MCU Theory Zemo Kept Serum To Make His Own Super Soldiers

MCU Theory: Zemo Kept Serum To Make His Own Super Soldiers


The trailer for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier suggests Baron Zemo is back – he had Super Soldier Serum, and now Flag-Smasher has super strength.

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The first episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has revealed an apparent villain of the series in the form of Flag-Smasher, a masked figure with powers reminiscent of a super soldier, leading to the theory that Zemo may have retained some of the super-soldier serum. Zemo, the villain of Captain America: Civil War, acquired a recreation of the super-soldier serum through Hydra, who used the Winter Soldier to steal the formula from Howard Stark and to murder the industrialist. While Zemo hadn’t used the serum at the time of Civil War, the unusual strength shown by Flag-Smasher suggests that he now may have done so.

Whether Zemo gave Flag-Smasher the serum directly or not, Baron Zemo’s MCU story seems to tie directly to the Flag-Smasher in this new series. While he was imprisoned at the end of Civil War, Zemo’s fate during the Blip has not yet been specified – and his ideals beyond the destruction of the Avengers are unclear. With his opposition to Captain America, the idea of a group designed for anti-nationalism could be a statement of opposition to the idea of there being any sort of Captain America. Building a superhero with anti-nationalistic ideals would be very much in keeping with Zemo’s style.

As the Marvel films move into Phase 4, the abilities of the Avengers are becoming more and more widely spread throughout the world. The upcoming Armor Wars series will explore the proliferation of Iron Man’s technology, and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier appears to be doing the same with Captain America’s legacy. While the new Captain America’s powers haven’t yet been demonstrated, it has at least been suggested that he has the abilities and resilience to do some of what Captain America did – and the U.S. Government has been pursuing super-soldier technology since the 1940s. It may very well be that super soldiers are not as rare as they once were.

Falcon & The Winter Soldier Suggests There Are More Super Soldiers

Between Flag-Smasher’s apparent strength, speed, and resilience, the new Captain America, and the return of Bucky Barnes with his enhanced abilities as the Winter Soldier, the idea of the ‘super soldier’ is clearly proliferating in the MCU. In addition to being a long-term goal of a number of villainous groups in the MCU, the creation of super soldiers effectively draws a line in the sand – forcing collaboration and co-operation between heroes, to keep up. Just as it did in the 1940s, the creation of a villainous super-soldier will likely spark an arms race – one that Steve Rogers’ Captain America replacement might not be able to handle on his own.

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While the new Captain America hasn’t yet shown any enhanced abilities beyond acting as a symbol, the Flag-Smasher seems to be a singular individual and a leader themselves for the flash mob of ‘Flag Smashers’ that appeared as cover for an apparent theft. Given that Erskine’s serum was supposed to enhance the personal properties of the individual to whom it was administered, it could be that the creation of a new generation of super soldiers is being slowed. Candidates who are not ideologically suited to the kind of enhancement that Steve Rogers got would have to be indoctrinated – it was implied that the Red Skull’s failed transformation was as much an aspect of his personality as a flaw in the formula.

How The Flag Smashers Got Super Serum

Hyda laid hands on a test dosage of serum in the 1990s, although how the super-soldier serum works might not have been fully understood by them at the time. In the scene in which the Winter Soldier killed Howard and Maria Stark, he was seen to remove a briefcase from the car – this was a recreation of the original serum that had taken decades to perfect. Presumably, since Stark had been known to keep backups of his work (whereas the notes for the original Erskine formula were destroyed in the fire that consumed his laboratory), the U.S. government would have at least had somewhere to start from.

This means that there are at least two potential sources for the super-soldier serum that could create new super soldiers in the post-Blip world. While it may have taken a genius like Erskine or Stark to create the formula from first principles, having a sample or the relevant research notes could provide a leg up. Although the serum transformed Captain America and the Red Skull differently, it is conceivable that advances in technology could have further perfected the differences, or made the serum less psycho-reactive. Thus, with Flag-Smasher’s origins unknown, it is possible that they were empowered by either Hydra’s stolen formula or the U.S. government itself.

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Zemo’s Escape Could Be Linked To The Flag Smashers

With Zemo poised to return in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier per the teaser trailer for the series, it seems likely that he will have some kind of direct connection to the Flag Smashers. It is possible that his knowledge of the Winter Soldier and antipathy toward the Avengers will lead to the Flag Smashers seeking to release Zemo. Equally likely, he managed to effect an escape during the chaos following the Snap or the Blip, and was a part of the creation of the anti-nationalist group. In Civil War, Zemo had a code-book of trigger words to control the Winter Soldier, and it’s very possible that the Flag Smashers would want to use this knowledge.

If Zemo is freed by the Flag Smashers, then they would have to have knowledge of Zemo’s own involvement with the events of Civil War beyond that of most uninvolved parties at the time. Since Zemo’s escape does seem to be connected to the Flag Smashers, it would make sense that they may be based around a high-ranking governmental official who may have grown disillusioned during the Blip, much like Director Hayward from WandaVision. Alternately, if Zemo himself is a core strategist for the Flag Smashers, and he managed to free himself, he may have become a self-stylized vigilante antihero due to the world changes; tearing down national borders using the same playbook that tore down the Avengers.

Whatever the origin or causes, it seems clear that the background level of superpowered individuals – and super soldiers in particular – is rising. Given Helmut Zemo’s direct connections to Hydra and the super-soldier serum heist from Civil War, he seems like an intuitive source for this change to progress. What this will mean for the MCU in general will depend on whether the U.S. government’s serum is similar in quality – or if they themselves released Zemo in order to get their hands on his supply. Although a very different sort of mystery, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier promises both action and intrigue as this mystery unfolds.

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