RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

Retro-Cast: If Loki Were Made In The ’90s


The talented cast of Loki helped bring some wonderful characters to life in the MCU, but which actors from the 90s would have filled those roles?

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RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

As the third MCU show to debut on Disney+, Loki was a smash hit with fans. It expanded the universe in some game-changing ways, took a fascinating in-depth look at the God of Mischief, and introduced some great new characters into the MCU.

Tom Hiddleston continues to prove he was born to play the role of Loki and he is joined by an amazing cast in the show. Since the show likes to play with time, it is fun to imagine Loki debuting in the 1990s and hypothesizing which actors might have been cast in the project back then.

10 Miss Minutes: Reba McEntire

RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

When being introduced to the TVA, there is a lot of information both Loki and the audience need to absorb. Thankfully, Miss Minutes helps to make that exposition more bearable. Brought to life by Tara Strong, this animated clock explains the high-stakes mission of the organization as if it were as mundane as an in-flight safety demonstration.

Though she became famous as a country singer, Reba McEntire is also an accomplished character actress who showed her comedic talents in such films as Tremors. Her distinct Southern charm would work wonderfully for the voice-over role of Miss Minutes.

9 Casey: Rob Schneider

RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

One of the most entertaining aspects of Loki is how the TVA is depicted. Though it is perhaps the universe’s most powerful organization, it looks like the most unglamorous place in existence. This banality is personified by Eugene Cordero as Casey, a meek and irritating office drone who is inexplicably in charge of Infinity Stones.

Rob Schneider rose to prominence on Saturday Night Live in the 1990s and had the perfect persona for this kind of role. He even played a character on SNL very similar to Casey with the “Making Copies” guy who was also a positive yet somehow annoying office worker.

8 Hunter C-20: Lisa Bonet

RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

The designated hunters for the TVA are assigned to track down anyone who escapes their timeline. Played by Sasha Lane, Hunter C-20 is considered to be one of the TVA’s best hunters but even she is no match for a fugitive Loki.

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Lisa Bonet was known for her role on The Cosby Show, but by the 1990s, she was starting to build her own career with more adult roles like Angel Heart. She possesses the necessary toughness and intensity that is perfect for this role.

7 Classic Loki: Terrence Stamp

RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

Though he only appears in two episodes, Richard E. Grant made a lasting impression as Classic Loki. He was a Loki variant who managed to survive his encounter with Thanos and became more contemplative in his older age.

Terrence Stamp is a renowned British actor who has appeared in a variety of different roles in his 60-year-old career. In Steven Soderbergh’s 1999 neo-noir classic The Limey, Stamp shows what life as a criminal can do to a man. He could bring that same sort of gravitas needed for the role of Classic Loki.

6 Hunter B-15: Queen Latifah

RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

Another key hunter working for the TVA is Hunter B-15. Played by Wunm Mosaku, she is a tough operative who carries out her work with no sympathy or hesitation. Hunter B-15 is untrustworthy of Loki from the beginning, but she eventually starts to question the TVA’s motivations.

Queen Latifah emerged as a great acting talent thanks to movies like Set It Off and Chicago, where she played characters who are authoritative yet sympathetic at the same time. Latifah’s tough but tender persona is a perfect fit for Hunter B-15, who has to balance her role as the TVA’s most loyal officer with her gradual realization that everything around her is a lie.

5 Ravonna Renslayer: Halle Berry

RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

While the TVA is overseen by the mysterious Time Keepers, Ravonna Renslayer is the one in charge of running the organization on a day-to-day basis. She is a no-nonsense bureaucrat who takes her job very seriously and does everything in her power to ensure things run smoothly.

Halle Berry was still building her career in the 1990s but was very memorable in some standout roles like Boomerang and Bulworth. She was always able to bring a sense of authority and strength to those earlier roles that made her so captivating.

4 Mobius: Eddie Murphy

RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

Owen Wilson is one of the most entertaining and unexpected additions to the MCU and steals many scenes as Mobius. The interactions between Mobius and Loki feel like a buddy-cop movie with Wilson bringing a world-weariness to the role mixed with a childlike sense of optimism.

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Eddie Murphy is another actor known for comedic roles but he was starting to explore different roles in the 1990s with critically-acclaimed performances in The Nutty Professor and Bowfinger. In addition, Murphy is no stranger to playing men of authority, with the Beverly Hills Cop franchise showcasing his skills as a sarcastic law enforcer, so he would be a perfect fit as Mobius.

3 Sylvie: Helena Bonham Carter

RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

Although she first appears as the show’s mysterious antagonist, Sylvie eventually becomes as important to the story as Loki. As played by Sophia Di Martino, Sylvie is a complex character who can be funny, scary, inspiring, and heartbreaking at the same time.

Though she was still a young up-and-coming actor in the 90s, Helena Bonham Carter had already shown that kind of diverse range in her performances during this period. She could play sad and contemplative parts in period movies like Howards End while also successfully acting in darkly comedic roles like Marla in Fight Club.

2 He Who Remains: Samuel L. Jackson

RetroCast If Loki Were Made In The 90s

After some of the big theories about WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier didn’t pan out, Loki actually delivered a game-changing cameo for the MCU in the finale. Jonathan Majors appeared in the season’s last episode as He Who Remains, a character who promises to dramatically influence the future of the MCU.

Majors really stood out in his small appearance by bringing playfulness and a sense of fun to the role without going over the top. Before he was Nick Fury, Samuel L. Jackson was one of the most interesting actors of the 1990s with critically acclaimed roles in Jungle Fever and Pulp Fiction. Jackson is known for showcasing a fun yet disturbing energy, which is a perfect combination for He Who Remains.

1 Loki: Daniel Day-Lewis

Though he has played Loki for more than a decade now, Tom Hiddleston gets the chance to really shine in the role with this series. He explores new aspects of the character, gets to play different facets of his personality, and shows a lot of vulnerability.

It’s hard to imagine Daniel Day-Lewis stepping into a comic book movie, but he would be great in the role of Loki. His incredible career shows the kind of range to handle Loki’s complex layers while also making him an entertaining character to watch. If Day-Lewis can master the grotesque Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood and the beatific Abraham Lincoln in Lincoln, he can surely assume the role of Marvel’s master of manipulation.

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