RDR2 Fan Montage Turns All The Ways You Can Die Into A Music Video

RDR2 Fan Montage Turns All The Ways You Can Die Into A Music Video

A fan-made Red Dead Redemption 2 montage, set to Frank Sinatra’s “That’s Life,” shows off both the Wild West simulator’s beauty and brutality.

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RDR2 Fan Montage Turns All The Ways You Can Die Into A Music Video

An expertly-edited Red Dead Redemption 2 montage shows off all of the insane and brutal antics that players can get into in Rockstar Games’ Wild West simulator. The open-world 2018 title takes players to the lawless world of the American Frontier and casts them as regretful outlaw Arthur Morgan. Red Dead Redemption 2 combined a truly immersive open-world experience with an emotionally resonant narrative, Red Dead Redemption 2 managed to become an instant classic that is still celebrated today.

Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2 acts as a prequel to the original 2010 title, fleshing out the backstory of several characters while also introducing entirely new ones. The first Red Dead Redemption saw players inhabit the spurred boots of cowboy John Marston, but RDR2 features Marston’s former gangmate, Arthur Morgan, as the playable protagonist. Through Morgan players form a relationship with the gang, and its charismatic leader Dutch Van Der Lindt, which creates an emotional narrative when the group inevitably falls apart. Arthur’s struggle with his own morality is also a focus, with many Red Dead Redemption 2 players feeling genuinely ashamed for their in-game actions and how they reflect back on Arthur.

To celebrate the more humorous and outright bonkers aspects of Red Dead Redemption 2, Reddit user SidScam10 has assembled an amazing montage of in-game footage. The video, set to the Frank Sinatra song “That’s Life,” opens up with Arthur walking into a cabin to be immediately mauled by a bear. Interspersed with scenes of the character drinking heavily in a bar, the montage cuts between a wide variety of experiences that players can expect from RDR2. Crashing a horse into a tree, strolling through a field of flowers, being eaten by a crocodile, mowing down government agents, and riding in a hot air balloon are just a few examples of what Rockstar Games’ Wild West epic has to offer.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 had a massive impact on many gamers, which has led to a number of artistic tributes since the title’s launch. SidScam10’s musical montage shows off the beauty and brutality of the cowboy title, while an amazing piece of Arthur Morgan pencil art shows off the protagonist’s violent tendencies. While many gamers will remember Arthur for his good qualities and final redemption, the somber pencil art serves as a reminder that the character is a hardened killer and can be an extremely ruthless outlaw depending on choices made by the player in RDR2.

The massive and highly-detailed open world of Red Dead Redemption 2 creates a huge variety of different experiences for players to discover. The game can be quite peaceful, with players able to spend hours fishing or picking flowers, but horrific violence is never far away. SidScam10’s hilarious montage video illustrates this quality perfectly, paying tribute to every aspect of Rockstar Games’ iconic Wild West prequel.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/red-dead-redemption-2-rdr2-arthur-morgan-montage-deaths/

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