of a winking love letter to horror fans as it is an actual horror story, and the knack for clever, pitch-black comedy Bettinelli-Olpin and Gillett demonstrated in Ready or Not could well make the duo the perfect choice to pick up where Craven left off.

Clearly, something about Bettinelli-Olpin and Gillett’s plan impressed Scream stars Neve Campbell, David Arquette, and Courteney Cox, as all three had expressed the belief that perhaps it would be best for the Scream movies to not continue without Craven. Yet, now they’re all back to once again encounter a new Ghostface or two. One original star who won’t be back is Jamie Kennedy, as Randy was killed off in Scream 2. However, that doesn’t mean he won’t be involved in the plot at all, as his vengeful offspring could make their presence known in Woodsboro.

How Randy Died In Scream 2

Scream 2022 Theory The Killer Is The Secret Child Of Randy

Throughout the first Scream, Randy was sort of an avatar for the diehard horror fans watching the movie, as Randy knew about the rules that slasher survivors usually have to follow. Unsurprisingly, he became a very popular character, but that didn’t stop him from meeting the business end of Ghostface’s knife in Scream 2. Before his death, Randy gets a phone call from Ghostface, and tries to lure him out by talking smack and getting into a heated argument. Unluckily for him, Ghostface is hiding inside a nearby news van, and when Randy gets too close, he’s pulled inside and stabbed to death.

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It’s revealed later on in Scream 2 that it was Mrs. Loomis inside the Ghostface costume that killed Randy, as he’d unleashed a barrage of insults toward her son Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich) during their back and forth. As she puts it, she “went a little knife happy,” kind of implying that maybe she hadn’t initially planned to take him out right then and there, before he raised her ire. Billy was of course one of the original set of Ghostface killers, alongside Stu Macher, at least until Sidney turned the tables on her former love and shot him. Randy’s death was quite shocking for viewers when Scream 2 was released, as his popularity seemingly precluded him from being killed off.

Randy’s Surprise Scream 3 Cameo

Scream 2022 Theory The Killer Is The Secret Child Of Randy

Scream 3 revealed that the genre-savvy Randy Meeks had foreseen his own coming demise, and made a tape explaining the rules of horror trilogies in the event that his surviving friends were targeted again. While fans loved seeing Randy again, and it was clear that Sidney and the now possibly divorced Dewey and Gale all missed him as well, a throwaway line dropped some important personal information. The reason Randy thought he was soon to die was that he’d finally lost his virginity, to a co-worker named Karen Kolcheck.

It’s clearly meant to be a joke, but at the same time, it doesn’t sound like Randy is lying. That means that, even if Randy and Karen thought to use protection, there’s a chance a child was conceived during their encounter. Depending on how recent the conception was from when Randy was killed, it’s also possible that if he did father a child with Karen, he died before he could find out. That might also explain how the existence of a Randy Meeks Jr. could go unnoticed by his surviving friends, who might otherwise offer assistance to Karen in her time of need. Perhaps after learning of Randy’s gruesome death, a pregnant Karen simply decided to give the baby up for adoption, or raise them without the knowledge of what happened to their father.

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Why Scream 2022’s Killer Could Be Randy’s Child

Of course, even if Randy Meeks did father a child, and that child grew up to learn what happened to his dad, the question exists as to why he’d go on his own killing spree in Scream 2022. One reason could be resentment over having to grow up without a father, as perhaps he’s come to blame Randy’s friends for letting him get killed while they continued to survive time after time. That would also explain why the new Ghostface is targeting people related to Stu and Billy, since it was Billy’s mom that physically killed Randy. It’s also possible that Randy’s child ended up sort of a dark mirror to Randy as a person.

Much is made in the original Scream of the fact that Randy seems like a logical Ghostface suspect, due to his expertise in horror movies, serial killers, and murder methods. While real-life evidence has never suggested a clear link between liking that kind of material and taking part in violence, Randy’s child could be the exception to that rule, as perhaps he grew up a fan of all the same stuff, but once he learned that his dad was the victim of an actual killer, became obsessed with killers and how their minds work. Too much time spent in such a dark mental place, coupled with sadness over never getting to meet his dad, could very well drive Randy’s offspring to extremes, even donning the Ghostface mask themselves in Scream 5.

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