Scarlet Witchs Avengers Disassembled Comic Madness Explained

Scarlet Witch’s Avengers Disassembled Comic Madness Explained

Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful Avengers, but one storyline drove her mad, as her teammates had to learn the hard way!

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Scarlet Witchs Avengers Disassembled Comic Madness Explained

For years, the Scarlet Witch was an Avenger’s mainstay. Sure, she was a former member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, but several of the team had criminal backgrounds, including her brother Quicksilver along with Black Widow and Hawkeye. This all changed with the events of Avengers Disassembled, which wound up fracturing not only the Avengers but also Scarlet Witch’s mind in the process.

Born Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch was originally thought to be the daughter of Magneto, though it was later revealed she was the product of experiments conducted by the High Evolutionary. As such her powers were hard to define, and initially described as “hex powers” in their first appearances. In later years, her abilities were described as more mystical in nature and deemed “chaos magic”.

The Scarlet Witch’s backstory becomes more complicated after she falls in love with the Vision – and uses her powers to conceive two children – William and Thomas. However, it is eventually revealed that these children were really shards of the demonic Mephisto, who seemingly reabsorbs them into his being. Many years later, Wanda would try to reunite with William and Thomas, but to do so, she would need to find Doctor Doom, setting the stage for Avengers Disassembled.

Scarlet Witchs Avengers Disassembled Comic Madness Explained

The storyline, written by Brian Michael Bendis, sees Scarlet Witch wielding her formidable chaos magic against her teammates. The superhero Jack of Hearts, once presumed dead, appears at the mansion – and then promptly explodes, apparently killing Ant-Man. A Quinjet piloted by the Vision crashes into the Avengers Mansion. Tony Stark drunkenly berates the United Nations, despite being sober when he started the speech, causing the team to lose their UN mandate. The events continue to spiral out of control, with She-Hulk, enchanted by Wanda, attacking her teammates, while Wanda also summons a Kree fleet which wrecks even more havoc, killing Hawkeye in the process. The Avengers call in their allies for help, including Doctor Strange, who tells them “chaos magic” is not a thing and that the Scarlet Witch is in fact warping reality itself. Ultimately, Strange is able to use the Eye of Agamotto, putting Wanda in a coma. She is last seen in the custody of Magneto, then thought to be her father, further setting up the events of House of M.

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Avengers Disassembled was an important storyline as it completely upended the status quo of the Avengers continuity. This allowed a bold new direction for the team who was often overshadowed by Marvel’s X-Men franchise. The event set the stage for New Avengers, which featured traditional mainstays alongside new additions like Spider-Man, Luke Cage, and Wolverine, as well as Young Avengers, which introduced several legacy characters filing the role of the Avengers. However, Avengers Disassembled was also controversial for the handling of its characters. Not only was Wanda written in a particularly negative light, but other characters, such as the Wasp, are shown to be callous towards her maternal instincts. The storyline has also been criticized for using Doctor Strange as a deus ex machina to ultimately bring down the Scarlet Witch.

Fortunately, many of the problems with Avengers Disassembled would be directly addressed in Young Avengers: Children’s Crusade, by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung. It was eventually revealed that two of the members of the team – Wiccan and Speed – were in fact Wanda’s reincarnated twins, with Wiccan wielding powers very similar to Wanda’s. When Wiccan starts to lose control of his powers, however, he fears he might be going down the same path as his mother, prompting the team to search for her. They eventually find her in Latveria, with no memory, about to marry Doctor Doom. The team is able to ultimately recover her memories and stop Doctor Doom from becoming omnipotent. The comic also further retconned her abilities, revealing that her attempt to bring back her children lead her to be temporarily overtaken by an entity known as the Life Force, which enhanced her abilities for a time.

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Children’s Crusade put Scarlet Witch back on the mend, eventually paving the way for the character to rejoin the Avengers. In Empyre, she is seen helping Ka-Zar free his wife from Cotati mind-control, and in Star, she tries unsuccessfully to mentor the title character in the right way to use powerful reality-warping abilities (though in the events of the Empyre: X-Men suggests Wanda still hasn’t learned this lesson herself yet, accidentally creating mutant zombies in an effort to make amends). Despite this, Scarlet Witch ultimately emerges from the events of Children’s Crusade as a hero once more.

How all of this will tie into the upcoming WandaVision is anyone’s guess. It seems likely Wanda’s reality-warping powers are at play yet again, apparently resurrecting her lost love Vision and putting them into several idyllic sitcom scenarios of generations past, all while something more sinister is afoot in the background. While the MCU landscape is drastically different than the Marvel Comics that inspired it, it has been confirmed Wanda will appear in the upcoming Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. Given what WandaVision has already teased, it seems very likely Doctor Strange and company will most likely have to contend with the dark side of Scarlet Witch’s chaotic powers. Hopefully, this will ultimately build the Scarlet Witch into the hero she’s destined to become.

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Richard Pulfer is a freelance comic book news writer on Screen Rant. His writing has also appeared on Broken Frontier, the Rockford Register Star and the Northern Star. In addition, he has published fiction in Futurescapes, Call of the Wyld and Insurgency: A Fae Rebellion. He lives in northern Illinois, where he also works at a library.

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