Nioh 2 Understanding The New Skill Trees

Nioh 2: Understanding The New Skill Trees


Nioh 2’s brand new skill tree can be extremely overwhelming at first glance, and this guide is meant to help players make more sense of it.

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Nioh 2 Understanding The New Skill Trees

One of the most important ways that players can improve their skills in Nioh 2 is by properly utilizing the new skill tree. The problem here is that the skill tree looks extremely complicated at first glance and can leave players feeling overwhelmed. Luckily the tree isn’t as scary as it looks and players who understand it a little better will be improving their characters in no time at all.

The skill tree has thirteen different categories which each one having dozens of skills. These skills correspond to different both weapons and things like Yokai abilities. As players use their abilities and fight enemies they will earn skill points that can be used to gain new abilities in combat. This guide will help players make a little more sense of the skill tree.

How to pick skills in Nioh 2

Even though the skill tree looks imposing, players will just need to focus on a few areas rather than messing with the entire tree. Realistically players will only be investing points into three or four categories during the course of their games. Players should decide early on which weapons they would like to focus on during play, and then dump skill points into those weapons. If a player spends the majority of their time using a spear then it is easy enough to just put points into that specific weapon.

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Other than weapons players will also want to look into both Yokai abilities and the Samurai tree. Both of these categories will give players access to basic skills to improve their characters. The most important thing to focus on is the Yokai tree, as it will increase the effectiveness of the Yokai shift form. The Samurai tree, on the other hand, will give players basic sword skills that can make their lives much easier in a pinch.

Players should feel free to experiment with different skill trees in order to decide what they truly want out of their character. Keep in mind that it is relatively easy to go back and fix any early mistakes that were made by just respeccing at a later date. This is as simple as going to the blacksmith in between missions in order to completely reset skills and levels. Players will then be able to reassign points and make their characters as effective as possible.

Players will spend so much time early on amassing skill points just by killing enemies. Forming the habit of checking the skill tree as often possible should be formed in the early moments of the game, and players should try their best not to get overwhelmed by the skill tree. Leveling up these skills can be the deciding factor between losing and winning a fight in Nioh 2.

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