Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

Netflix: Best Quotes From Space Force


Netflix’s new comedy Space Force is so funny it’s highly quotable. Here are some of the best lines from the series.

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Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

Space Force, the diverting new workplace comedy from Netflix, stars Steve Carell and John Malkovich as General Naird and Dr. Mallory who, despite their distaste for one another, are tasked with creating the U.S. Space Force. Part political satire, part sci-fi homage, hilarity ensues when Naird’s can-do grit chaffs against Mallory’s fastidious intellectualism, with their unsuspecting colleagues and families caught in the crossfire.

As a version of his famous character on The Office Carell is predictably funny, especially when he gives his dialogue a steely bite that would make Clint Eastwood proud. Malkovich is surprisingly humorous because of the sardonic jauntiness he brings to his lines, and the joint chiefs of staff are comprised of comedic heavy hitters Jane Lynch, Patrick Warburton, and Diedrich Bader delivering zinger after zinger. The jokes don’t always land, but when they do it’s with all the precision of the Falcon 9.

Updated on December 24th, 2020 by Kristen Palamara: Space Force is a U.S. political satire that follows a newly formed department whose mission is to travel to the moon and bring an American presence to space. It’s a comedic show with a large cast of actors known mostly for their comedic projects and the success of the first season has Netflix committing to a second season. The first season left off with a cliffhanger and, hopefully, the second season is just as funny with dramatic and meaningful moments that engage the audience and continue the story.

15 “Scientists are weird. It’s why you’re the only Muppet that speaks nonsense. Even Animal uses words.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

F. Tony is a hilariously obnoxious character as Space Force’s media manager and he constantly butts heads with everyone else in the department.

Dr. Mallory and his team of scientists are always having to stand up for reason and fact in the department, much to Mallory’s dismay. Tony takes aim at his team with his line and says that all scientists are weird and that’s why the muppet Beaker exists.

14 “This says, bomb. I don’t know if that is a noun, a verb, or an adjective describing my outfit.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

Dr. Mallory asks the entire team to come up with ideas to fix one of their orbiting satellites so everyone writes theirs down and someone simply writes “bomb!” on their slip of paper.

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Mallory opens it and is understandably confused, but he plays it off as a joke. Obviously, it’s not a good idea whether it’s a noun or verb but maybe someone really was just trying to compliment his outfit.

13 “This is classic. As soon somebody thinks I’m smart, you decide that they are dumb.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

Most of the first season highlighted the differences and the everlasting fighting between General Naird and Dr. Mallory and although they see eye to eye by the end of the series, it takes them a long time to get there.

The two go back and forth in their friendship and easily get upset with each other when Naird doesn’t question authority or when Mallory questions Naird’s intelligence.

12 “Forget history, and you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. The real enemy is arrogance.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

Although Space Force is mostly a comedic political satire, there are moments and quotes that carry weight and have deeper meaning instead of the typical hilarious dialogue.

General Naird has a change of heart by the end of the first season and starts to see what Dr. Mallory has been talking about when he realizes he shouldn’t be blindly following the military and presidential orders. He has a speech including these two lines that ring true in the show and in real-life.

11 “Space should be a zone of wonder, not of conflict and death.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

Dr. Mallory delivers another quote that has some meaning and depth in both the show and in real-life as life in space is increasingly becoming a possibility for everyone in the space race.

Dr. Mallory is one of the moral compasses of the show and he’s increasingly upset at the militarization of space and the military’s general involvement in their space department.

10 “Gender roles, offensive and out of date, just like you.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

When General Mark Naird is made a four-star general, the affair isn’t as lavish as what he’s accustomed to, but it gains him access to meetings with the joint chiefs of staff. He becomes privy to confidential information, along with his rival Kick Grabaston.

When Naird informs Grabaston of his promotion, Grabaston makes an off-color remark about Naird wearing a dress. Ever the equitable sort, Niard delivers this line without flinching.

9 “We’re going to Apollo 13 the sh*t out of it.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

By the time the satellite finally launches, it’s a happy day at Space Force HQ. General Naird and Dr. Mallory are even able to get over their differences and share a glass of bourbon to celebrate – that is until the panels of the satellite are stolen in orbit by -they suspect- another world power.

This instantly sends them back to HQ where they break off into teams and formulate a plan to reattach the panels before it’s too late. That’s when Naird utters this classic line, in reference to the Apollo 13 mission that almost ended in tragedy.

8 “Are you going to sit there like an idiot doing nothing or are you going to shoot for the stars?”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

General Naird makes an inspirational speech to aspiring cadets of the Space Force program, outlining the POTUS’s goal of having “boots on the moon by 2024” and how Space Force will propel the United States into a new era of national pride through intrepid space exploration.

He concludes his remarks by asking the gathering of insipid youth whether or not they’re going to shirk their apathy with this question, which while said with the best of intentions could use a little polishing.

7 “I would like to know why my science budget pales in comparison to his orgy of death.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

One of the highlights of the series is the animosity between Dr. Mallory and General Naird, inspired by the real-life ire burgeoning even now between branches of the military and the scientists that they coordinate with on certain projects for the national benefit.

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At one point, Dr. Mallory questions the budget of Dr. Naird and the rest of the joint chiefs of staff gathered at a Congressional budget hearing. Never one to mince words, his line of inquiry is laced with cynicism and irony.

6 “If you ever acknowledge my gender again I will f*** you in the a**.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

The meeting of the joint chiefs of staff comprises some of the most hilarious scenes on the series, especially since every general representing the armed forces of the United States of America is played by a notable character actor, including Jane Lynch.

As the Chief of Naval Operations, she shoots down any mention of her gender with quotes designed to pierce the hulls of even the most formidable subs. She makes it clear her gender has nothing to do with her fulfilling her duties to her nation.

5 “I’m going to reabsorb your budget like the world’s most useful tampon.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

There’s no question that a festering dogmatism exists between General Kirk Grabaston and General Naird, and when in the same room they quickly resort to name-calling and schoolyard bullying.

Even when summoned for a Congressional budget hearing, the pair can’t resist getting in a few well-aimed jabs at one another. Grabaston tries to antagonize Naird with this distasteful -if not humorous- remark, which quickly falls apart as their verbal pummeling continues.

4 “Cheap generals are like cheap enchiladas – you end up paying for it on the back end.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

When summoned for the budget hearing on Capitol Hill, General Naird doesn’t rely on what he perceives to be polysyllabic rhetoric designed to confuse the panel. He gets down to brass tacks and speaks with candor, especially about his fellow four-stars.

He views “cheap generals” like General Grabaston like he views “cheap enchiladas”, and acknowledges that they make look appealing on first sight, but on the back end and in private, they’re excessively expensive for how obstructive they are.

3 “Boots on the moon in 2024. Actually, he said boobs on the moon, but we believe that to be a typo.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

The slogan for the U.S. Space Force, as provided to General Naird by the POTUS is “Boots on the Moon In 2024”, which he recites emphatically throughout the series.

What he begrudgingly adds is that the original phrase was “Boobs on the Moon In 2024”, as sent via text from the POTUS, who tweets constantly throughout the series much to the chagrin of Naird and Dr. Mallory.

2 “To be trapped underwater with a 100 men’s farts, you have to be so strong.”

Netflix Best Quotes From Space Force

When Dr. Mallory recounts the sort of mental fortitude it takes to be part of a lunar habitat, Dr. Chan equates it to the sort of psychological testing required of Navy submariners submerged for long periods of time.

Dr. Chan explains to General Naird exactly why he feels it would take someone of uncharacteristic “superior mental fitness” to be able to survive in isolation with so many grown men and their habits.

1 “You take away my sourdough bread, you’re gonna get poisoned.”

It’s never explained why exactly Maggie Naird is in prison, but her husband visits her every chance he gets, especially for conjugal visits. She makes it clear that she’ll be spending forty years behind bars, perhaps longer, but that she’s safe because she’s respected.

That respect has come at a cost to her character, and she’s earned quite a reputation for herself. Anyone steals sourdough bread from Maggie Naird, and she has no problem poisoning the thief.

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