New Venom Will Face King in Blacks Forgotten Villain

New Venom Will Face King in Black’s Forgotten Villain

Marvel’s Free Comic Book Day offering teases the future Venom series, which includes Dylan Brock taking on the King in Black’s servant Big Mother.

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New Venom Will Face King in Blacks Forgotten Villain

Minor spoilers for Free Comic Book Day 2021: Spider-Man and Venom.

Teased amidst several upcoming Marvel titles, a telling montage of images in the Free Comic Book Day 2021: Spider-Man and Venom story hints at the future of the ongoing Venom series that ties back to the King in Black storyline. Along with the new creative team, Venom will be up against an under-utilized villain known as Big Mother. This is just one of many ominous snapshots shared at the end of the FCBD preview.

The Free Comic Book Day 2021: Spider-Man and Venom comic includes previews of three Marvel stories. In addition to the Venom preview, this issue takes a look at the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man #75, which has a new creative team and a new Spider-Man. The final preview is of a story featuring the likes of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Kingpin. There was also a Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk comic available teasing previews of those heavy hitters’ future storylines. But one of the most intriguing developments is seen in the teasers presented at the end of the Venom preview titled “Like Father, Like Son.”

The Venom preview in Free Comic Book Day 2021: Spider-Man and Venom ends with six images surrounded by ominous text that hints at the future of the series. One of the images above the line “There is no escape for any of you” appears to show Dylan Brock, Eddie’s son, who has become the new Venom, facing off against Big Mother. It was rather odd that she never showed up to play a big part during the entire King in Black event since she received a whole page in the King in Black Handbook as seen below. Her strength in dragon-like form is nearly off the charts according to the handbook. Previously thought to be dead (although not likely permanent) and her body taken by the FBI, Big Mother is apparently alive and ready to jump into the conflict.

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New Venom Will Face King in Blacks Forgotten Villain

Big Mother is a weapon of great destruction who served Knull, a god of darkness and the main antagonist in the King in Black event. Her most recent appearance was in Scream: Curse of Carnage, but this didn’t answer any of the pressing questions fans still have about the character. Namely, what is her relationship to Hell teased in the handbook? The new Venom series is kicking off with a creative team that consists of writers Al Ewing (Guardians of the Galaxy, The Immortal Hulk) and Ram V (Catwoman, Swamp Thing) along with artist Bryan Hitch (Justice League, The Authority), who will hopefully explore more about Big Mother’s background.

The first issue of the upcoming Venom series will debut in comic book stores on October 13, 2021. It remains to be seen when the King in Black’s servant Big Mother and the other catastrophes hinted at in the montage at the end of Free Comic Book Day 2021: Spider-Man and Venom will make their appearances. The preview also promises to show more of Dylan’s struggles as he handles his life with the symbiote. So, there is plenty of material for the writers to tackle and the artists to terrify readers with.

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