Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

Modern Family: 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Aren’t Real Friends


In Modern Family, Phil likes to think of himself and his father-in-law Jay as best friends for life. The reality is, it’s not true.

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Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

Phil Dunphy, one of the main characters of Modern Family, likes to think of his relationship with his father-in-law as near ideal. He’s constantly painting them to be the best of friends, trying to bond with Jay, and speaking very highly of him.

Unfortunately… he’s deluded.

Jay doesn’t have the same high opinion of Phil, and actively avoids spending time with him. If the viewers only heard Phil’s side, they’d think these two characters were the best of friends. But fortunately, they have Jay to listen to, and can see the more complex side of the relationship… It’s not all roses.

10 Jay Is Protective Of His Kids

Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

Starting out light, there’s a very obvious reason Jay might not be a huge fan of Phil — he’s protective of his kids.

Many fathers are. Jay often struggles to show his emotions, suffering from a good dose of toxic masculinity that the show loves to explore, but there are often flashes where viewers can see that he’s protective of his kids – especially his daughter, Claire. It’s natural, therefore, that he might be a bit wary of the man she married.

9 He Also Never Thought Phil Was Good Enough

Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

It’s more than that, though. Jay doesn’t like Phil, specifically.

Claire often thinks about how her father never liked Phil and he was a dating choice in her rebellious phase that just happened to end up as her husband. Phil is aware of the same history, but cheerily makes comments on how he’s glad things have changed now.

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Meanwhile, Jay still seems to be of the opinion that Phil isn’t good enough for his little girl.

8 He’s Physically Hurt Phil In The Past

Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

In one of the early episodes, Jay is flying his remote control helicopter and he smashes it into Phil’s face, injuring him pretty badly. Although he claims this was an accident, Gloria and Claire seem to be well aware that it wasn’t and although Phil might be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, everyone else seems highly aware of his dislike for Phil — and the fact it’s very likely he’d deliberately injure him. Yikes.

7 He Demeans Him

Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

Jay also tends to demean Phil, insulting his happy-go-lucky attitude at every turn and implying he’s too soft. Jay likes to think of himself as a traditionally masculine tough guy, and Phil doesn’t fit that description, meaning that the two of them are very different. Surely Jay could be accepting of others who are different — his wife is Columbian, his son is married to a man with a Vietnamese daughter, he’s in a very diverse and progressive family — but Phil’s personality is apparently where he draws the line.

6 Phil Tries Too Hard

Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

It probably doesn’t help that Phil tries too hard. Jay might have more respect for Phil if he actually settled down and spent less time desperate to be liked, since Jay has a far more laid back attitude. Instead, Phil does everything he can to impress his father-in-law, and it ends up having the opposite effect.

5 Phil Has Put Jay In Very Uncomfortable Positions

Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

Phil is not a saint, though. He’s put Jay in some awful positions.

In one episode, he takes a picture of a closet to show Jay, and doesn’t pay enough attention to realize he’s caught Claire on the edge of the picture — naked. Poor Jay has to see a very uncomfortable picture, mortifying both him and his daughter.

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They move past it fairly quickly, but not many would.

4 Jay Isn’t Progressive Enough

Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

Jay just isn’t very progressive where Phil is. He struggles with his son being gay, especially in the lead-up to the wedding, and although he improves throughout the show, he makes a serious comment to his Columbian wife that she, “doesn’t understand the prejudice straight white guys have to face.” He’s not particularly woke.

Phil, on the other hand, never shows any discomfort around Mitchell and Cam, and perhaps Jay needs to be more like that. He might also resent that Phil has no trouble being accepting.

3 Phil Can Be A Little Creepy Towards Gloria

Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

Phil has definitely stared at Gloria a little too much, though. He tends to be a tad creepy around her, something that’s made Claire visibly uncomfortable. Yes, Gloria is closer to his age than Jay’s, but it’s just horrifically inappropriate. Jay doesn’t seem to notice, but if he did… It’d be understandable if he was irritated by the disrespect towards both him and his daughter.

2 Claire Has Probably Complained Too Much About Phil

Modern Family 10 Reasons Phil & Jay Arent Real Friends

Claire has a tendency to vent about Phil’s tendencies behind his back, and may have done so to Jay. It’s the classic issue of someone venting about their spouse to a friend or relative who ends up with a severely bad impression of the person because they’ve never heard the good side.

Knowing Claire, it’s likely this has played a part.

1 Their Personalities Just Don’t Mesh

Ultimately, their personalities just aren’t compatible as friends — family issues and influences aside. Phil is a happy-go-lucky, friendly, warm guy who tries a little too hard but ultimately means well. Jay isn’t on the lookout for friends, especially not ones that mean he’ll have to open up emotionally. He tolerates Phil now, but that doesn’t make them friends.

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