Marvels AntMan 3 Set To Begin Production in June 2021

Marvel’s Ant-Man 3 Set To Begin Production in June 2021

After being left out of the phase 4 plans for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel’s Ant-Man 3 is planned to begin production in June of 2021.

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Marvels AntMan 3 Set To Begin Production in June 2021

Marvel’s Ant-Man 3 will reportedly begin production in June 2021. While not as popular as some of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s other titles, the two standalone Ant-Man films released to date – 2015’s Ant-Man and 2018’s Ant-Man and the Wasp – were both well-received and proved to be modest hits at the box office. The character has also appeared in Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Endgame, making him a key figure in the franchise. For those reasons, Marvel is busy developing an Ant-Man 3, continuing Scott Lang’s story post-Infinity Saga.

With Marvel focusing on their upcoming superhero films first, there isn’t much known about Ant-Man 3. Although it’s too early to know what the plot of Ant-Man 3 will entail, fans can assume Rudd will be back in the leading role, along with Evangeline Lilly, Michael Douglas, and Michael Pena likely returning as well. Initially, Ant-Man 3 was rumored to come out in 2022 with later reports from Michael Douglas saying production would begin in January 2021 in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, that looks to not be the case.

According to Murphy’s Multiverse, Ant-Man 3’s production has been moved to June 2021. After not appearing on Marvel’s upcoming release schedule full of highly anticipated films, many fans speculated if a third installment in the franchise had been postponed indefinitely. Since this news hasn’t been officially confirmed, Screen Rant has reached out to Disney for confirmation.

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While fans may be disappointed that the Ant-Man 3 production start date is being pushed to summer 2021, the move could be beneficial for the film. It gives Ant-Man 3 writer Jeff Loveness additional time to formulate the character’s future and perfect the script – which could lead to a stronger story. This is something the MCU has experience with. Doctor Strange’s release date was delayed five months so Benedict Cumberbatch could star as the titular character. Director Scott Derrickson and his crew used that additional time to fine tune the script and develop techniques for Doctor Strange’s eye-catching visuals. The hope for Ant-Man 3 is that its delay yields similar results, and returning director Peyton Reed can take things to the next level in terms of narrative and action set pieces.

With COVID-19 delaying many Marvel productions and releases, this planned production date isn’t a guarantee. The best-case scenario would be a summer 2022 release date, but in reality, it could very well be delayed again. Ant-Man 3’s planned production timeline could run into some trouble due to Marvel having other films slated to be released during the summer 2022 season. Among those are the highly anticipated sequels Black Panther 2 and Captain Marvel 2. Captain Marvel and Black Panther’s solo movies faired way better at the box office compared to the Ant-Man franchise, which means if the coronavirus causes Marvel to shuffle it’s release schedule again, other MCU movies will take precedent over Ant-Man 3.

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